1 Month of the Wim Hof Method (and 1 Month Taking a Break)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I did the Wim Hof breathing method almost every day in January. I then took a trip to Florida for work and vacation for about two weeks and ended up taking that time off. When I got back, I decided I enjoyed sleeping in and not being on a tight routine, so I continued taking time off. Today, I'm getting back into it.

Previous Wim Hof posts:
Wim Hof: The Intersection of Miracle and Science?
Day 6 Update: The Wim Hof Method

For more on what that feels like and some thoughts on the value of autonomy, diligence, and the costs of the freedom we enjoy, here's my video update recording this morning after completing today's exercise.

I hope to do more video updates in the future talking about all kinds of things from Steemit to Voluntaryism to whatever's interesting to me at the time.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.


I just started reading up on this a few weeks ago. I got the book by Scott Carny, what doesn't kill us. So far it's a great book. I like things that unleash the raw human potential. Things that our ancestors were fully capable of doing amaze me.
I started breathing more throughout the day especially during workouts. I try and do the breathing exercises when ever I can. The coolest part is I started turning down the heater in my truck and wearing less warm clothing. I hate the cold and would always fight it if I could. After a week I was turning on the cold air in the truck and some days driving with the windows down just to cool off. Winter, for me, is around 0-20 deg. on a warm day. For the cold shower I would slowly turn it to cold at the end of the shower. One day I found myself standing in the cold and no need to turn it off. I was laughing, it felt that good. I even tried running in just shorts in -10. I felt alive. But then I guess that was what got us this far in the world. I feel like I am committed to the Win Hof method 30-40%. I could definitely do more and feel even better.

Very cool! (literally)

I wonder how consistently it needs to be done to get the benefits.

wim hof is about 3 things. 1. breathing "its free" 2. cold 3. commitment. Keep it up.

Thanks. :)

I wonder though, what are the practical, long-term benefits of commitment to his method? How long is long term? 2 years? 10? I'm not really sure.

Interesting stuff... I had a kundalini yoga teacher that taught some very similar breathing, immediately upon waking.., and the cold showers, too!

Yeah, I think he borrowed some of these ideas from various yogis and monks. Very interesting stuff.

Very interesting post. I can't manage the time involved to do this program but I have terrible sinus problems at certain times of the year and I am able to manage the problem with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water once a day which has been a life saver for me. Maybe that will be helpful.

Huh, I haven't heard of that before. My middle daughter currently has musculum on her skin and the dermatologist recommended apple cider vinegar applied directly to the skin. So far, it seems to be helping quite a bit. From what little I understand, it just triggers the body to do it's thing. I love that.

Yeah, apple cider vinegar has several practical uses. I do acv, a squueze of lemon and raw honey in hot water when I'm feeling run down and it helps alot.

For some more scientific based explanation of how Wim Hof's breathing and cold meditation methods work, you may enjoy checking out a blog/podcast by a neurosurgeon named Jack Kruse.

He gets very detailed and in depth about the physiology involved with cold and why it's good for humans. He can be hard to read since I personally don't have the biology background needed to understand all of his terms and explanations, but in his podcasts he usually presents his information in ways a person of normal scientific literacy can understand.

Thanks for the piece on a very interesting subject!

Thanks for the recommendation! I've dug into the science stuff of it quite a bit, but I'm also quite ignorant of the biology involved to really understand it. I had an interesting conversation with someone who's medical speciality is the lungs and they got all excited about it, using big words I didn't understand.

Cool video! I did breathing technique for a couple of months and I stopped around a month or two from now. I'll be trying to get back on this schedule too.

I really enjoyed your video. Thank you!

Thanks! Curious why you stopped and what would be the benefits of starting up again, in your opinion?

I'm not sure one thing in particular made me stopped. It's a combination of events. I restarted running everyday so that took the place but I feel like it's not a good reason so that's why I'm planning on resuming the practice.

The benefits are insane. I use to record myself on an audio device after I would finish my breathing technique. I recorded a lot of nice thoughts that made it in my Steem posts. For this one reason its totally worth it.

Very cool! Yeah, I feel quite clear-headed and encouraged after doing the techniques which I think does contribute to creativity and idea-sharing.

I would probably get back into daily running if I could, but my left ankle has been giving me problems (an old pole vaulting injury is acting up). I'm hoping I can give it plenty of time (many months) of rest and then slowly work back into it. I like using the finger-toe minimalist shoes, but I may have to get some really good running shoes if I want to get back into it. I've heard elliptical runners are a good way to go, but I also had a friend jokingly mention how they've never seen anyone in shape actually use one of those. Might have a point there. Heheh.

Thanks for replying.

I'm definitely going to have to read up on what Wim Hof is because it felt like I was deciphering alien. LOL

Hah! I hope my first two posts will help you. The VICE video is really good and only about 45 minutes (linked to in my first post). Definitely check it out if you get a chance.

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