Good content does not have to be brand new. Content created in the past has potential monetary value on Steemit.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I was struck by this thought when I was going through old photos that my mom took when I was a baby.

In my stories, I now use these photo’s which in essence means that the monetary value (besides emotional value) is now somehow coming out of her content.

(I just decided while writing this I should pay her royalties, she reads these posts too, and it's totally deserved)

This is content created even before the internet existed.

I think that thought is marvelous.


How many gems are hidden away in drawers, attics, and hard drives with value for someone else here on Steemit.

Of course, it’s not just content created by other people in the past that have value.

Even content already created by you in the past can have value now. You just never had a platform to monetize your creations before.

Photos, music, painting, poems, books, drawings, stories, basically anything is possible to post here. And probably a hundred other things I have not thought of.

The value is already in the content waiting to come out.

For new users

So, If you are a new user you might wonder what you should post. Maybe you are afraid that if you don’t succeed with your first post your journey will end swiftly.

But it's ok here to search for your blog direction. It took me 5 months to find it. I tried many different things.

I realized that for me there is only one way to make my blog work. I post what I enjoy creating. Drawing inspiration from the past, the present, and the future.

Right now, I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee enjoying my morning writing this and I have to go to work in 30 minutes. But I'm having fun now. (I won't be in 30 minutes, lol)

So even if you make 1 cent on your first post. It's more than you will ever make anywhere else on Social media. And then just take it from there.

Welcome to the STEEM blockchain, where there is no third party. Just you and other users.

It truly is a place full of freedom.

signature Follow Me @exyle


True words about earning 1 cent ☺. And my house looks like a mess since I turning everything upside down to find that gem😉. Oh wait, the mess was caused by my kids and husband. I haven't started diggin 😂. So show us more hidden treasures of your past! Looking forward to it!

How could I not follow koalafamily? Great name.

Thank you, matt! 😊

lol! That made me laugh! Those bloody kids and husband! I'm sure I'll write more about my past in the future.

I hope so! ☺

Would you two sweethearts support my help maurice campaign? And spread the news so we find a bunch of people to sign the petition? A big koala hug for that! @exyle @mattclarke

Great advice. Repurposed content works well here. My Indie Author Series was gleaned from a book on writing that I published a couple of years ago. It was my first book accepted by a traditional publisher. I spent a whole summer writing it but it went out of print due to the publisher not putting any marketing dollars behind it. I made maybe $300 in royalties for 3 months' worth of work before they killed it. Luckily, I was able to negotiate a deal to retain the rights to the book. I love the fact that Steemit allows me to get some monetary reward for something I worked so hard to produce.

I guess you are getting a much better reward for it now! I think that's magical. The effort of those 3 months is already inside the content and it's still valuable today. And no publisher here either for you to have to rely on!

Just another example of the power of this platform. It's a win-win, for sure. Have a good evening, man!

Yes, and I'm very thankful for that!

Great idea and great post. This brought me to the idea I had some old article's and eritings stored in a different place.
Cheers for the heads up post ♡

Thank you and No problem!

I was actually thinking the same thing the other day.
The way I see this place it's more about story's and less about what am I doing right now. You know what I mean, for instance, I'm about to post a story about my beachday yesterday, on other Social Media, I would've posted a pic yesterday and leave it at that. Here I'll actually tell a story about how it was and what we did and how it felt.. much more genuine imo

And the whole story and memory will be in the blockchain. My hope is that one day Jack will be able to read back about that day via your account. And it will be indeed a little more than just a stale pic but the words of his father. I think that's beautiful.

I totally agree, @exyle!
And just like that you have already made $90 before you even went to your day job. I still can't quite grasp the bigness and abundance of Steemit!

I tell everyone (and their mother), too, that they can start by using content they have already written. I think it works as an ingredient for a post, but just copy / pasting old stuff - I'm not sure if that would work. I think people here are smart and intuitive and know when something was created to truly connect with them, or if it was just "dumped" here :)

I love that your mom is here, too, and that you're going to pay her royalties ;)

Of course, the content still needs to have value today but then again that is completely dependent on the person that sees it. But I do agree there is a difference between dumping content or truly connecting.

Number 1 rule of writing: write what you know, not what you think other people will want to read.

Yes, agree! I would like to add the word enjoy next to know.

Very good point and excellent advice for the new users! Excellent advice for us seasoned Steemians, too. I have a bin full of pictures I inherited from my grandparents. It's on my 'to-do' list to sort through them someday.

I think it just got moved up on the list.


Thank, you. Good luck with sorting them all out! I hope you find some gems there!

Thanks! Me, too!

Too right you are, and there is always the resteem button! ^_^

I agree, but needed some reassurance. I started out searching for topics I was interested in and seeing if they returned any results. More often than not they did, which put me off writing on the subject.

Now I see it as an option to, not just reiterate, but provide your own angle on the subject and hope that this attracts new interacts and interest.


Your welcome. Of course, everyone is different but for me writing about crypto, my own thoughts and life are what I enjoy the most. I guess having fun creating doing so is key.

Thank you for posting this. I have closed my old blogs, but I still have the backups. I will go through them, and see if there is anything I can reuse here on steemit...

The way I see it the effort already is inside the old content. I hope you find something that you feel you can use but make sure you enjoy it ;)

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