Life....It Must Get Better Now! Part 2.

in #life7 years ago

Despite the stress involved in transferring sterling to euros, then accessing the funds (discussed in my two previous posts, Gremlins1 and Gremlins2); that was nothing to the actual house purchase which was unbelievably stressful!

Amanda my incredible ‘Rottweiler’ of a legal lady, rang on Friday to check that the funds were accessible for the Notary on Tuesday.  Yes, they were and at that very moment, whinging their way through the ether to Spain.  Yes, they would be accessible and through her was able to sort out I could access them at the branch in Vera, to transfer into her client account on Tuesday morning.  What I could not at that time tell her, was I would be short, but by how much I could not say at that moment.

I had loaned 1,500 Euros to my friends several months previous, to enable them to make a trip home and finish some important business.  At the airport their tickets were not waiting for them, the online booking had not gone through so I paid for their flights with 5 minutes to spare.  The understanding was that they would pay me most of it back on their return in three weeks.  When they came back it was to inform me that they had spent the money and could not repay me at that time.  A ‘fait a compli’ I am afraid, but what could I do?  I did not want to lose friendship over money so asked that they get as much money together as they could in time for the purchase of my house.  The rest could be worked off in helping me move and doing things on the new house.  

Things returned to relative normality between us and they kindly ran me about when needed to.  I had sold my car to pay for the new house and could not purchase another yet.  I would have to buy a car on credit and would need the house documentation to buy the car in Spain, as security for the car loan.  I did not abuse the service offered to me by them, just a trip once a week into Cherivel to buy groceries, and an odd journey elsewhere.  I gave money for the diesel when needed as they were so short.  Little did I know that they were knocking off the loan 10 Euros an hour for services rendered, which I thought a little rich when I always fed the whole family regularly when they came and naively misunderstood the relationship interaction was not as I thought, friendship.  Is that not what friends do, help each other out when required? Give meals as a thank you? Obviously not in this situation; hey ho, you live and learn!  However, I like my friends and they are a lot of fun so no way do I want awful 'money' to break apart a generally good friendship.  I just need to be aware that friendship requests come at a price, and quotient that into the equation!

When finally, I could check my finances, I was 2,000 Euros short for the house purchase and taxes, etc.  I wrote the explanation email to Amanda in trepidation.  She was an absolute ’brick’ and waived her fees for a short time.  If I could put together the majority of the purchase price and taxes, the sale could go ahead.  I was 500 Euros short so a desperate email went out to my friends, to ask them to help me, no answer!  They had already told me through a rather ‘snotty’ email before the financial situation arose, that they could not run me through to Vera , for the Notary.  I accepted this and made other arrangements.  I was not going to fall out with my friends over money and they did help me out by looking after my animals at short notice, so, for the time being, I just had to find the money elsewhere.

My English friend who had introduced me to Spain came up trumps big time.  She was coming over to see me from the Malaga area where she lives, and we arranged that she would come for the Tuesday and go over to the Notary with me.  Her knowledge and experience in house buying in Spain was considerable, so very useful to have there to see that everything was done correctly.  Having a very comfortable lifestyle, my friend had been abused so many times over money, that I swore I would never borrow money from her.  Unfortunately, the situation I was in was critical.  The house sale would not go through without the 500 Euros needed to pay the taxes part of the sale.  She insisted that I borrow the money from her and pay it off when everything else had been finalised.  What could I do? I have now done both of the parts of the saying, ‘never a borrower nor a lender be’!  

Off to the Notary on Tuesday with my friend.  First to the bank, then on to the Notary where we sat around for hours waiting for the official house papers to be printed and certified.  Finally, into the Notary’s office to have the document stamped and signed by him.  I was now in possession of a mortgage free house in Spain; an absolute bargain which I got through being in the right place at the right time.  When I move in it will immediately increase in price from the 25,000 Euros paid to 72,000 Euros.  Unfortunate really, as the house local rates are based on the higher figure, so more local taxes to pay!  Never mind, I HAVE A HOME AGAIN, yesssss!!!!!!  Now I just require a vehicle to complete the circle and enable me to move on. 

Part 3, tomorrow, will go into the reality of buying a vehicle in Spain on credit......not to be done lightly. Until then, Adios Amigos


 (The drive up to my rented Cortijo, is it not stunning at the moment?)

From sunny Almeria Province, Spain. X


Wow, that sounds tortuous. I don't think those friends are the best of friends dare I say?

Thank you so much for your reply. I have to take into consideration that their past life was no where near as affluent as mine was. They have had to scrape a living together without much money available to them. So not really surprising that money plays a very important part in their lives, as it does to me now, and they are good people. I did not understand their philosophy, I do now! Look on the bright side, they introduced me to Steemit!

