Still Sober with PTSD: Conquering a day on 3 hours of sleep.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

If you read my previous post I had one hell of a night. I do believe I dealt with the hiccup in a healthy manner by writing out my thoughts to share with others.

Getting Into A Positive Mindset Upon Waking

I was finally able to fall asleep around 6 this morning and I woke up around 9. I was dog tired but could not fall back asleep. I told myself I had to start my day out positive and stay in a good frame of mind or would be drinking by the end of the day to be able to fall asleep. One of the worst things about not being able to sleep and staying awake is it will throw off your sleep patterns. I have turned nocturnal for weeks and have found a way to solve this is to start drinking early in the morning the day after you could not sleep and pass out by 4pm and you'll be right back on schedule when you get back up the next day(shit, and you don't have to deal with life, right? DOUBLE BONUS). I did not want to have 4 days of sobriety down the drain! The first thing I wanted to do is lift some of the fatigue so I had one cup of black coffee.

I have recently been reading literature on the effects of alcohol consumption vs food intake and its toll on mood in relation to PTSD. I have to be really hungry to eat. I will forget if my wife doesn't ask me. It's not a good feeling when you look at your wife and ask her if you have "eaten in the last 2 or 3 days". As it was already around nine when I awoke and the family already had breakfast; I asked my wife if she would make me some scrambled eggs. She knows I'm not a big eater but told me I had to eat more than scrambled eggs.

scrambled eggs with mushrooms and rasberries

So while she was making my food I came outside and smoked a cigarette before meditating. I spent about 15 minutes in the dark with my eyes closed listening to meditation music containing
binaural beats. Research has shown it helps to decrease depression, help with anxiety, and contribute to an overall quality of life. At this point I am thinking every little bit helps, right? I actually felt in a calm, relaxed mood afterwards. For a few minutes it almost felt like my heart wasn't surrounded by the squishy dull feeling.

The Wifey Has To Go To The Grocery

After breakfast and meditation my wife informed me that she had to go to the grocery because we were out of all kinds of stuff around the house and neither of the children wanted to go. You have to understand the situation I was in. We live in the country and it's 20-25 minutes each to the local Wally World. I just took a deep breath and told her to leave the kids here. She just kind of looked at me stunned because I didn't get mad, I didn't tell her she was taking them; I just said ok.

So mind you at this point I have decided what I want to do with my day(in my mind). I wanted to remove all my Army gear out of the office with the goal of not completely being surrounded by the memories all the time. I also wanted to give it a deep cleaning as it smelled like piss and beer. I couldn't let this sudden change of plans throw a roadblock in my mind frame.

So, I asked my wife when she was leaving and she told me soon. I requested a moment to step outside and regather my thoughts. I came out to the office and responded to a few replies on Steemit and I am thinking the whole time; "Three hours of sleep, 4 days of sobriety, and now I get to spend a few hours with a 5 and 6 year old". Don't get me wrong...I know their my children and I love em. But three hours with a 5 year old girl and a 6 year old boy can be daunting and many times I have to take breaks because I just feel like I am going to explode(How does my wife do it everyday?). Yes, I have gotten verbally loud with them at times when I was angry. Something I am not proud I had to put together a plan to make this a stress free experience as possible. We were going to play like it was Christmas Day! The kids had to make me a deal though...We had to clean up the mess we were about to make. Oh and what a mess we made!

Lego's, remote-control cars, and Barbies.

So, the kids and I played for hours and they surprisingly did not give me any trouble when it was time to clean up. While we were building ramps and Barbie seats out of Legos; I kept thinking to myself that when it was time to clean is when it would go south. I have to stop expecting everything to have a negative outcome.

Cleaning The Office

Ever since I realized just how low things have gotten after my trip to the VA Hospital and looking around my office...all I wanted to do is give it a really deep cleaning. As mentioned before, I also wanted to remove all of the military equipment surrounding me. I do understand avoidance is a symptom of my struggle, but I think it is very unhealthy for me to be surrounded by gear that I wore/used in combat. The gear is a constant reminder of many negative experiences. I will delve into that deeper someday, but I need to leave that as a thought in my head for now. So I moved it all to a nice, dry closet in the house.

