Transgender: Ask Me Anything - What questions might Steemit users have but been afraid to ask?

in #lgbt8 years ago (edited)

Common Questions People have when Interacting with a Transgender Person

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After being nicely asked some questions from @williambanks regarding the pronouns I prefer to use, or have others use in reference to me, I thought this might be a helpful post for the Steemit community.

There are many questions not asked to others because they may feel it is taboo or incite potential conflict, such as politics/political theory, religion/spiritual theory, education/child rearing...and in my case being transgender.

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Frequently those of you who are good natured and caring don't ask excellent questions simply because they don't want to chance offending the other person. While I completely understand the good sentiment behind this, it doesn't help in gaining mutual understanding.

[NOTE: I am only speaking from my own point of view and this should not be taken as the view of every transgender (non-binary,etc.) person, who each have their own thoughts and preferences.]

Some common questions I've been asked:

Q. What pronouns should be used?
A. I live and present myself as female and prefer to use female pronouns; she, her, etc. A good rule of thumb is to refer to a transgender person using pronouns matching what they are presenting. While this is not necessarily true for everybody, if there is a question about pronouns, just ask. I would assume most transgender people will take this as a pure, caring question and be more than happy to answer.

Q. What did you're name used to be?
A. Good rule of thumb is to not ask this. This 'old name' is commonly referred to by transpeople as their 'dead name.' While it might come up in conversation after establishing a friendship, this is not something to ask upon first meeting. (Personally, this wasn't an issue, having a gender neutral name like Corey, but I do believe I'm in the minority on this one.)

Q. What 'parts' do you have? or surgeries have been done?
A. Imagine yourself meeting a person for the first time and they ask you 'what genitalia do you have?' Pretty uncomfortable question coming from someone you just met, right? Same thing for transgender people. While this may be something that comes up later, after establishing a friendship, it's typically not a good ice breaker.

Q. So do you like boys/girls/both? Does that make you gay/straight/bi?
A. First thing to mention here is that sexual orientation (preferred partners) and gender identity (self identity) are on completely independent dimensions. Some transpeople prefer men, others women, some prefer other trans or non-binary people, some identify as asexual while others prefer pansexuality or even polyamory. There are even more preferences beyond these mentioned which you can see a non-exhaustive list here to give further examples. The full gambit of options are available and there is never a way to predict across all people in the trans or non-binary communities.

This may not always be the best thing to ask when you first meet somebody though. While I am personally not bothered by it, I know many that are. How would you feel if you met someone for the first time and they asked if you were gay or straight?

The other thing to note here is that the definition of being gay versus straight is really quite subjective. While what I consider to be a 'straight' relationship with my boyfriend can be considered 'gay' in someone else's mind. Since I've not been concerned with labels (with more a focus on essence) it doesn't bother me that these word/categories break down. But I honestly believe many people have a negative reaction when their security blanket of labeled categories are threatened.

For example, imagine a straight cis-gendered (i.e. not transgender) person named Carl sees a girl he thinks is pretty cute and feels attracted to her in some way and asks her to lunch. During the conversation Carl finds out that she is a transwoman and immediately asks himself, "Does this make me gay?" See how quickly the gay/straight categorization breaks down?

Ask Me Anything

(Image Source)

I'm sure there are other questions out there that people may have and this is an open invitation to ask them! Feel free to ask me anything, the worst I can say is that I'm not comfortable answering that.

[Additional Disclaimer: I am only answering in regard to myself or what I have perceived of the community I've been exposed to. This in no way is an attempt to speak for everybody since each person has their own answers and comfort zones.]

Please don't respond with regard to LGBT being right or wrong, that belongs elsewhere.
This is solely with the goal of enhancing mutual understanding.


This is very important!

Q. So do you like boys/girls/both? Does that make you gay/straight/bi?
A. First thing to mention here is that sexual orientation (preferred partners) and gender identity (self identity) are on completely independent dimensions.

