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RE: Five minute free write - palimpsest

in #life6 years ago

Deep thoughts you wrote down. I thought it was interesting how you said "Social media shows us everything, and nothing" It's true. As always.. I absolutely love your writing, great post.

I was wondering if you had any tips on being a better writer.. do you have like a certain guideline? Am I just lacking the talent for it? Lol.

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for reading :) It means a lot!

How to be a better writer...that's a simple yet highly complex question with no right answer. And no wrong one, lol. I've been writing for about a decade, starting way back when I did a little blogging while living in Japan. I think it was just continually putting words together on a bunch of different topics in a bunch of different ways until they felt like mine. Like, in many ways I couldn't' see writing what I wrote any other way. I was lucky to have a lot of experiences that broadened my horizons and opportunities that made me sharpen how I wrote. Specific feedback I got from my business partner when I wrote for a print magazine really helped.

So, put together lots and lots of words. Find people who will give you good constructive critical feedback. And just keep on trying :)

Thank you a hundred times for your advice and taking the time to write this comment. I will try to do just that. Just like you have your own way of writing and making people feel things, I want to be able to do that. Well, if you ever notice something I really need to work on, feel free to be brutally honest with me. Hahah.
Again thanks so much. See you around my friend! :)

Hehe, I'll be constructively honest. No point in making people feel bad. :) Are you a member of Steemusa, The Alliance, SteemitBC? Or is there a channel you'd recommend I'd join that has a good community? Be better to give writing advice via msg vs broadcasting it :)

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