in #life6 years ago

Hello Steem Blockchain!

I can't believe the end of my vacation in Canada is over! I visited my home country for over a month and now it's time to go back to my second home in China and resume my usual lifestyle over there.

I had a fantastic time in Canada and really missed it. I missed my family and it's sad to say goodbye to them.

The flight from Toronto to Beijing is over 12 hours long. Sitting for that long in an economy class seat is definitely not the most comfortable place to be. That is why I forked over the extra $130 to get an exit seat!
exit seat.jpg

The exit seat allows me to stretch out my legs as much as I want and not feel cramped behind someone else's seat. In my opinion, it is definitely worth it.

The flight was OK. 12 hours is a really long time to be on an airplane but I kept myself occupied with meditation and watching the subpar Deadpool movies. I'm just not a fan of the humour to be honest...

I took Air Canada both ways and it is a decent airline. The service was good and I don't have any major complaints. I think the food was pretty good as well for airplane food. Airplane food always tastes and looks processed but at least it tasted alright.

The last 3 hours of the flight were the hardest to deal with. I felt the most impatient at that time. But I finally landed in the Beijing airport.

That's not the end of the journey though! I then had to take a 4 hour coach bus to my city, Qinhuangdao. I purchased the ticket, waited about an hour for the bus to arrive and then my 4 hour journey to Qinhuangdao began.

All in all, I am happy to be back in my second home and am preparing myself to get back to teaching my wonderful students.

Thanks for reading & watching!

Check out my other posts!

Differences Between China and Australia According to My Chinese Student
The Difference Between Teachers in China and the West
What Kind of Imported Food Is Available in China?
MOUTHWATERING Food Of China's Ethnic Turkic Minority!
The MASSIVE Construction Boom in China!
Why I Left My Engineering Career To Be a Teacher in China!
Is Chinese Food Low Quality? Organic Farming in China
Why The Heck Did I Move to Communist China?
What's It Like For A Canadian Living in a Small City in China?



MeiPai: @柯南QHD
Weibo: @柯南QHD

Music provided by Epidemic Sound!

▶️ DTube



Hey buddy, good to see you back, don't blame you for taking some time off and enjoying the vacation. So how long was it all and all that you were gone? I imagine even though China is home now, I know personally when I travel somewhere for more than a couple weeks it almost becomes the new normal.

Does any part of you want to stay in Canada or go back or are you happy in China?

Hoping you do some posts about what you did when you were back in Canada. Did you get some Tim Hortons while you were back? We have them here in the Southeast a bit and Ohio but I remember on my travels to Canada they were everywhere. I actually recently ate there on my trip up to upper michigan we grabbed some coffee and breakfast sandwiches at one while grabbing gas.

Hey dude, I was gone for over 30 days. To be honest, I was starting to feel back at "home" after about 2 weeks but when you don't have a job in Canada or your own place, you are reminded that you don't really live here.

A part of me wants to live in Canada because of the cleaner environment, better and uncensored internet and not feeling like an alien. I am quite happy in China but those 3 things I mentioned above do bother me from time to time.

I have a bunch of footage from Canada that I'll make videos with. I actually didn't go to Tim Hortons while I was there hahaha! I'm not a coffee drinker and have recently been eating low carbs, so I didn't eat any of the donuts there (which I really do like).

Stay tuned man, I'll upload more videos from Canada.

Long stay in Canada.

I felt pretty bored when I went back to the states after just two weeks.

Not much changes there. China changes so quickly it can be challenging to know what day of the week it is.

Hopefully your place is the same as you left it. I had some uninvited guests (roaches) occupy my place while I was away, just killed the last one I think.

I spent the first week of August in Japan, came back sunburned and confused. Tokyo is the most complicated city I have ever been to. I will return again, so much to see. Mount Fuji still needs to be climbed too. (only made it half way)

Air Canada was also my preferred airline, Japan Airlines is also equally good, not sure what routes they have to North America though. Got lucky and scored an exit row seat at no extra charge on my flight to Tokyo, not really needed as its only a 2 hour flight.

Yeah, Canada felt a little boring at times because I was feeling settled in again. Not much changes there too. Fortunately, I didn't have any uninvited guests. My city flooded while I was gone and I was afraid that there would be damage to my apartment but alas, no issues.

I need to make it out to Japan or Taiwan this year!

Japan impressed me, mostly because they maintain everything so well.

In China, they build new infrastructure all the time, many buildings, bridges, trains etc. are less than 20 years old, more than that and it most likely needs replacement.

The downside to Japan is the cost of living, transportation, rent, insurance and taxes are quite the burden, most people make just enough to get by.

Higher living standards don't come cheap anywhere though.

Flooding shouldn't be a major issue if you're above ground level, perhaps some issues with utilities as anything electrical wont function in flooded conditions.

Basements, in most of N.A. are an absolute nightmare to deal with if they get flooded.

Welcome back to China (though I'm not there ;p)! Did you have some kind of reverse culture shock in Canada?
I love the exit seat too but didn't know you have to pay extra $130 to get that. I remember a few times I was switched to those seats because I was younger (so stronger as perceived by the attendants, lol) than the elderly people who were supposed to seat there. ;) Lucky me!

As a matter of fact, I did have reverse culture shock, my last blog post was exactly about that! You can check it out here:

In the past, you could get an exit seat just by request at the check-in counter, but now it is standard to pay unless you somehow get lucky due to some circumstance/situation.

Hello my friend @kenanqhd, I was disconnected for a while from steemit, but since I came back I will see your publications made from Canada, it's good that you had the opportunity to visit your family and share with them on a vacation. That is something fantastic! now the time is over and it is time to return to the usual. I hope you enjoyed every second

Thanks, I had a great time in Canada. Really missed it.

I'm happy for you, my friend, I already missed you, but I'm back in my usual area with steemit

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