⏺ The 10X Rule! Now.. 10X your life!! Part 2

in #life7 years ago (edited)

THE 10X RULE PART 2-min.png

As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams, or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else's.
~Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule~

Once again, I have to use this quote because it's so good!

Alright, so in the previous post, Part 1 to this post series, we discussed The 10X Rule, and why most people think it's alright to complain all the time.

If you haven't yet, I encourage you to go checkout Part 1 here. If you have been through it, then let's proceed!

Listen up. I am PRE-WARNING you. If you are not ready to get hardcore, then just leave now. The comments I receive for this post need to be from my dedicated followers only. No moaning. No complaining. Only actions takers!

I have said it before, I will say it to you right now, and many more times in the future. Life simply does not care about you! It doesn't have emotions for you or your position. The only ones with emotions are us!

So, what do you need to do? Get rid of those emotions. It is those emotions that are dragging you down the rabbit hole! You are killing yourself worrying about things. Let me tell you real quick. The things you think about will always just be things you think about. Nothing more. They will always be that way, and only remain that way.

Now, if you enjoy being comfortable, and not growing, then stay like that. However, if you want to soar as your own individual, you are going to need to test your own boundaries. So STOP thinking, and START doing!

You know, I have had these thoughts in my head.. They really inspire me, and get me going. I am super motivated to get these things done, but would you have ever been able to read this article if I didn't smack my keyboard down typing these words for you? No! The only way you are reading this, is from the action I have taken to create this.

It's that simple! I have ZERO sympathy if you don't have the things you want. Complaining about them will just make you cowardly. No complaining! Don't even think about that. Just do whatever you possibly can to get that what it is that you want.

Take the 10X in everything you do. Thinking know, @grantcardone, I think I can publish my version of the book called 'The 2X Rule'. Why? Because most people do not even get close to attempting even 2X the effort. Nowhere close to 10X!! Yet, we all wonder why we are not living our dreams..

So, I will not be artificial with you today. I will not realistically expect 99% of you to be able to 10X. But at least take up the challenge to 2X! Doubling your effort in anything you do. Write your article in half the time! You want to know how long I usually take for an article? About 1-2 hours. You want to know how long this one took me? Less than 20 minutes. (Just kidding, it took longer, but I am putting more effort in!) I fell asleep at 2am this morning. I woke up at 5am this morning. You know what? I am more motivated than ever!!

You need to motivate yourself. Get passionate with the things you are doing!! Your passion should show in everything that you do! Nobody can take that power away from you, except you! When you have passion from within your core, you are able to 10X with ease.

Enough said. I think you get the message. Now stop thinking about doing the things you really want to do, and just go do them. Go and succeed!! Let me know your thoughts in a nice comment. If your comment is above average, I will make you a personal thumbnail, and put in the effort once again to give you a resourceful response. I have 28K SP, and I enjoy rewarding effort!

THE 10X RULE PART 2 END -min.png

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous post:
The 10X Rule! Now.. 10X your life!! Part 1

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #5: Comment your links! New partnership announcement!! Our contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.


Keep on killing it my man! You are real as it gets and I like it. 10 X baby!

Hey brother! I appreciate that. Thank you for your kind words :)

Hell yeah, 10X all the way baby!!! :D Let's do this. I appreciate your upvote!

This wonderful comment has received a bellyrub 20.55 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @zeartul. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

Here's my 24 hour no excuses rule:

There’re 24 hours in a day.

Let me give you 8 hours of sleep.

You now have 16 hours.

And you’ve work I guess. You got your eight to five or nine to six. Subtract that shit, and you have 7 hours left.

What’s that? Commute? Okay. Let’s add in 2 hours for that. No, 3. You now have 4 hours.

But I’m not that brutal. We’re only human. Go take a nap. Sleep up to two hours even. You have 2 hours left.

You have 2 hours in every, single bloody day of your life to do whatever the fuck you want. You can work on your dream, you can go deal it out with your passion, you can go meditate, you can go take a walk, you can plan a realistic budget for your next vacation, you can create art, you can catch up with a friend, you can go work out or you can WHATEVER.

You can’t tell me your’re tired, because I already allowed you to nap for two hours. You’re also sleeping for eight hours which is arguably more than enough.