Thank you for clearing the air on some of this. :)

@sykochica I've said it before and I'll say it again. There isn't anyone on this site who's mind is wired up the same as mine. Except for you.

I'm a cisgendered straight male who has never had any questions about whether or not my plumbing and wiring were a match.

Yet our mutual proclivity for discourse and the way we both use the language is identical to the point that I stand amazed every day as I read through your content, and try to recognize it as not somehow being my own. The thoughts are the same, the way ideas are deconstructed, analyzed and put back together is also identical. I've just come to accept the fact that when this happens it means there really is such a thing as "like mindedness" that goes well beyond the superficial.

Strange to hold up a mirror and see someone so different on the outside and so similar on the inside despite literally having no shared experiences beyond steemit. I will one day write a paper on this.

So I know that no one else will broach this topic with you. But literally, what is it like to be transgendered? You say "the gender you present" is part of a feedback loop. But if I shaved, wore a dress, put on makeup. Hell even if I went full out and "replaced the plumbing" as it were, I still could not hold the new identity beyond the one I was born with. You seem to do this effortlessly.

But I guess what I'm asking about is the question of the uncanny divide (which BTW applies to humans as well as machines), how do you cross this? How do you interact with cis-women? How do cis-women react to you? How do you deal with it when they react badly?

While I know many argue over whether feelings of being gay or transgender are 'embedded' from the start or 'learned/chosen' from my own experience I subscribe to the former. At first this translated as a feeling of 'being off' when socializing (friends, family, etc.) and later molded into a much clearer picture as I learned of the concepts of transgender. This was the first time I felt that internal reaction of YES, that's it!

To respond to the first part of your question:

You say "the gender you present" is part of a feedback loop. But if I shaved, wore a dress, put on makeup. Hell even if I went full out and "replaced the plumbing" as it were, I still could not hold the new identity beyond the one I was born with.

First we have to assume that that these transgender feelings are embedded from the start of a human. Now think of these feminine feelings as a periodic wave. When I came in contact with society which treated me as male, I was presented with a 180 degree phase shifted periodic wave, that cancels out (destructive interference) my wave. This is what generates my feelings of being off. When I socially transitioned and was then treated as female by society, instead the wave grew (constructive interference), which for me felt correct.

My point is that for you, the destructive/constructive effects would be reversed. You would feel correct by being male and perceived as male, which would only feel off if were you to present as a woman. The thing to cross is purely dealing with the fear of negative reactions from society. I've been lucky to have a fully supportive family (even though discussions for understanding have been necessary,) friends and little to no social backlash. Many others are not this lucky.

How do you interact with cis-women? How do cis-women react to you?

I don't feel that I've changed much as a in 'essence' since I've transitioned (outside sharing more.) The female friends I had before, while getting a little closer, remained a similar relationship as before. I will admit that there were a few additional topics, like clothes, facials, etc... were added, but these were minor in the full scope.

Most women react/treat me as if I'm just another woman. It helps me by being relatively passable, which has it's own rabbit hole of discussion. I am also always aware of how others 'could' perceive me, and can usually avoid or prevent potential issues.

How do you deal with it when they react badly?

I've not had any bad reactions luckily. The closest has been a friend from high school that I could tell was torn with what he'd always thought and accepting that I'd transitioned. He didn't say or do anything mean or wrong, but I could tell.

Outside of this is a period online troll or a real life person realize I'm transgender from some queue or another and give me the 'eye' or a scoff. But these really just bounce off of me and go on, they're going to feel the way they feel regardless of me.

@sykochica I wish I had a basis for comparison. But this was helpful and thanks. So the answer to how you crossed the uncanny valley, was just that you were close enough to begin with that you already crossed it?

Closest thing I can come to the experience would be when I was 14 and my girlfriend dressed me up as a hooker for halloween. I didn't feel anything different about who I was and mostly it was just to humor her. We had a lot of fun and no one ever made mention of it afterwards.

