How Do YOU keep your BALANCE after One Week on STEEMIT and Not Falling off the RAZOR's EDGE?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The moment I saw this incredibly fascinating photo with so much captivating and deep beauty, it provoked me to reflect what is important and how did I get here, to a new platform everybody is raving about.

STEEMIT community became my newest inspiration to keep on walking and riding the razor's edge with fearless HOPE and FAITH. My life was full of danger and opportunities. We should not worry to fall or fail but always keep an eye on the powerful universe. One helping hand at the right time will get you back up when you slip off but if we are in balance, it will help us in all our interactions .

Nowness is the sense that we are attuned to what is happening. The past is fiction and the future is a dream, and we are just living on the edge of a razor blade. It is extraordinarily sharp, extraordinarily tentative and quivering. We try to establish ground, but the ground is not solid enough because it is too sharp. We are quivering between that and this. (Orderly Chaos, Chapter 2, The Razor’s Edge )

Photo credit goes to


It took some time to find the right path of forgiveness, forgetting all the unnecessary worries, I began searching for more beaches, mountains and even city streets I did not yet explore, catching breathtaking orange, red & blue sunsets, looking out for pirates, gypsies and muses . I was breathing the touch of freedom as much as I could , with or without “money”- (that word of discomfort chasing me daily) but I always saw the sun rising again.

“I overcame myself, the sufferer; I carried my own ashes to the mountains; I invented a brighter flame for myself. And behold, then this ghost fled from me.” ~Nietzsche

Those past days had nothing to do with the pleasure of nature and sipping coconuts on my dream island, instead I was drowning in a pool of virtual "Niskala". I became addicted!

In Bali, what you see—sekala—is a colorful world of ceremony, ritual, dance, and drama. What you don't see what is occult—niskala—is the doctrine underlying the pageants, the code underlying the rites, and the magic underlying the dance.


I signed up for pretty much all-popular available online sites, got quickly bored with most of them. When Snapchat came out, I went on strike! Usually, I am jumping on everything what’s new without questioning much, just keeping in mind what promotional value the experience might have, mostly for my work.


The idea of earning some real cash for liking interesting content got me hooked quickly and took me away from my familiar Facebook faces. @rok-sivante and his stellar stories finally convinced me to join, I registered and let me tell you, his success and recently @stellabelle #secretwriter project kept me opening this website at least 20-30 times per day. The first week, I completely got lost, leaving my comfort zone of simplicity, exchanging it to a love & hate relationship with my iPhone and computer. I was overwhelmed, a total mess, had no daily routine anymore, my sleeping pattern disturbed, subjects I have never heard before made my mind dizzy. I am not tech savvy at all , more the #oldschoolgirl but was craving to educate myself, reading more and more about a for me, totally new “crypto-currency” world. The nearby local market with fresh fruits and veggies was not exciting at all anymore. I did not eat much but at least I am thankful that I lost 2kg in these sleepless days without torturing myself in a gym, where I would never lose more than 1 gram in such time frame.

I wish :)


I reached the point when my instincts kicked in telling me to "disconnect", my tired eyes asking for a long and massive rest from browsing endless hours, to get new reading glasses and a home cooked meal. How can you let go commenting and up-voting great content when you earn Steem$$$ everyday? Oh my Gosh, my virtual wallet kept on filling up little by little.I was so happy to see that I even earned #steempower, ”whatever this means”, I said, it's always good to have a little power but slowly I started understanding, I became a part of a growing company, learning about blockchain technology. I felt responsible to take my involvement very serious but what value could I bring in ? This was IT >>>>

I have to admit that I was a bit envious of the so called #steemit-superstars and how easy it seemed for them to address and express their causes but I am so thankful for my “259” in value so far.

Anyways, suddenly I got tired, sidetracked and my motivation vanished, not feeling comfortable to expose my privacy in taking a mandatory selfie, which I never did and never will. It was simply too much to digest in such short time.

I was insecure, started comparing my writing skills with other successful, skilled authors, something you should never do. I observed in silence but was so itchy.

