Is online dating a joke?

in #life7 years ago

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

-Albert Einstein -

Going into online dating thinking if I don't try it, then it I cannot say it doesn't work.
however, I can. I do however, have plenty of stories to share. Nothing exciting, sorry. Lets just say, several messages later and even fewer dates has led to the conclusion that online dating was not for me.

Have you a story to share?

Maybe you have a success story to share? I have plenty of stories of friends of friends that have had success.

I gathered a group to share some stories of their adventures with online dates. None are in this picture, but I really liked it and thought it fitting. Unfortunately, the stories were all the same and humor was mostly from those sharing. I ended up missing a lot of what they said because I was laughing so hard. Lets just say, pictures can be very deceiving and age is relative. However, we all had the same issue and I thought I would make a list.

Lesson of online dating

  1. Not everyone there is looking for someone to date...

  2. Some people think reading their profile is judging them...

  3. Pictures are a suggestions of looks...

  4. Common interest aren't necessary for dating...

  5. Non-Christian use christian dating sites...

These are just some of the lessons I learned. I went to a private Christian school in college and we always joked about getting

our MRS degree & Ring by spring. These jokes didn't pan out to well in my online conversations either. All pictures are my own and the first one is my dad :) His my favorite. Don't forget to comment! I cannot be the only one who struggled with online dating.
Share you stories with me..



It was an amazing story :)

I've done OKC for yeeears, and more often than not, I made some great friends and not much else.
But bad dates? 🎶I've got a few🎶
Since we were talking in chat and insoired bad dates stories I'll give you a brief run down of one:
So I was out with this guy and it was going great. Like he was rubbing my baaack, holding my hand. Clearly a date. So at the end, he is dropping me at my place, and I lean in for a kiss. I meet unyielding lips. Like a grimmace. oh god
So I pull back and he basically says "we aren't on a date." In my mortified state and hurry to get out of the car, I let my seat belt fly. Well, my seat belt then grabbed my waist length hair and SUCKED IT INTO THE WALL OF THE CAR as it retracted.
My then not-date had to come to my side of the car and untangle me in awkward silence for about 5 minutes. Once I got out, I watched him peel off. I didn't know cars could go that fast around a culdesac...

lol wut

That is one fine story @stitchybitch. Who goes out on a date and then denies it? Lol.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm English as is my better looking half however we met and fell in love in Sydney, Australia. Sometimes you need to go a long way to find the right person. I'm not suggesting going halfway around the world however a lot of my friends have similar stories, so it has validity as a way of finding your perfect match.
I'm suspicious of the whole online dating thing as I know a guy who runs a site and frankly he's a scumbag. I'm sure there are good people involved in the setting up of sites but I suspect they are only in it for the money. Too many vulnerable people use these sites and it can't end well for all of them.

I love that you call your other half, your better looking half, and that just set up the expectation for a beautiful comment. I wish more people knew that that these sites are from scum bags. Who are just looking to steal peoples money and take advantage of the vulnerability. Thanks for sharing makes me feel a whole lot better. Now I can say I tried it, I can say I didn't like it,and I could say I won't use it again. Thanks for stopping by!

Also if travel to Brazil several times, I've been to Alaska, I've been to several different states. I think of that's missing is Australia. That seems to be a gold mine

All the time, I have few more post for you to comment. Just make your way down the list :)

I personally, cannot imagine online dating. I'd still rather prefer meeting and making actual friends.

You and I both, however meeting people organically has its own set of challenges too.

Yes very true. There are some great relatioahips started by meeting online, and the other way around.. people are so different. We really can't tell unless.we try (with extra caution. Haha)

With extra caution is key!

Precisely! However we meet a person, getting hurt is always a probability.

That is the truth!

Lol...never got from an online dating site...maybe it's my looks...or maybe my sense of babble...don't know...don't really care.

I did meet my last gf online though and as to age being relative...well sometimes yes and sometimes no. ;)

OMGSH! That is hilarious how you just set that up for me. You probably got her with your charming words and then lost her when you found out she was underage, thats' the story isn't it? Or were you underage it are you?

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Thank You - @blueorgy

Beautiful, many thanks!

About a year ago I met @cathi-xx on Steemit and three months ago I moved to England to live with her, no joke :)

I'm lucky enough to have found my wife before online dating started picking up. I've never even been to a dating site. The closest thing was hot or not .com back in the day. lol I'm sure things will work out for you.

hot or, that sounds too obvious! They name it differently now, but its the same concept! Thanks for stopping by!

Ah, yes, I recall the MRS degree... I attended Bluewater Bible Institute many years ago, and that coveted degree was often discussed... ;)



Awww, Someone who not only finds amusement, but has experienced this joke. I do miss my fellow Jesus friendly college mates.

Ummm, I've only experienced it in the sense of hearing and participating in the discussions...

As a grand, and now great grand-father, I've never had the pleasure of being a MRS... ;)

Bahahah, you my friend are not missing out on the online torture and I'm assuming you made a lucky lady a Mrs :)

Yes indeed, 45 years ago last Wednesday... ;)

My heart over flows with joy, congratulations!

The lessons of online dating is absolutely ridiculous. I can only imagine why number one is the way it is. Sigh...the world today. Number two is completely strange..."You're a dirt bag for reading my profile!" I can see it now. BTW I love how you did the pictures next to the writing. I can't recall that being accomplished so well.

I had some said I judged him for, reading his profile, in not so many words he says You're a dirt bag for reading my profile!". I didn't know how to respond, we have no common interest and want the opposite out of life, sorry for not wasting your time. Also, thanks for complementing my editing, it's my favorite part about writing :)

You are very welcome! Sorry, someone responded in such a negative way. At least you were being truthful!

At least you appreciate my honest truthful!

I'd rather someone be truthful than blow smoke up my butt!

Blowing smoke there would be uncomfortable!

Right, his a little out there with his comments. I can't help but love him for it.

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