But to my mind, this isn't anywhere near the same is it? When you present as male, you don't feel male. You might or might not have the plumbing, but in your seat of consciousness where it matters, you look in and find your homunculus is a female?

Was there ever a time you felt both or neither genders? Have you ever met people who simply refuse to be one or the other? Sorry i guess I'm just intrigued from an experiential perspective. I can understand feeling out of phase. But like I said when I cross dressed for halloween it meant nothing to me. It was just live action role play. However this is much deeper and I'm trying to understand how that works since gender is such a vital part of identity in general, yet I've met people who refuse the entire concept of gender.

I love this, but I'm about to fall over tired. I promise I will get back to this tomorrow.

I forgot to mention that i have met non binary, gender fluid and androgynous people. Many have similar issues in common with transgender people.

First, yes! To me 'essence' = homunculus!

Was there ever a time you felt both or neither genders?

[These are MY answers and don't necessarily speak for all trans or non-binary/gender-fluid people]
Prior to beginning to come out in my early 30s, I had kind of given up on the idea of intimacy and focused more on my intellectualism and developing personal philosophy. This was my closest to feeling 'neither' gender since I had accepted the idea of being single, found social gratification with friends (even if not intimate) and defined myself outside of gender lines. I was my soul, passions and ideas...all of which are essentially gender irrelevant in the traditional sense.

I'm not sure how much other feel this way, but I tend to think of myself more since coming out as what has been called 'Two-Spirit.' While I still feel and choose to present female, I do still have and understand a male perspective to a degree. In some countries this is revered due to the insight and knowledge from both sides of things. But much as we travel up and down through Maslow's Hierchy of Needs, my male/female needs and proportions flow as well.

However this is much deeper and I'm trying to understand how that works since gender is such a vital part of identity in general

While I can't deny biological sex, I've wondered how much effect society has in actually defining gender. It's nearly impossible to seperate especially with it being so deeply rooted into out languages. He/she pronouns are use countless times a day, when really a gender neutral term like they/them could easily be used, but why? Why do many languages like french, spanish and italian have a masculine/feminine applied to everything. (It is la bibliotèque not le bibliothèque) What sense does it really make to apply gender to inanimate objects? This is really a hard one to separate since for many people conscious concepts require a word, and those words have un-noticed implications. I get the concept of 'gender role' in the evolutionary biology/psychology sense, but it really doesn't explain why it's still held to tightly or embedded in our vocabulary.

Great question!

This is great. I'm glad that you can be open enough to share your personal life for the understanding of everyone. Regardless of what pronoun you identify with I'm proud to call you my friend.

Thank you!
I've always been an all or nothing type of person and once I got over the initial hump of getting comfortable, I just laid it all on the table. I hope this proves useful to the community as a whole.

I really appreciate the friendships that have spawned here in the last month, yourself included!

This btw was my 500th post! You should win something! :P

I agree. Everyone send me your SBD. This is a celebration people.

There ya go! :) Sent you a little prize!

I sent it back. Lol thanks anyway though.

I agree with @kryptik I had no idea you were transgender. It didn't matter I consider you a good friend of mine :)

Ty! I appreciate that! :)

It really doesn't matter to me if someone is transgender or has any sexual identity/orientation, the person matters, beyond all definitions!

The problem is people being easily offended: they don't like if you say what you think or what you are, personally it's quite hard to offend me, just because I respect any standpoint and I don't think to own the Truth.

So sometimes eterosexuals, religious people are offended if they see something "not straight", other times LGBT people get offended for other reasons.

So please everyone, start becoming sincere and open and stop considering offensive anything which is not in tune with your views!

I absolutely 100% totally agree on this!

The only way things are going to improve is for those on both sides to HAVE THE DISCUSSION! We are all people and should respect each other as people. While I can understand the point of LGBT people who have a long history of honestly being offended, we can not allow this to jade our view of everybody.

