in #motivation8 years ago (edited)


7am: I cried and didn't even feel to sip on my healthy morning coconut nor get out of bed.
That's a very alarming sign because I love my daily coconut water and know very well about the importance of nurturing my 57 years “young” body. The near by local market filled with veggies and fruits, a Balinese morning heaven.
8am: I already had smoked half a pack of camels, 3 coffees...
9am: I turned of my smartest-ass iPhone and disconnected
10am: I finally took a shower
11am: I started writing and this is a big brake through because my confidence is down the ground due to my lack of vocabulary in English. I am from Vienna, Austria and German my mothers language I do not speak much.

Booking DJ's & quality music is the most unrewarding profession in recent times.
It became such a drag to handle managers who ask horrific high fees for shitty music, labeled as EDM on one side and sometimes just wannabe promoters or venue bookers in their 20's on the other, who are asking "Are you sure this is a good DJ you offer " - Hell yeah, I work in this business of "SOUND" over 35 years and damn do I know what good music sounds like!
So, yesterday I had 3 cancellations after negotiations since weeks. I once again worked my butt off for nothing.
Many times I thought about giving up what was once my passion for 25 hours per day, enjoy working for REAL talented artists to get them on stage, sucking in every minute watching from behind, a place I love the most: " Backstage " since my tour manger’s days in the 80-90’s

I am here to represent "IDM”, intelligent music first of all but also have to secure an income. So, what to do other than finding a way to compromise with my inner demons, telling me that I have to book some " CRAP " to make enough money or should I just struggle on to bring under-ground to an over-ground level in SE-Asia getting paid as well. I am honest,….I do both!

I promoted a zillion of events, good and bad ones but I did not care about losses because the adrenaline of joy and fun and the short-term reward of the awesome ones keep you going.

PURE HAPPINESS when I hear good Music :

I always post some daily light stuff on Facebook: "Keep on Dancing & smiling, make your splits and blow some bubblegum bubbles with your sisters!


"Summer Rain Water kissing my skin and touching my soul "

Stay Positive and spread the GOOD VIBES only, Mammasitta !
I even have a blog on Facebook with over 1500 people, I don't know at all, personally.
I try to motivate awesome, or wannabe cool women and girls out there, let men know what we think and how we would NOT like to be treated. Haaaa ! I have No idea who really reads it anyways. It’s fun to provoke a little with cutting edge articles I find, throwing in a bit of humor in-between.

Back to the Point I try to make before I loose myself in some blah blah again.

GIVING UP IS NOT A SOLUTION! It is only a temporary Illusion!

I figured out a trick how to shift bad days into good ones.

**FOCUS on something else! **

I decided to take a brake from making money with music, onARTBali , it is for me today , another new found passion the moment I put foot into 75 year old Balinese Icon , Pak Wayan’s galleries 12 years ago . I couldn't take my eyes off his collection for days, weeks and months to come. He found over 6000 stunning artifacts telling so many stories I became hungry to know about more. I got “lost in translation” once again, spent time to photograph 1% and created a first booklet with my own funds because my attempt to get some support failed on GOFUNDME.

50 years of his entire life he spend traveling in every corner of such gorgeous country, Indonesia, so rich on culture. I was hooked, curious and I am sure you will be as well as soon as I start posting about the book project documenting his finds!

www.onartbali.com my self-made, a bit unprofessional attempt to create a website.

In all those past 16 years I live in Bali, Indonesia, I never stopped to be amazed what you experience on the magic islands roads. ART & Beauty wherever you go, in all forms!
Yes, nearly everybody is an artist creating the most wonderful bamboo and wood furniture’s, so many lovely handicraft creations of animals, dragons or simply look at all the incredibly offerings Balinese women craft every day with all their devotion to say Matur suksama “, "Janangs" (still don't know to write in Balinese) are the uncountable symbols of saying THANK YOU to the God(s). Gratitude to be alive and have a full plate of rice on the table for their families!
A million of sweet terracotta Buddha’s are smiling at you, Gods & Goddesses wherever you look in form of stone, paintings and woodcarvings.

Bali is worth a visit at least once in your lifetime!

You pass by temples or community hall and can listen to the cheerful boys for practicing their next Gamelan performances or see incredibly cute and pretty girls from the villages, dancing with rolling their eyes.

In Bali, Everybody is an Artist!

All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there all around us at any given moment!

That's all I tried to say and I also will write about the other side of the coin because every paradise has another side and can also turn into hell, sometimes.

My favorite lotus flower (I have many in my garden as a reminder) turns into the most beautiful flower out of MUD!

**To stay motivated is up to YOU!
NOBODY else can help YOU …..BUT YOURSELF! **


"smartest-ass iPhone..." lol

persistence pays. :-)

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