Short Posting on Steemit - Because Size Doesn't Matter!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemit,

I have exactly 19 minutes to make this post.

I say that, in that I almost decided to bounce over to another social media platform this morning, wanting to initiate my morning ritual of mental startup via some blundering blogging. Residing alone w/ no other living interaction (Except my Boston Fern, who is usually pretty chill & quiet) leaves the Internet as my vessel for human contact within those first few hours before leaving my house to start my day.

18 minutes.

Its weird, in that my preference for placing these thoughts locationally lays upon the Steemit shelf, however there appears to be this stigma I have that feels that I cannot post here unless I'm locked & loaded with something original or worthy of public view. Its very easy to feel the opposite way about other social media platforms, which seem to be the perfect place to pop off a 30 second shit post. So if I don't have a lot of time to do so, I've noticed where those thought patterns seem to traffic, and feel like I'm neglecting my friends & family on this platform, as I've been a busy guy recently.

14 minutes.

So in an effort to update my own operating system, I've decided to try & make more 'short posts' here on my blog, in an attempt to test the waters as far as how both I & my Steemit tribe members feel about those offerings. I've kind of already been experimenting with this method under the radar the past few weeks and decided to make an open declaration this morning, manifesting these previously unspoken energies into existence. (Praise Bob!)

11 minutes.

So as far as what's happening in my brain this pre-coffee moment (a sometimes murky & confusing place), here's what signals have been detected via the billions of synaptic activities that go unnoticed every single second.

First I'd say it was a stunning sunrise this morning, though hidden behind the pending storm clouds brewing. A fiery orange glow was present yet masked via a dark purple thick cloud set that will be unleashing its energies upon us soon.

8 minutes.

Today is Monday, meaning there will be a lot of grumpy humans floating a foot. I should be mindful of this trend, and prepared for what would otherwise be unexpected behavior & actions from "The Normies". In this model: Situations can be assessed & dealt with in the least escalated manner needed. Striving to practice this method is a game I've been playing for years, hence why you may hear me talking to myself from time to time as I'm prepping for what I feel may be inevitable. Some people call it being "Paranoid" ... I knowingly refer to it as being "Prepare-a-noid".

5 minutes.

I've been watching a TON of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia in the evenings, my first run through of the series, and cannot express enough how crying out loud funny seasons 9, 10, & 11 are. If you've not seen the show, its fantastic, and you should remedy that oversight. (imo)

I'm also a little sore in my lower back this morning, but a stretching session is soon to happen, hence why I have to keep my blog post short.

3 minutes.

I suppose we should start searching for an end to these morning ramblings. Not sure the value (if any), outside of my talking out loud as I type this, in an effort to engage my brain/vocal chords for daily operation in public that will soon be needed.

I did notice that I rolled 900 followers the other day, which is really damn dumbfounding to me, so I want to Thank all you readers for that accomplishment & feel a long overdue Vlog is needed. Look out for that in the coming days.

1 minute.

And as this blog post screeches upon the runway via a HOT landing... I think I've decided that:

Its totally OK to pop off a short Steemit post - if that's all you can muster to share that day!

I also would like to remind you all that like this Steemit post, Life is short, so make each cognitive moment a memory worth leaving to your friends & family as a gift of your presence.

Its very easy to fall off que, and forget that simple fact. Know that its ok to do so, just make damned sure you hop back up at least one more time than you fall down.

Have a splendid day Y'all!

Cheers Steemit!


-Who is: GiftedGaia?

-Who is: GiftedGaia 1 Year Later?

-My DJ Mixes Archive

-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)

-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music

-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5


"Short" posts are great! Happy Monday 😘.

I almost didn't open ur very "short" post lolsss

That is a beautiful meditation! I love the suggestion to record the affirmations because I was wondering. How I could remember to say all of that.

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