In my opinion the start of everything human needs to start with the keystones of "Don't be an asshole" and "Look first for the goodness in others."

We are all on this spaceship called earth together!

Well said @andrew0!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject! Being a curious person I watched many documentaries about transgender. I have found out that adjusting your voice can be difficult. Is this something that you struggle with?

Happy to share! :)

I have found out that adjusting your voice can be difficult. Is this something that you struggle with?

This is very very true! For female to male transpeople the voice change isn't always as much of an issue. For many after taking testosterone for a period their vocal cords actually thicken and deepen much like a boy going through puberty. For some though, the voice doesn't drop as much as they want.

For male to female transpeople this can be a little tougher. The vocal cords have already 'thickened' and short of surgery (which I'm personally not a fan of) the raising of the voice is achieved through practice. Female hormones don't have much if any effect on a transwoman's voice. There are lot of free and pay for resources out there like this, even an app on voice training. I managed to find a few tips and run with them.
I've done voice impressions for a long time, so it helped having the ability to notice and control certain 'noise effects' of my speech. I used singing as a fun and helpful practice tool that got me more comfortable in higher scales without having a 'grumble' as I call it. Working in a call center for year or so also was great practice, especially having a gender neutral name like Corey. Callers determined my gender solely by my voice, inflection, and vocabulary.

I've gotten way more comfortable with my voice over the years and It's also fallen 'naturally' into a more feminine sound nowadays. But I do have days (especially with sick) where I struggle, or when I'm tired and just don't care. :P

Great Question!

It's great that it isn't that much of an issue for you. Sometimes little things happen in life, like voice impressions; then you realize most of the things happen for a reason. It's great that there is an app.I didn't know.

Thank you! :)
I've definitely appreciated the areas that I felt I got lucky or had a head start on. (supporting family/friends, voice control, some ability to pass, etc.)

There have been a good number of transgender resources around with a boom of options in the last 5 years or so. Even just looking up transgender voice training on youtube will give a ton of people giving their own take, tips and tricks. (about as common as the beginner steemit how to guides, lol)

While specifically about voice, I found the TransTimelines thread on reddit to be very useful and inspiring.

If you haven't even made this post, I wouldn't have known that you were LGBT, and really, I just consider you more awesome for having stated this :) I know quite a few LGBs, but I couldn't say I know any transgender individuals personally before you.

I'm not quite sure if it's been asked before here but, when did you find out about your true orientation and when did you embrace it (if you don't mind me asking)?

I feel sad when I discover that there are a lot of closeted individuals who can't embrace their true nature out of fear of persecution, social repercussions or religion. Everyone should be free to embrace who they truly are, and I'm glad that you have fully embraced your true self :D

Thank you! While I don't try to hide being trans, it's not something that comes up into to conversation much for me. I find that my primary passions fall in other areas. But now some answers! :)

...when did you find out about your true orientation and when did you embrace it (if you don't mind me asking)?

I had feelings that something was 'off' as early as age 5-6, which was (I believe) due to starting school. This is the first time that a norm outside the family was experienced. While I didn't understand what it WAS as the time, I could tell what things didn't fit. This was in the early 80's and the gay awareness campaign was in its infancy. While being exposed to the concept of gay, it didn't feel like it fit for me.

In my early 20's I first started finding concepts of gender change on the internet, some fiction some non-fiction. While I'll admit seeing transgender people (usually in poor light) on main stream media such as Jerry Springer, I didn't find this very helpful. It was all about the internet and felt a huge weight lifting as I started to find there were others like me out there in the ether. Right about the age of 30 is when the split between what I presented and wanted to present started passing my 'comfort' threshold and told my first person about this. A month or two later is when I told my parents and sister.

I feel sad when I discover that there are a lot of closeted individuals who can't embrace their true nature out of fear of persecution, social repercussions or religion.

