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RE: 1 Month of the Wim Hof Method (and 1 Month Taking a Break)

in #life7 years ago

I just started reading up on this a few weeks ago. I got the book by Scott Carny, what doesn't kill us. So far it's a great book. I like things that unleash the raw human potential. Things that our ancestors were fully capable of doing amaze me.
I started breathing more throughout the day especially during workouts. I try and do the breathing exercises when ever I can. The coolest part is I started turning down the heater in my truck and wearing less warm clothing. I hate the cold and would always fight it if I could. After a week I was turning on the cold air in the truck and some days driving with the windows down just to cool off. Winter, for me, is around 0-20 deg. on a warm day. For the cold shower I would slowly turn it to cold at the end of the shower. One day I found myself standing in the cold and no need to turn it off. I was laughing, it felt that good. I even tried running in just shorts in -10. I felt alive. But then I guess that was what got us this far in the world. I feel like I am committed to the Win Hof method 30-40%. I could definitely do more and feel even better.


Very cool! (literally)

I wonder how consistently it needs to be done to get the benefits.

wim hof is about 3 things. 1. breathing "its free" 2. cold 3. commitment. Keep it up.

Thanks. :)

I wonder though, what are the practical, long-term benefits of commitment to his method? How long is long term? 2 years? 10? I'm not really sure.

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