What? You’ve got to do over time? You’ve got insomnia? When you went for dinner and shit the queue was too long? Oh weh weh weh (that’s a crying baby sound by the way). Whatever. Just whatever okay? Solve your shit, and go make shit happen.

Hopefully this can wake your ass up so that you can see how privileged you are.


This is so beast. Flipping love this.

We all have so much time during our day. That's really not the problem. The problem is within ourselves!

The ability to be disciplined to just work. That's all it takes, but so few people can actually get this right.

Absolutely nobody has the time excuse here. It can definitely be done.

Thank you for your awesome comment :)


And being "busy" today is a bullshit excuse. EVERYBODY is busy today.

EVERYBODY is busy today.

Just depends with what lol :)

My latest post series is up. See you there.

Nice video again mate.

Uhm... I never made a video :) Thank you for the hidden compliment :D

Hey there, @enazwahsdarb - this post of yours made me think of something my former trainer (now we're just human friends) says all the time: "A goal without a plan is just a dream." It also made me think of a Jack Russell running around exhausting itself.

10x effort directed in no particular direction risks being wasted effort.

My trainer and I come from very different worlds - I'm a transplanted engineer/entrepreneur/business developer, and he's a trainer/business person/soccer coaching fanatic (SAFA level 2 qualified). What both of us have realised is we have to have a clear idea where we're going before we can get going on the road. Stepping out with a lot of energy is terrific, but if we don't know where we're going there's a good chance we could get lost and frustrated.

You clearly know where you're going, and you often talk about your goals in your posts. Not everyone can articulate theirs as clearly as you do yours.

Over the years I have worked REALLY hard. I've done all-nighters at work for weeks on end, and the end result was that not getting enough sleep made me horrible to be around and a magnet for mistakes. I've succeeded far more when I've taken the time to think about where I'm going (and most important: WHY), how I'm going to get there, and where I need to spend my effort. One of the reasons for this is I want to spend effort on family, friends and loved ones as well as on work. I also want to stay healthy, so I want to be able to put in time for exercise and make sure I get enough sleep.

Yup, I mentioned sleep twice in this reply because you said you sometimes run on fumes. That can work once in a while, but it's important to recharge as well.

I see the effort you put into this platform, and it's strategic, directed and clever. No Jack Russell factor in you. You clearly know your purpose on this platform and it shows.

Just some love from SuperKiligirl 😊😊

OMG Linsey :D What a comment haha! Love it.

You clearly know where you're going, and you often talk about your goals in your posts. Not everyone can articulate theirs as clearly as you do yours.

Uhm.. WOW, what a compliment. Thank you so much for that. I reeeally appreciate those kind words.

I have to agree with you, of course. Sleep is very important. I'll be honest, I like having certainty with things, and sometimes my ego can get in the way of that because I want to with hold my pride.. But I am honestly in this dilemma right now between needing to do whatever I can (Holding nothing back), spending every minute I have (Out of gratitude), and just hustling all day long.. And the other side is that I need to watch my health, etc.

It's tough sometimes on my conscience.. But I also believe sticking to your guns can take you far.

Constant catch-22 hahaha! Thanks for your awesome comment. Good to see you :) My other posts are up!

Both parts of your article are decent for reading. They inspire a person like me who is in his forties. They would certainly inspire the young. You mentioned that you are a teenager and it amazes me the kind of maturity that you have got at this age. It is true that one has to work hard to achieve something in life. Some need a lot of effort while others need a bit less. But, effort is something everyone needs. It also depends on a lot of factors when a person will achieve something he trying for. But, Achieve he will. When it comes to Money earning it is just one thing. I have a colleague who works very hard earns a lot more than me and is always earning by one way or another due to his contacts in the market. But, he is always short of money. The reason is his spending habits. He spends a lot on partying, on fashionable cloth and also on donations and on his (selfish) friends and ends up with credit card debts at the end of most months. Therefore, not just earning but also saving and investing are essentials of living a good life. The proper management of your investments and regular analysis of these investments is important. Savings are important in life they help in case of emergency. At the same time the should not make you a miser. Being a miser is also a bad thing. The other investment a person has to make is in his health. You may not realize this at a young age, but later on in life you may feel the effects of ill health. I read in this article that you fell asleep 2 a.m. in the morning and woke up at 5 a.m. i feel this is not a good schedule. On a rare occasion its okay, but it will harm you in the long run. Take care of your health. Your health is also a investment that will keep you in good stead for your future.