This is so true. I've been very lucky coming from a reformed Jewish background, which tends to be extremely LGBT accepting. Another benefit was that I don't have a 'fundamental' wing of the family, every single one of my family members have been supported (even though conversations so that could understand better were necessary and completely understandable.) My biggest fear was dealing with society. At the time transgender was usually presented as a comedic skit or whatever that was on the Jerry Springer show, again not very helpful. In fact my perception for a long was more attuned to the negative depictions like these as well as the horrible violence or murder towards transpeople stories. While awareness wise we now have a much more positive showing in the media like Laverne Cox or Kristen Beck.

Everyone should be free to embrace who they truly are, and I'm glad that you have fully embraced your true self :D

I completely agree and I believe a large part of the American population would to. The others will either have a revelation, die off, or be dragged kicking and screaming about their "Religious Freedom Bills."

Wonderful Question! :)

With regard to the representation, yeah, I agree. It was a rather bleak time. That was my first encounter with transgenders as well, and admittedly, it was very unflattering. It's great time to be living now that there are a lot of transgenders being represented in a more positive light. As you mentioned, Laverne Cox, and the Wachowski's are great coming-out stories that would hopefully encourage people to come out.

In my country, there's this gay celebrity who has seen huge success in recent years and kind of introduced a wave of people embracing their true selves. While the reception has been mixed, I consider it all well and good in the long run.

It's great that you have such a supportive family, I guess that's one of the opportunities not afforded to a lot of LGBTs. It's great that you're sharing this to the world. I really hope that you would be a flagbearer of the LGBT at least in the Steemit community. People preach about acceptance and inclusion, and I really hope that it really comes to fruition here.

It definitely takes time but it will get there for the international community as a whole. However I saw 10 years of the gay awareness campaign do wonders, I believe the statistic now is that 9 of 10 people have someone they know or love that is gay. Trans-awareness will get there too :)

I've actually been thinking of splitting my posts between my usual stuff and trying to do more trans related stuff. Honestly just with some of the walls of text in this post easily can make their own posts.

Just curious, what country do you live in?

I love this, but I'm about to fall over tired. I promise I will get back to this tomorrow.
Ty @Jedau!

No worries! Take all the time you need with it. Have a good rest!

Thanks for your article. I do have a few questions, and I don't know any trans people, so can I ask some personal ones? I would never do this if we just met, but since you are offering:

  1. How does it work? I mean, did you always feel like a female psychologically speaking, and doing the physical transformation just helped the essence of your real gender show? Or is it more just the physicality of the gender that you felt more in line with? What exactly motivates the physical transformation, if you can explain for those of us who have no point of reference, unfortunately.

  2. If there is no "gay" or "straight" and sexual orientation is irrelevant, does that mean sexuality is irrelevant too? Are you saying that being transgender has less to do with sex and sexual attraction, and more to do with who you line up with as a gender? What does "gender" mean? And again, is the physical transformation more a manifestation of the gender you feel, or is the physical aspect a big part of what it means to be a woman?

  3. How does this kind of transformation work in a society that seems to be leaning toward gender neutral? Do you prefer to see more traditional differences that make a more clear distinction between the two genders so you can enjoy that transformation more fully? Does gender neutrality, irrelevance in sexual orientation, and the ability to change genders make you feel like the male and female body are truly irrelevant? And doesn't it seem an irony at all?

Please forgive. I don't want to offend. Just clueless.

I'd like to write my own pontifications on the subject. Keep a look out for it and feel free to comment on there if you see it come up. I would not use your comments to me unless you gave me permission to do so, but I may likely refer to your article, if that's ok.


I didn't even know you were transgender. It really doesn't matter although I can understand these days people don't want to offend anyone.

It is brave of you to reveal it and discuss it openly because I have seen some pretty horrible attitudes on Twitter particularly when there was that fuss in the USA over bathroom usage or something like that.

I love this quote from what you say it is so true:

Imagine yourself meeting a person for the first time and the ask you 'what genitalia do you have?' Pretty uncomfortable question coming from someone you just met, right?

