Impatience is a Form of Self Sabotage

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I am a somewhat impatient person and this is slowing down my progress.

Impatience occurs when we have a goal in mind and are hastily driven to line up our ducks in readiness to rapidly move forward to the achievement of said goal.

Triggers for impatience can be mundane or meaningful.


Just the other day, I was on a stealth mission to speedily post my son’s Christmas box to him in Spain. What I imagined should have been a speedy in/out, dusted and done affair was stymied by a queue as long as an eels winkle! (Not sure how long that actually is but hey it kinda made me smile and so survived my edit!). As I stood in line for 45 minutes I had to consciously choose to remain patient.


When I was five I had a potentially life changing interaction with the spiritual realm which scared me so much that I closed the door firmly shut on the esoteric. And, again when I was 13.

Through doing this I now realise I denied my true nature.

Today, finally, I speak to spirit. I lucid dream and get intuitive flashes. Yet, although I catch my name and short phrases, the bulk of my conversation with my spiritual team is facilitated through Rick who acts as a channel whilst he sleeps! My husband is a natural psychic who interacts with spirit as easily as he does with the checkout girl at the local supermarket.

Sometimes channeling for me annoys him - it certainly frustrates the hell out of me as I am keen to be able to communicate independently with my team.

I feel that I have lost a conservative minimum of 40 years of advantage as I unwittingly blocked my abilities and purpose and, now that I recognise this, I am keen to get busy.

Recently I heard the voice of my Guardian Angel, Matthew independently which was extraordinary. I have received lucid messages from him but the other week I was shocked when, in response to my wittering on, he too channeled through Rick! I was quietly whispering in the dark, reaching out for encouragement and validation that my abilities were developing when he responded;

“Patience is key”.

When I continued;

“I know but I feel that I have wasted so much time. I feel as if I have missed the boat”.

He wisely countered;

“Not missed the boat, just delayed the departure”.

I am told that I am a Lightworker.

A Lightworker does not necessarily have to be psychic. Here on Steemit I see many who are probably unaware of their status. A Lightworker is someone who through their choices and way of being is selflessly working for the greater good of all.

In a world where greed and corruption are rife and many people are consumed by wanton materialism at any cost, regardless of the impact on environment, beast or person, my voice and message, like yours, is vitally important.

Through spreading awareness and living mindfully we create upbeat high energy ripples which have a profound effect on the collective energetic vibration. The higher the vibration the more pure the energy which is then able to effect positive change on lower frequency activity.

Still, change takes time. And significant change can take significant time.

And so, I have become aware that I have been subtly self-sabotaging through my desire for quick fix progress. I must cultivate patience and am told that this is just one of my many lessons I have to learn in this lifetime before I am able to step fully into my power and be of real service.

Zen is the order of the day with a generous portion of French Fries on the side.


With Love xox

(New to Steemit I have a lot to contribute to this vibrant community. All words, pictures and illustrations are my own work. I politely request that if you enjoyed this piece you spread the love and generously upvote/follow and even resteem so as, together, we can fly - with thanks).


Loving your posts, Lightworker - keep it up! I used to call myself a Lightworker, as does everybody else on our teamBut my guide informed me the other day that humanity is just about over the hill.....something's changed - the light's winning love and light to all lightworkers this Christ-Consciousness-Christmas xx

Thanks for your encouragement :)

The dark is real and we have experienced some pretty shitty psychic attacks and always sleep with a light on these days. We burn incense regularly to clear the energy and protect our environment.

I look forward to reading more from you and wish you and yours a safe and bright Christmas.


I can totally relate with your challenge regarding patience in the things of the spiritual realm. My Higher Self often gives me seemingly vague directives that don’t seem related to the things that are primarily on my mind, only to find out months later that those directives were in fact spot on and exactly what I needed to be prepping for the things that are unfolding.

My husband always says, “it’s difficult to see the picture when you’re in the frame”

Remembering that I have access to broader perspectives has helped me to settle my sometimes anxious heart...
One of my mantras that has helped me IMMENSELY:
“I am in the right place, at exactly the right time and my journey is always guided by love.”

