BaliOHBali - ISLAND FEVER, WATERFALLS , climbing A VOLCANO , embracing a NEW MIND SET & my Gypsysoul !

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

MOUNT AGUNG January 1st , 2016


Oh well , let me tell my story , why I decided to leave the so called paradise a while ago and then changed my mind again . OMG , you might say , as many of my close friends . Why  the hell would you leave such heaven ? There are many reasons but I tell you the more positive side what actually changed such thought to another one : 

"I gonna leave Bali but will always come back . 6 months travel and 6 months working holidays  ! " My frustration left my ,sometimes depressed mind . I felt prickling motivation and wow , I saw the beauty once again around me and not burning plastic fumes nor garbage on our beaches . I smiled at people because I noticed theirs . I changed my mind set ! That's the point . Negativity is just an illusion and its up to you to switch off the bad stuff to focus on the good ! Its that simple to understand after a mind blowing Ayahuasca ceremony teaching you who you are .I wanted to reach the top of any mountain without fears nor doubts ! Life is a rollercoaster we ride or a rafting trip on the Ubud river . Fear has no value ! I would not advice to anybody to experiment with our natures " grandmother " of all medicines . For me , it worked ! Finally I had the perfect solution I always dreamed about since my 20's. 

I asked myself this question on repeat like I usually do with good tracks I find on soundcloud. Should I really leave my comfort-zone and feed my craving urge to get the hell out . Why would I leave a lifestyle anybody could wish for . Bang , I had my future plan and no thought of stopping me to loose everything if I do just both . Go and come back and go again but how can I make this happen to secure my income as well .I found ways the moment I got that plan played out in my head . I manifested and it worked . 

I knew what was important for me and what I am working for my whole life : Freedom and that view down from a volcano showed me the infinity of our universe . We do not have to set limits how we want to live the only life we have . 

I tried to be a good responsible parent , caring friend  successful agent , manager for artists , tried to be a good woman , compassionate animal lover , even Rotarian helping the ones in need, I was la Mammasitta for everything I thought needs me until I realized it was "ME who needed ME" the most ! Finally I would have quality time for myself finding the artist I might have lost long time ago when my German teacher criticized me that my essays were long and way too emotional . This stuffed up Austrian "cow" blocked my urge of writing for all those years , I did not even enjoy meeting my diary. I started writing in my journals when I was high or in love and pain , my secrets but I would never dare to write for the public . 

The new adventure was set to go !

My daughter was ready to chase her own dreams and does not show much interest in me since she got her first boyfriend . First I was so disappointed , she let me down as a mother I thought but then I realized its her right to live without me to find her own happiness . 

My Un-Happiness changed into excitement of the thought I would leave which I did for  2 trips to Europe for over 5 months in total and it was mind-blowing to connect with old friends I haven't seen for over 25 years except on facebook . 

I will for sure write about those trips later , especially of my January 1st night at the famous DC 10 party at Circoloco in Ibiza where I danced for 12 hours through . Richie Hawtin played 4 hours and my dear friend Techno master , Steve Rachmad ended the long , very long night . Ha , Back to party but this time for my own fun ! 


Richie Hawtin on decks ! Always wanted to see him play !

Don't we all want to leave the place we call home once in a while to explore other countries to learn about different cultures , meet new people because the same old faces on a small island (in my case ) start annoying you . I live here , work and also have to deal with my daily routine most of the time , meaning I cannot act like a happy holiday tourist every day .The life here is not as easy as you might think when you come to visit . OK , I can leave my house in flip flops , no make up and look like shit , hahaa .....nobody cares here anyways ....but in the West you need to keep your looks and image so much more . That's the Luxury I appreciate most ,  living in Bali and all those massages in-between office days , business meetings in fancy hotels or dinner next to the ocean in Sanur , paying 5 USD for one meal , heavenly meal with mahi mahi and bintang beers and the company of the sound of the ocean and all this just 5-10 minutes away from your house . 