I would like to meet the person that uses that as their first "ice breaker" question lol - or actually maybe I wouldn't.

The only thing I am curious about and this is quite personal so you really don't have to answer. You mentioned that trans people often consider the old name to be their "dead" name. It makes sense.

The question is how do you tell people who knew you as the old you about your transition? I can imagine that must be very difficult and I'm sure there's no right or wrong way to do it.

Thanks for sharing and being brave enough to open yourself up to our questions. I hope they are not too ignorant.

Yea, I don't really talk about being trans that much since I focus on my intellectual passions. Truly once you connect with a person, it goes deeper than the physical body itself. Look at all of the friendships made on here, world of warcraft, etc. All of which are real, and gender is assumed, but in reality the two physical people never actually are around each other.

It's only a big thing because people make it a big thing, like with the HB2 bill in North Carolina that undid and preventing any further anti-discrimination laws in the state. This was done in response to the city of Charlotte passing a law that would protect the human and civil rights of the LGBT community. It's really strange hearing that an anti-anti-discrimination bill is passed, but it happened. This unfortunately has just been the latest and most covered scenario, but similar occurred in Indiana (driven by now VP candidate Mike Pence), Arkansas (in response to Fayetteville passing an LGBT anti-discrimination law), and even here in the city I live in had passed similar LGBT protection laws only to have it repealed about 6 months later by a razor thin vote. I actually made a post describing what happened here in this post a few weeks back.

Luckily things here aren't like the damage HB2 has caused people, businesses and public organizations for North Carolina. But I won't travel down that rabbit hole. lol

To answer you very fair question telling people that knew be before:

It was by far the hardest to tell the first people that I felt I was transgender. At this stage I was logically ONLY telling people that had known the 'old me' since that had been the only thing I had presented to anybody at that stage. Part of the difficulty was that there was no organic way for this conversation to start (being before transgender celebrities like Laverne Cox and issues started to be included in the main stream media.) It always had to start with a "So.... There's something I wanted to tell you..." statement, that are never comfortable. Honestly at this stage, the difficulty to tell somebody stayed the same while the DRIVE to tell someone constantly increased. Basically it was going to come out sooner or later.

While I did get a lot more comfortable presenting and interacting the way I wanted to rather quickly (it helps when there is only supportive people) I did notice that I had a harder time saying anything to people I had known since was easier for me to talk to a new friend/stranger...specifically because of the reason you mentioned.

It's hard to shift the mental model we make for others, especially after being ingrained for so many years. To some degree the same holds in pronoun usage. I can understand why my dad slips a 'he' periodically. He's not being mean, I have no doubt he's trying, it's a tough thing to be 100% on after switching.

I assume the same reasoning holds with asking to be called a new name by people that knew you by another name for so long. I had it easy on this one since I didn't change my name.

Wonderful question, sorry for the long answer :)

Thanks for such an awesome reply. I couldn't go to bed before reading it and saying thanks.

You're very welcome! Have good sleeps! :)

I'm all for people taking whatever gender identity they want. The thing I don't really get is surgery and hormones as they relate to privilege. Only people in wealthy countries have this option, and yet it seems that trans folks feel surgery and hormones are really important parts of providing viable options for people to have the gender identity that they want. How does that work for the vast majority of the people outside of wealth industrialized countries who don't have the money to pay for surgery?

There is a split between the social, physical, emotional and sexual portions of a persons transition (or journey.) While I can not speak for every transperson, the social transition was by far the most important for me. There is a rarely noticed feedback look of 'I present female' --> 'I'm treated female' --> I feel validated and continue presenting female.

While I know of many transpeople that would love to have the surgeries, most haven't and might never be able to. This can be due to wealth, health or insurance issues. Sometimes health and age prevent a transperson from being able to take hormones, yet still find greatly enhanced satisfaction just from the social transition. The SRS surgeries (like a lot of pharmaceuticals) also tend to be much more expensive in the US, partly due to there not being many domestic places that performed them, on top of many insurance companies not covering them. A vast majority of the SRS surgeries have been performed in Thailand (a second world country) for a long time, where it is cheaper and more socially acceptable.

