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RE: 1 Month of the Wim Hof Method (and 1 Month Taking a Break)

in #life7 years ago

Cool video! I did breathing technique for a couple of months and I stopped around a month or two from now. I'll be trying to get back on this schedule too.

I really enjoyed your video. Thank you!


Thanks! Curious why you stopped and what would be the benefits of starting up again, in your opinion?

I'm not sure one thing in particular made me stopped. It's a combination of events. I restarted running everyday so that took the place but I feel like it's not a good reason so that's why I'm planning on resuming the practice.

The benefits are insane. I use to record myself on an audio device after I would finish my breathing technique. I recorded a lot of nice thoughts that made it in my Steem posts. For this one reason its totally worth it.

Very cool! Yeah, I feel quite clear-headed and encouraged after doing the techniques which I think does contribute to creativity and idea-sharing.

I would probably get back into daily running if I could, but my left ankle has been giving me problems (an old pole vaulting injury is acting up). I'm hoping I can give it plenty of time (many months) of rest and then slowly work back into it. I like using the finger-toe minimalist shoes, but I may have to get some really good running shoes if I want to get back into it. I've heard elliptical runners are a good way to go, but I also had a friend jokingly mention how they've never seen anyone in shape actually use one of those. Might have a point there. Heheh.

Thanks for replying.

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