Share the precious memory about your father(SBI Giveaway)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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It is Father’s Day in my country today.

I am sure different parts of the world is celebrating this special day as well as remembering the past memory of your father.

I would like to give away 3 shares of steembasicincome by sharing about one of your precious memories that you had about your father.

There would be 3 winners for this simple giveaway.

The giveaway will be based solely on my decision and selection.

The giveaway will end on 23 June 2018.

This giveaway has closed.

Thank you very much for all the memories of your father. It was definitely hard to choose the winners.

The winners for this giveaway are @lantracy, @maverickinvictus and @father2b.

Your steembasicincome shares have already been sent.

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Congrats to the winners and thanks for everyone who had participated in this meaningful recollections of your memories of your father regardless of them being sweet or bitter.


Great competition.
Unfortunately I can not give you a memory of my father as I don’t know who my father is but instead let me tell you about the time I thought I had found him.

For years I was told a name of my could be father so I spent years searching through phone books and checking abituaries to see if that name came up. This was before the likes of Facebook or even the internet took off so it was a lot harder to trace people. But when Facebook did take off I received
A message on Facebook telling me he had been found. By then I was in my late 20’s and had two children of my own.
So after a few message’s we agreed to meet up....

the meeting

We met at my local pub and I had never been so nervous in my life. The thought that my father could be walking through that door at any moment was so scary.
The moment came and before me stood the man I’d been searching for for over 20 year. We reached out for each other and cried.
Streams of tears later we where having a drink and laughing. We just hit it off.
But then came the crunch, I wanted a DNA test to be sure he was my father. He on the other hand was sure I was his son but agreed to have it done if that is what I needed.
Weeks went by and the results came in.
He came to my home so we could open them together and what happened next was the hardest hitting moment of my life.
The letter read that he was not my biological father. Along cane the tears again but this time it was pure heartache. We shook each other’s hand then I watched the man I would of been proud to call my father leave.

I know this story is not quite the memory you want to hear. But remember
A father is just as special to a child’s life as any mother and not having one there can really effect your future.
Let your father know how much he is loved.


You and I have the same father. Thank you for sharing this story. I’ll try to list a short story of my own, I hope you find it. Happy Sunday, God bless you.

No one can understand what you have shared except to imagine how it may have felt. Being a father of two, I am sure you put in effort to fulfill your duty and make it a point to do what you wanted when you were young with your own children. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Hence the name father2b
It’s about learning to be a father while being a father and I have the two greatest teachers in the world, my children.

Thank you for sharing that story

@father2b Congrats for being selected as one of the 3 winners for the giveaway in sharing the precious memory of your father. I have already sent payment for your SBI share.

Precious memory of father.JPG

Thank you very much @fun2learn great contest. Father’s Day just keeps giving.

I made a post about my pops and how we remembered him yesterday

This contest has been placed in the Steemgigs Contest Channel which has over 5000 members and will be presented in a compilation post on the weekly Talk with Terry Show every Sunday 12:00 AM Manila Time.
I will endeavor to join all contests left there or at least make a small upvote and add on the compilation post.

Steemgigs Contest Channel link

Thank you for sharing your memories about your dad with us!

@maverickinvictus Congrats for being selected as one of the 3 winners for the giveaway in sharing the precious memory of your father. I have already sent payment for your SBI share.

Precious memory of father.JPG

Wow thank you so much!!! It is really appreciated!

I don't think I have a special memories about my father.My father is a bad man and makes me cry Everytime I get to remember him.
Who is this my father?let me kindly explain who he is to you guys,he is a wicked fainthearted and coward,he usually beat my mum,anytime he comes in,we are always sad because we're all hoping that he should die if possible.theres this time when my mum was pregnant and I was like 8years then,he slapped my mum just because he ask her to come down from bed that he wanted to take something.He sent my mum out with her critical condition(pregnancy),in the late father is not just a good man and he doesn't deserve love from God.
The only person that I know that act like a father to me is a man called alhaji issa salaudeen.hes very kind,he taught me to obey elders and be discipline,he taught me to be responsible,though he's not my biological father but he act like he's a father to me.i love him for many reason,he's religious,educated,he's also a philantrophist unlike my father who's an illterate,ignorance and not religious.may God reward him badly due to what he has cause to my family,he made me waste some of my time home instead of attending school due to my mum financially problem that he can sponsor all of her children.but thanks to alhaji issa salaudeen who helps my career back again.may God reward every father out there that knows his responsibility and act toward it.
God bless uloggers

Thinking about it, I don't have a single precious memory or moment with my father. He's got a narcissistic personality disorder (which I no longer blame him for) and we never really matched because of that. Got plenty of good memories about my mother to make up for it though, so I'll join the mothers day contest if there ever is one.

Thanks for coming by. It is great that you can forgive the past problems and move on. Your mum must have done a lot since she had to do what was lacking in the family.

Can I just share my post link here for the story, to avoid any bot attack... lol

Thank you!

Not a problem. I have read your story already. Thanks for sharing with us!

Thank you for having this too!

I could never forget that day with Dad while we were walking going to school. I was on 6th grade I think and it so happened that it was raining and we only have a pair of umbrella so my Dad helped me that day to go to school while he is on his way to work. Unfortunately, and sadly my shoes got stuck in sticky mud and to cut the story short, my dad sent me his pair of shoes. Very embarrassing because they are quite big but just laughed about it. Dad went home barefoot to change and was late for his work. I appreciate what he did just so I can be in school that day despite the odds

Even though it was just a small act but it showed how much your dad loves you and even value you above his work! Thanks for sharing this memory with us!

It was my pleasure and I appreciate you coming up with this kind of initiative. More power to you

Go here to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

This is amazing story i dont have any father still i love this post.

Happy Father’s Day, fathers!

See, Father’s Day has never been a documented moment on my calendar. I’ve jever purchased a Father’s Day card in my life. Back when I had my last German Shepherd, (RIP Rook) I would receive Father’s Day cards from time to time and that’s the extent of my Father’s Day adventures.

I’ve never met the man that donated a seed on my behalf. I’ve heard he’s a bad person. The story I’m told is the night my mother finally left him for good, she was six months pregnant with me and upon her exit was a barrage of unwelcome fists. She sacrificed a significant portion of facial features and consequently my uncles repaid him everything he had coming.

He had another son though. I’m 40 now, about 10 years ago when I learned he had another son, my mother arranged for us to meet. I met my brother just a few weeks shy of my mother dying. I’ve hung out with him twice, once at a funeral and once under friendly circumstances. I haven’t talked to him since.

His dad raised him and he’s been a heroin junky since he was 13, thanks to his dad. I’ve touched base with his sister a few times and he’s either in prison or unable to be found. That’s what happens when the man who donated my seed raises his seeds, I guess.... On that note:

Happy Father’s Day, I’m glad we never met.

Thank you for sharing your story. Your mum had taken great courage to do what she did. I do not know whether you are Christian but I was taught that we do have a perfect father who is in heaven through Jesus. God has become our father and he has plans for us. May you experience God's abundant of love around you that bring you success in all areas of your life regardless of whether you are a Christian. God bless you!

My brother, I know God is the coolest one in this conversation. 👍🏿

My pleasure @fun2learn, glad you didn’t mind reading it.
Proverbs 5:21. Happy Sunday.

When I was young I love watching super heroes cartoons and would always tell my dad to buy me super hero costumes. It is not practical at that time to buy them but my dad will never go home empty handed. He would buy me several paper super hero masks and put a long towel on my back so I have a super hero cape. I love those memories because I also have done those hacks to my kids

Your dad certainly knew your desire and tried his best to provide what he could then.

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