Oh well, if they introduced you to steemit they must be good sorts!

Thank you. Do not use this site as it has been stolen by @jennswall @finleyexp ! If I get it back I will contact you. Previous support most appreciated. A friend is posting this for me. X

This is a lie. The @get-baking account has not been stolen.

This woman is a con artist.

Absolute joke. These two recon I have asked them to do work of 5,500 Euros in 3 months. Not likely when I needed every penny to buy my house. I even sold my Audi Q7 car to do this. I am also an ex Applied Computer Science teacher and Head of Department. Why would I pay them to do this amount of work on Steemit development? I can and have done it myself. It really is so pathetic just to try and scare me into not persuing the fraud committed against myself which I am involving the police here in Spain. A full history will be my first post on my new site. I will forward it to all my followers. Please view this pathetic attempt to explain their actions. My replies below might interest you. . X

@meesterboom The @get-baking account is being held in lieu of payment for services rendered from March 2017 to present. The outstanding debt falls just under 4000 euros.

I do not make it a policy to speak against others. I had continued to help this person even after the initial slander was introduced to the community of Steemit, but in this case I feel the need to defend these accusations with the proof that I have at hand.

Here is the link to the outstanding bill:

Absolute joke. These two recon I have asked them to do work of 5,500 Euros in 3 months. Not likely when I needed every penny to buy my house. I even sold my Audi Q7 car to do this. I am also an ex Applied Computer Science teacher and Head of Department. Why would I pay them to do this amount of work on Steemit development? I can and have done it myself. It really is so pathetic just to try and scare me into not persuing the fraud committed against myself which I am involving the police here in Spain. A full history will be my first post on my new site. I will forward it to all my followers. Please view this pathetic attempt to explain their actions. My replies below might interest you. . X

So when you "asked" all you heard were.............."crickets". I learned a long time ago not to loan money to anyone. It's the quickest way to lose friendships. To this day I'll give someone the shirt off my back, as long as it's not abusive, but I will not loan them money. No if , ands, or buts. I wish you well gettin' yours back. I admire the love you have for your friends but in my experience the quickest way to lose them is by loaning $ to them. It's better, if you must, to think of it as a gift. Funny to me how these friends made their own stipulations at $10 an hour after not paying you back in the first place. You're a good friend and a rare bird. I say fly free and find a new flock.

Thank you so much for your thoughts they are much appreciated. Yes, I know, but I try to be helpful when kindness has been shown previously. Unfortunately, I was affluent and lived a very comfortable life. This came crashing down a year ago through no fault of my own. I lost my house through not transferring the name from my brothers to mine when the house was purchased, returning a loan I had made to him several years previously by this method. He was a multimillionaire, who would have thought it would go down and me with it. I have had shit thrown at me and now have to go through the English courts to try and get my money back from the Liquidator who is being an absolute bastard. However, I have moved on and been helped by my friends here. Was it not my duty to help them back in a crisis? My mistake was in not making it absolutely clear that the money had to be paid back on return. The house purchase came up while they were away. Perhaps if they had known they would not have spent the money? Yes it looks like it will be a gift in kind payable back through helping me move and doing things on the new house. I should not have discussed their part in the article but I could not think of any other way to complete the post so that it made sense. Life goes on and you have just got to keep smiling. What is the alternative? X

Agreed! The sun will shine tomorrow my friend! Life is a wonderful thing with all it's ups and downs. It rains today but tomorrow it shines. Keep your chin up and keep on truckin'! Things have a way of workin' their way out.............


I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

Thank you for your kind words and advice, I will. X

I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

Thank you. Do not use this site as it has been stolen by @jennswall @finleyexp ! If I get it back I will contact you. Previous support most appreciated. A friend is posting this for me. X

I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

with hindsight one should get proper written and signed agreements for loans :(
we have family problems because this wasnt done, a verbal agreement was made and written agreement promised but not produced, so now my husband wont speak to my son as he wont discuss paying back a large loan

Oh how terrible for you. I will not allow money to destroy friendship. However, I will never lend money again. Pity really, as past aid given to friends was always returned. I hope your family issues are resolved quickly. Good luck and my thoughts are with you. X

thanks, still hoping to visit you sometime but needed for school runs then child minding in holidays etc but will wait until you are all settled in etc xxx

You are welcome to visit me anytime you like. Keep in touch and one day have a great holiday in this fantastic country. This is predominantly a rural area, they grow mainly almonds for the cosmetic industry. Thousands of almond trees, when they are in bloom it is breathtaking. The shells are used for heating. Everyone has these almond burners which are a hopper feeding the shells into the bottom burner. Ecologically friendly and cheap. Luck with the family. X

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