Thanks for this inspiring and helpful quote @quantumpreneur

Strange forces were messing with me?! I had a few ideas about this topic #motherhood, a tag I started with my #introduceyourself story, then I tried to open the steemit template and BANG! I crashed big time! Finito! TIMEOUT! I finally got my break I wished for .


Have you ever experienced a coincidence you can not explain? Was it a coincidence that I met a very special person one year ago, a new friend raving about #steemit or maybe it was just bad luck that my laptop finally died after 6 years?

I don’t think so! Meeting a group of little nutty, really interesting folks was not a coincidence either!

I remembered this book I read many years ago : The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

“I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence. No one is here by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are in our lives for some reason.”

2 times I planned to take poetry courses but I failed.

“Have you ever had a hunch or intuition concerning something you wanted to do? - A course you wanted to take in your life and wondered how it might happen? And then, after you had half forgotten about it and focused on other things, you suddenly met someone or read something or went somewhere that led to the very opportunity you envisioned?
These coincidences are happening more and more frequently and…when they do, they strike us as beyond what would be expected by pure chance. They feel destined, as though some unexplained force had guided our lives. The experience induces a feeling of mystery and excitement and, as a result, we feel more alive.”


When my daughter left Bali to live far away from home, I did not feel alive at all. I miss her so much that sometimes it hurts but found more peace for myself, reflecting on my own dreams I kind of forgot.

I decided to stop a very socially active and sometimes bit crazy lifestyle due to my work as an event promoter and artist manager. I burnt out ! Badly ! The music business can be immensely draining but in those past 35 years of industry madness, I have learnt to just stop as soon as you get this feeling to scream at every person you meet. I survived this industry that long because I always knew how to balance and breath again to come back with even more strength.


DO WE GIVE TOO MUCH FOR TOO LONG ? There is only one answer when such questions start running around your overcharged mind , TRY TO DO SOMETHING ELSE ! So, instead of chasing the best upcoming club events, Dj festivals, gallery openings and dinner parties, I chose to change, nothing “exciting” some might think but no more adrenaline rushes nor hangovers might work. I planted flowers and papaya trees in my garden, started watching movies I collected but never found time to enjoy them, read more books as usual and get my daily dose of cuddles from 6 kitties ,those moments priceless if you love animals as much as I do. I was finally sleeping enough or getting up for an early sunrise instead of darkening my room after a long night out and oh, how much I love my rides around the island with my “Babe” (best voice ever) .

Yes , Life can be that simple. YOUR CHOICE !

Sometimes you need to and PATIENT


I am daydreaming of becoming a writer, a storyteller. I admire so many great authors. I might never be like Anais Nin, Sylvia Plath nor Frida Kahlo, that’s OK but aren't we all unique in our own ways?


There is a basic human wisdom that can help solve the world’s problems. It doesn’t belong to any one culture or region or religious tradition—though it can be found in many of them throughout history. It’s what Chögyam Trungpa called the sacred path of the warrior. The sacred warrior conquers the world not through violence or aggression but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. The warrior discovers the basic goodness of human life and radiates that goodness out into the world

Breath in, Relax your Mind - Breath out and Smile - Buddha’s have more FUN.

FUN is what I am here for and will stay to collect some $$$


Mammasitta on Steemit

This is my song I share Today :

Pig Dan Mamasita ( Techno , produced in my Bali House )


This is realy something I needed to hear. Steemit some times is strange land with much contradictory things. I always think that my philosophy must be to post only the most valuable things, and let it be. Let me tell you that knowing your efforts is motivating!! A big Hug and good vibes from one year ago!!!
PS I wish I knew steemit back then!! Let me go one year ahead!!

Body & Soul 🍷

Do you think I am too much fluff lol

Very good vibe mummy xD

It turned out a bit too long but just felt like 😜🙌🌸 thank you for reading and upvoting I love my #steemitcolab slackers !

I need some of this red wine now :)

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 10.5 and reading ease of 59%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.

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