WOW man, this was a great comment. Thank you very much for this.

With regards to my age, I don't think I have ever publicly opened up to my specific age on my blog, because I figured (When starting out, didn't have much credibility) that I would be taken more seriously if people were under the assumption that I was as young as I am. Now, however, I think it's getting easier and easier to reveal this personal info, as it seems people are more impressed by that factor :) Thanks for that.

I definitely agree. It's not about how much you earn, but rather how much you keep..

In the same sense, I don't think the general stereotype of something not having cash is a bad thing. One way or another, you should spend every cent of your money, in my opinion. At least for me, that is how it is. I have never been in the middle. I am either terrible, or I'm great haha :D So, what I'm trying to say is, the rich man should be spending every cent into his growth. At the end of the day, he should still be broke (In his wallet).

Your friend will be extremely broke, and the personal-growth man will be extremely rich. That's my approach :)

I definitely agree. Trust me, I am getting mixed opinions from a ton of people about the way I am doing things :D It's not permanent, but I believe in launching, not starting. So the altitude will get to a whole new level, and then autopilot. If that makes sense :)

Thanks again for your awesome comment.

Another great post, Life is never easy, if it is easy then your either very lucky or oblivious to what is really going on around you.
But that doesn’t mean life is bad its the challenges that we face that makes us into the people we are and enable us to grow

And my challenge for myself today is to double the amounts of steps and miles I have set myself to do as part of my diet, so instead of being happy if I go over 5 MIles and 10K steps today I have to double both of them

Ten times with work and such just wound not be possible fo me so I took the 2X option :)

Hi Enaz again. I learned a lot from your posts and I implemented your stats footer and started to make my own headers. Boom I got more interaction and even an upvote from a whale. Just because of adding a footer and a header just like you did.

Here is how I increase my efforts:
I got a daily task list which I check. I don't go to sleep till that is done.

Here is a screenshot of my Gameplan:

I always delete the old days and write down my monthly progress. The Screenshot is in German but here is what I do everyday:

  1. Workout
  2. Wake up early (5-6am)
  3. Hygiene routine & cleaning the house
  4. Writing emails + Admin stuff on my website
  5. Create content and update social media
  6. Comment and Reply on Steemit
  7. Learn new things (1h per day)
  8. Freelancing jobs

You helped me to make more money.

This is really awesome to see. I am glad you have gotten yourself nicely on track! Excellent! :)

Now just for the daily, consistent action-taking on that plan. Go for GOLD my man!

Stay awesome!

Hehe, I like your post style. Since I watch you you have come up with several new ideas. Way to go. Constant improvement. Love it. I think I went from 7x to 8x reading this. ;)

Gave you 50% for each part!

I appreciate your kind words brother! Really awesome to hear that :)

I actually enjoy having you around, because you are so observant. It's nice, because you acknowledge the efforts and constant attempts of improvements. For that, I want to thank you :)

I can say the same about you! One of thee days, it's going to be a different way for everyone to be doing things, I know it will be. By that point, I want to be able to say that I was the influencing factor to that change.
Stay awesome!

By that point, I want to be able to say that I was the influencing factor to that change.

Me too!

We can do it together my man :) Team work!

Which is what Steemit is all about in the first place :)

Great motivational articles @enazwahsdarb <- Wow that is username is a mouthful, I am sure there is an interesting back story.

I am glad to see another fellow South Africa doing pretty good for himself here on Steemit.

Hope you have an awesome day bru.

Edit: Lol just figured out the username....

Life is not a bed with roses. Nothing should be taken for granted.
I hate to say how many people around me are just complaining about almost everything and doing next to nothing.

Everyday we face challenges, not problems. That is my motto. All I need to do is keep on from one challenge to another.

Amen to that! No beds of roses :)

I know what you mean!! :D I used to notice it a lot. Nowadays my focus filter is just not even paying attention anymore to that kind of attitude hahaha!

Go for gold!!

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