It is heaven indeed until you need a visa again :( 


Every time we needed to renew these documents and this process is one of the most annoying things since 1999 , it will bring the worse out of you , experiencing the most annoying visits to immigration offices all over the world but mostly to the famous visa run to Singapore , hundreds of embassy visits while you rather enjoy the new country , city and it's beauty . It brings out anger, rage due to stress for everybody in the family . My daughter used to hate those trips but I kept it as fun as possible rewarding her with visits to Disneylands , waterparks and cool cinemas ( back in the mid 2000 we did not have modern ones here on the island  , only one little shitty one in Denpasar) Visiting a modern , comfortable Singaporean movie theater was a always treat with our popcorn's in the hand , watching the latest films like we used to do in New York . 

Island Fever overcomes us expats at least once every 6 month , sometimes shorter or if lucky it happens only once a year . 

You MUST get up , go and do something else !

I conquered THAT FEVER  & Don't ever forget to ROCK YOUR #gypsysoul as well 



Little bit more about me ( introduce-yourself ) or FOLLOW ME 


My first #babysteps on @steemit ....I am laughing right now!
So many mistakes but oh well. Fun days those first ones on this platform.

upvoted for visibility :)

I these vintage photographs you post. It's so nice to see. Reminds me on an era where we took, printed and made albums. The story itself was such a joy to read! I enjoy writings from the heart. This one was undoubtedly that! Beautiful and I hope a whale sees this soon! :D

I am trying since 10 min to post a reply on your gorgeous photo you posted today but the site always disconnects on my phone :( I really like your simplicity and of course India . Oh well those whales , no idea what they actually do . I just keep on writing :) and enjoying the moment of it .

Site issues probably. :)

a big part of my text just vanished .....this is all very strange . does this mean my account might be hacked
who is deleting text I wonder and photos

Looking forward to learn more of your gypsy soul on your next post. :-)

That's so sweet of you to show some interest @andyjim ! I am gypsy from top to toe and even blood :)

I forgot to add a picture of circoloco party . total madness at DC10 Ibizaaaa

Very nice article. I love Richie Hawtins sound too :-)

shitty quality sound but I was there and it was madness @lichtblick

Love it.

"Finally I would have quality time for myself finding the artist I might have lost long time ago when my German teacher criticized me that my essays were long and way too emotional . This stuffed up Austrian "cow" blocked my urge of writing for all those years , I did not even enjoy meeting my diary. I started writing in my journals when I was high or in love and pain , my secrets but I would never dare to write for the public . :

It's really cool reading your writing on here. I can sense that artist coming out. The teacher's feedback, I can see - but it's that emotion that makes your perspectives amazing & inspirational, and its the depth to which you allow yourself to go into & express the experiences that makes for something magical when reading it.

some skill development to go through with basic grammar, paragraph spacing/separation - breaking down into smaller chunks to create for easier readibility and smoother flow - but the content is gold.

so happy to see you bursting with excitement and letting your voice loose... :-)

You consistently have interesting posts, mammasitta. Thank you.

I do appreciate your kind feedback @rockymtnbarkeep I kind of feel like writing to myself though 😜 and guess what, it feels liberating 🤒

so , great , I just saw that a part of my story , the text at the beginning just gone .....NOT COOL !!!!!
What is this all about please can somebody tell me why

I started this tag #baliohbali on Instagram a while ago because there are always 2 sides of a coin ! Heaven can also turn into hell or the other way around . Every time I look at some of my photos , I do remember the most incredible years living on this island , I do not regret that I left New York's rat-race , a western lifestyle but I miss to visit more often .

You might wonder what does #islandfever have to do with a jump into a waterfall or climbing a volcano on New Years Day , instead of partying in a club until 6 am as I usually would do. New Years Eve means work every year , handling some DJ-bookings ( #massivevibrations blog ) , resulting in a massive hang over , pumped up with too much substance my body doesn't go well with .

I climbed , for me a very scary mountain instead and I was in tears wanting to give up a million of times but too ashamed to admit , so I walked on and oh yeah! , I DID IT! I was screaming out into the blue morning sunrise sky welcoming me . That's a huge effort for a quite lazy not sporty "old Girl" , what euphoric feeling to greet the monkey's at sunset for breakfast . Just look at the pictures below and for sure you want to jump into this immense shower of clear , cold water and all this for your 57th birthday !

This photo was taken on September 20,2015 , my birthday with my little Austrian sisters who came to visit . Hidden Waterfall @ Tegenungan

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