My point out of all of this is that the privilege of wealth and access doesn't really apply to a 1st, 2nd or 3rd world country but to the transgender community as a whole (who also have a much lower socio-economic status on average, kicked out of their homes at an early age, can be fired or kicked out of an apartment or rental with no recourse.) The entire community world wide is under-served as a whole (outside of Caitlyn Jenner) and there really isn't a privilege disparity between transgender people. The 'privilege' is a rarity in out community unfortunately.

The other point here is to look at social acceptance of the trans community to exist. It's more common for transpeople to be treated as an equal 1st and some 2nd world countries. But most 3rd world countries are very conservative and tend to shun or worse those that 'come out' as transgender.

Surgeries, while maybe preferred for some, aren't what make a transperson transgender. It's that inner feeling of how they would like to be treated (as male or female) and reciprocated by society that creates the feedback loop of gender that is more than sufficient for most.

I think I answered your question in all that. Lol

I found this post interesting and informative. I don't usually cross paths with people like you, so I appreciated getting a bit of the inside perspective. I don't have any particular questions right now, but wanted to say I did learn something from the article.

@wiser I promise you have NEVER crossed paths with anyone like @sykochica. They don't make them like her. Hell she had to make herself.

I approve this message

sychochica is well.. brilliant!!!!

I understand, it's not something we're presented with often.
Glad that it was informative! That's a win in my book.
And no worries on questions, this is now on the blockchain. Lol

I did think of one question, maybe a complex one. Do you often interact with people whose religious convictions do not allow for acceptance of the change? So, if you were born biologically a man, then that would be your gender for life, according to these convictions. How do people from that background relate to you: will they use the pronouns that match how you present? Or do they insist on using the pronouns corresponding to gender you were created with (as shown by the usual way new parents identify their baby as a boy or girl)?

I got very lucky that I was raised, and the majority of my extended family are, reformed Jews, who are typically very accepting to the LGBT community. Most of the 'bible thumping' I've seen has been from fundamentalist Christians. (The city I live in is in the buckle of the bible belt has the world headquarters of the Assemblies of God church.)

While I have not had to deal with any issues directly (I should also note that I have at best labeled myself agnostic for a long time,) I do know many that have and do deal with things like this.

Before going to far, I want to note that this is not a blanket statement for all Christians or Fundamentalist Christians. I've met many good hearted and well meaning people who self identity into either of these groups. During the period between LGBT non-discrimiation laws being passed and then repealed (which I wrote about in depth here) I saw a number of people leave their fundamentalist church over the spewed hatred. While I try to give the benefit of the doubt wherever I can, the LGBT bashing arguments are founded in nothing but hatred, fear or ignorance (in my opinion.)

Unfortunately there really isn't a way to change the mind of people fixated on how their pastor (or whatever) has interpreted the meaning of the bible. In my opinion it's used either as a political tool to influence people for some agenda based on hate, fear or power (usually by the pastor) or a security blanket for individuals who don't want to allow them selves to think outside of their 'comfort' box.

I know many transpeople that have been kicked out/unwelcomed by their church for many years, fired from jobs, disowned by families, or worse. These are the people that tend to refuse someones transition and purposly uses the incorrect pronouns and/or names. Sometimes good people after gaining some insight to being transgender, but many just stay embedded in their ways. This is a large reason (in my opinion) that the assault, murder, and suicide rates of transpeople are STAGGERING.

Just look at the attempted suicide rate in the above image. 41% of all transpeople have attempted suicide compared that of the general population of about 1.5%. The more anyone looks at transgender statistics the INSANITY is apparent to just about anybody.

Let me know if I missed answering anything. Great questions!

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