I’m so excited to read the rest of your posts!


greetings! you will find if you read my posts on 'spirit' topics that I offer perspective and understanding that is often contrary to the ideas espoused from spirit directly and the over-seers there - although it does depend on who exactly you are tuning into in the other dimensions as some already agree with me.

it is not wrong to desire instant manifestation, though sometimes a process needs to be involved to allow the specifics of what is needed to arrive in life. the amount of 'time' that is present within the 'delay' from want/need/desire to experience/manifestation is often in relation to the amount of beliefs being held that say that instant manifestation is impossible. i actually wrote about this topic a bit recently. it's a complex topic though, since to fully understand it requires deep cognition of aspects of reality that many spirits and most humans do not yet grasp at all - mostly due to their rejection of self and feelings.

this brings me to the error of 'selflessness'. it is not possible to be selfless without inviting death and self destruction. balance is needed and this is zen. balance is the way of ensuring all needs are met and it is not true that you are working for the greater good of all unless you are also inclusive of your own real needs - which means selflessness is denial-based, counter-productive and ultimately dangerous. the frozen image of 'jesus on the cross' as being some kind of great saviour of humanity is one of the most destructive and reversed ideas ever created and will go the way of the dinosaurs once more are balanced and in tune with their real feelings and heart.


I hear what you say and realise that spirituality comes in many colours, tones and hues.

I agree that manifestation is a process and personally feel that divine timing is at play. When I am ready things will slot into place naturally.

I also believe that selflessness is erroneous. To be of service a person has to be on top of their personal game. Martyrdom does not sit comfortably on my shoulders and I too think that the iconic portrayal of Jesus on the cross is a damning image to peddle.

I look forward to interacting with you further, appreciate your comment and upvote and wish you well.


you are welcome - thanks! :)

I started reading, but got impatient and went to the bottom.. lol. (only joking)

I have a few weird experiences.( I sent a glass flying 5 or 6 yards on a ouija board once, because i was hassling 'it').
I slept in jim morrisons (the doors),old room in hollywood, and tripped a red indian standing the corner of the room, just looking at me. ( i was a little stoned, but not much).
I didn't know - at the time- it was the room Jim Morrison stayed in.

I actually don't believe in spiritul entities - but I can see the possibilities of there being so...(which is contrary to what I have just said. Or at least on intial inspection.)

My 'belief' is one of energy we don't understand/inter dimensional,(including entities, of the sprititual nature?) or even internal psychological projections.

I don't think of there being an afterlife.

Can I stop typing now, and have some french fries please?


Never touched a ouija board and never will - dangerous shit, seriously!

What are spiritual entities if not energy?

Believe me reincarnation is real - mindblowing but true.

All that said I am not in the business of trying to convert, each to their own.


D'you want ketchup with those fries?


ouija boards - amusing.
Real life in east LA is wayyy more dangerous! lol

Well, everything is energy, it's what the entities are, that's interesting (if they are entities- my mind is open to all possibilities).

If we _ knew reincarnation to be true - everything would be different.
I would argue in fact - if we knew it to be true (through 10's of thousands of generations of human beings and inter generational education ) - and we STILL haven't accepted it- we are even more stupid than I thought we were. (And I set a very low bar for 'our' intelligence.)

Each to their own - the only way to live !

Real potato chips, not french fries!.... and mayo to go with the ketchup - weekends in Amsterdam corrupted me.
(to having mayo on chips, I mean)

Never touched a ouija board and never will - dangerous shit, seriously!

I remember getting a splinter off one, once - that huuuuuuuuurt!- It could have got infected or anything!

Patience is, indeed, very important. And so we have to learn to let go of the idea that something "must be so," right NOW. That's often where a good mindfulness practice comes in; we can become more anchored in the present moment, and stop giving ourselves so much anxiety by impatiently worrying about some (as of yet) unknown future.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Bright Blessings!

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Wonderful post! Yes I agree there are many lightworkers here on Steem, they bring the energy of this platform up. I hope to learn from them and develop my spiritual being so I too can make a change :)

Do you have any post about who/what your team is? I am just curious what this emcompasses, and how it came together to be.

I've been working on breathing for some time now. I have a book on yogic breathing, and in it it has a list of four common unhealthy breathing patterns. I discovered that mine is impatient breathing. A couple of years ago while resting meditatively on the couch I discovered that I always had an underlying level of anxiety. Now I can say specifically that this underlying anxious-ness is more precisely impatience. When unconscious and vibrating at a low-level I find myself in a state of impatience with whatever it is I'm doing - driving, I even used to have the problem of impatience while I was writing. Writing was actually an unpleasant experience because I had to get it out now! There was no love for the process.

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