I'll write about 33 one day

First thing I did is move everything in the office out onto the porch. I then vacuumed and moved my desk to a different location. I need to rearrange it for an insulation project(you think I like that wall color?Those wacky curtains are for insulation!) I must do if I am going to keep writing about my struggle with PTSD and what I am doing to conquer this monkey I have had hanging on my back for 12 years.

I know I need insulation in the office, as last year was my first year I had used it during the winter. My wife needed my house office for a schoolroom when she began homeschooling the kids. I spent all my time in the office when it was inside so I built one outside. It got a little cold without insulation last winter and I need to be a little more comfortable this year. Additionally, a project to keep me busy and not so focused on my thoughts is another positive aspect of it all.

Just about there

I'll Take It!

So, there's the day. The positives are I stayed Sober and really feel I will accomplish the rest of this day that way. I managed to maintain a reasonable flow to the day without losing motivation. I overcame hurdles when they encountered my plans for the day. I managed not to get angry with the children when I was with them and actually had a lot of fun. I am now sitting in a nice, clean, semi cold office that doesn't smell like piss and beer. I am actually sitting here typing and enjoying something.
The realistic side of me understands that I did not leave the house and have to engage many others factors that can trigger me. However, I managed to stay engaged all day while tired and sober. I'll take that for a start.

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All pictures by @lexikon082


One day at a time! Look forward to following you and reading about your successes. Happy New Year!

I too hope for big strides in 2017. Happy New Year!

I can relate to what you are going through, being sober, PTSD.

I lost my father at 13, I have separation issues. Everytime I break up with someone or lose someone it can set me off into a tailspin of depression and self destruction.

You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend, fight the good fight! I am right there with you.

I hope writing about my struggles and research/use of alternative methods I am using to battle this will help you with making strides in yours. This is one of the main goals of this "blog". I am sorry to hear about you losing your father at such a young age. I have not lost a parent in a "traditional" sense but plan to write about issues I have of leaving my father at two and not meeting him again until I was about 9. Then I seen my my mother once before I left for Iraq and never again. I hope in someway when I write about this that we can relate in a deeper way that may in some way offer healing. Those will be tough sessions of writing. Has the hair on my arms standing up now. Thanks for being there with me. And I with you. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, my new found friend! I shall stand with you in brotherhood as we all take this journey!

Happy New Year! Been a few days since I have been on/posted! Hope all is well!

@lexikon - Been there brother, and after 25 years I feel like I was "pulled-through-the-knothole". Some of the negative events of military service can hang around like "Ghosts". I made the choice (for myself) to get some counseling. Not recommending it, but putting it out there as an option. It doesn't "turn the lights out" but damn sure has put a 'dimmer switch' in my head when I "trigger". (Night & Day Difference) You might check out my post on addictions (just the other day) - it's no "Fix All" just some information to consider. I've watched it several times (the videos), and it's been implemented and adopted by several counseling groups here in Bozeman, MT. Just remember, the only day you have to deal with is today - and "pain is weakness leaving the body". (Sometimes we just have to 'hug the suck')

I will surely check out your post on addictions! Will be nice to look at a few resources to add tools to my toolbox. I have tried Cognitive Processing Therapy through the VA and admittedly dropped out. I wrote a post about it. I can say counseling gave me some tools to use but the overall experience did not help me progress very far. I know I may need to re-explore that rode in the future and will keep an open mind about it. Thanks for reminding me to 'hug the suck' lol. I will truly try to hug as hard as I can.

I love the insulation project! I hate cleaning but feel so much better when it's done, like it organizes my mind.

My husband, I can say this with his permission, has been sober for 7 years and he stopped on his own without a 12 step group. I went to al anon years ago for part of my therapy, my step father was an abusive alcoholic and my therapist thought al anon would help me cope with my ptsd. It actually helped me say no but it really helped me stay out of my husbands way and still support him find his sobriety.

My ex husband was a violent blackout drunk, Vietnam vet, he has also been sober for over 20 years. He had to go the the hospital his withdrawals could of killed him, I went to a lot of 12 step meetings with him and al anon.

I hope Steemit will be a safe place for you to share your journey towards health
and maybe help others start theirs.

I'm looking through all my old posts and you were one of the first people to ever encourage. I lost sight of this after taking two 3 month breaks. Your posts are filled with tons of helpful tips. I've come a long way from those early posts. Some are downright embarrassing! At 75 days sober I feel like a totally different person since then. Thank you for being so caring.

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