Life....It Must Get Better Now! Part 1.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Not posted for two weeks due to 'issues' so here goes with my 'trials and tribulations' of the last fourteen days. To begin, the trauma of transferring sterling to euros to pay for my new home here in Almeria Province, Spain -  an update to my original Gremlins post.

The frustrations of picking the right time to transfer money from sterling to euros to enable the best rate, and, enacting the transaction; was equal to trying to get my money out of the English Bank (Lloyds), to the transfer agents by 2.30pm the next day, Friday.  Locking in the rate for transfer contracted myself to this - failure to transfer sterling to them by the stated time would negate the transaction, stop my transfer to the Spanish account, and I would incur large fines.  I was determined to make sure this was done early.

The transfer agents advised that I must put into my bank transfer form specific information which had to be adhered to.  After feeding my horses, walking and feeding the dogs, and cats, I sat down to do the 'dirty deed'.  I went online, user name and passwords accepted, and put up the form to transfer funds from my account to another.  I went into the page for transfer to a company and despite the fact I had the correct sort code and account number, the form told me it did not recognise the company.  How?  This is a reputable transfer agency so why does my bank not recognise them?

I knew the numbers were correct so lets try personal transfer.  After all, the money just needs to go into their account from out of mine.  Yes, it accepted the numbers, and threw up the correct name on the account.  However, there was a 'limiter' on the amount of characters I could use as my specified reference.  I had been told specifically you must use all the data given out by the transfer agents on the bank transfer form.  Oh God!!!  Now 8 pm and found on ringing up the transfer agents, closed, so no one to ask.  Oh well, plenty of time in the morning.  I felt uncomfortable transferring my meagre savings anywhere without satisfaction they were going to the right place.

Fed the horses in the morning, walked and fed the dogs and cats, made a strong coffee, lit a cigarette and reached for the phone - well, got to get the order right!  Advised by a helpful young lady that the reference number alone would be sufficient, so got the go ahead to transfer with the limited information. 

Went online, username and passwords accepted and set about transferring my money, yeh! Form filled in and telephone/computer authorisation completed, pressed the button to end the transaction...........Nooooooooo!!!!! System refused to end the transaction, had to contact fraud.  Ok, from the bank's point of view, they had to ensure it was I wanting to transfer this amount of money and not a fraudster.  Made another cup of coffee, sat down and lit my 6th cigarette; and rang the bank, or rather, rang the line and sat in a queue for 20 minutes! 

Finally, got to speak to a bank official, now on my 12th cigarette. He asked so many questions.  One was had I lived anywhere with the number 27 in the address???? Yes, but 15 years ago! Being a 'wrinkly' my memory is not brilliant at the best of times, but, bless it, it did not let me down at this strategic moment and in to my mind plopped the address, phew.  After about 8 more questions, he accepted that I was who I said I was and would clear the stop to enable transfer to complete.  However ................

I just had to go into the bank in England with my passport and that would complete the authorisation process.  But, but, but, but, but.......I am in Spain and I have until 2.30 that afternoon to transfer the funds or else?  Shacking by now, but staying calm and polite, I explained I could not do so as it was too far for me to go to do what he required.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh.  He put me on mute and went to talk to his supervisor.  Now on my 20th cigarette, I waited patiently for his return.  Bless him, he came back and advised me that he could remove the block and allow the transaction to complete, yeh!

Went back in to my account happy that I could now press complete and the money would be off to the transfer agents in plenty of time.  Spoke too soon, when I got back in, the button still advised me to contact fraud before I could complete the transaction......scream!!!!!!! 

Now 12 o'clock British time, 2 1/2 hours to go until deadline for transfer and default on contract.  Rang fraud and sat in a cue again for a further 15 minutes, finally got to speak to a human being and explained once more the circumstances.  He put me up on the system and could see the previous discussion and consequences.  Lovely chap, he reduced the 'prove who you are' questions down to two, and was able to see that the previous person had forgotten to press the release button when he had finished dealing with me!!!!!

Did I want to put in a formal complaint?  No! I am not going to get an overworked assistant into trouble for a silly mistake we all could have made under the pressure they are placed, the queue time proves that.  I just wanted him to release my stop and allow the transaction to go through.  This he did and stayed on the line with me until everything completed, phew. Money through to the transfer agents account before 2.30.  Excel Currency rang me to give reassurance, bless them.  My money was winging its way to sunny Spain.  

My house purchase could now go ahead; huge sigh of relief between bouts of 'smokers' cough!

The next installment of my life - Part 2, will be tomorrow.  I must apologise for the part post mistakenly done earlier.  I do not understand what I did but the beginning of this post went live after my typing only the first sentence, I could not delete it either.  So anyone who voted on it I really appreciate your thoughts and votes.

So, for today, Adios Amigos

from very sunny Almeria Province, Spain (35 degrees C).


Goodness very frustrating

Wait for part 2! That was the easy part, ha. X

hope the house move goes more smoothly xxx

Thank you so much, I am continuing to rent the cortijo until the contract runs out at the end of October. I can keep my horses here and it will give me time to pay off the small amount of money I owe through the house purchase. See Part 2 post of must get better now! X

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