Are you Knowledge Deep or Knowledge Wide?

in #knowledge7 years ago (edited)

While in training today I heard a man say:

"My knowledge is like a broad, shallow swimming pool. I know a little about a lot of things, but not very much about any one thing."

The imagery of what he said is still swimming around in my head. It begs the question, "Am I knowledge deep or knowledge wide?"


Knowledge Deep

I would define knowledge deep as an extensive knowledge and understanding of a very specific topic (or small range of topics). Knowledge deep implies expertise. And it usually takes years of study or life experience to reach a high level of expertise. As a result, it is very time-consuming to master a topic, and even more time comsuming to master a wide range of topics.

When you are known as knowledge deep, people often come to you to ask detailed questions about very specific problems.

Knowledge Wide

I would define knowledge wide as a general working knowledge of a wide variety of topics. This type of knowledge is accumulated over time, but not necessarily through formal learning. Wide knowledge is similar to the idea of "jack of all trades."

When you are known as knowledge wide, people might come to you to asking all types of questions over a wide range of topics.

Which is better?

Neither is inherently better. When determining whether you need/want to be knowledge deep or knowledge wide you should consider your current environment and your goals for the future.

Certain professions or job opportunities might require one or the other.

  • If I need brain surgery, I would prefer that a brain surgeon operate on my frontal cortex versus a first-year medical student. Deep knowledge and specialized skill are preferred.
  • If I call a help desk center that addresses Microsoft office, I would expect the person I am speaking with to be able to answer basic questions about Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. If my problem is too complicated then I would be expected to be passed along to a more specialized expert.

Why is it important for Steemit users to understand the difference?

Steemians need to decide whether they want to be knowledge deep or knowledge wide. How you answer this question will impact how you serve your followers and the community at large.

If you choose to be knowledge deep you might be limiting your total number of followers, but you will be building loyal followers.

If you choose to be knowledge wide, you may be able to speak into the lives of many people but you might not be able to speak deeply to their needs.

I have been apart of the Steemit community since June 2017. I still feel like I am trying to find my voice and refine my point of view. I am still looking for a niche so that I can better. This is all part of the process (my process), and I encourage you to embrace it as well.

Your Turn

Let's continue the conversation in the comments.

  1. Are you knowledge deep or knowledge wide?
  2. Have you found your Steemit niche?
  3. Do you feel like your posts share a common theme or are you still floundering in search of post ideas?

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you.


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Hi @sumatranate. It's allways difficult to find what you like least un my case.
I love to learn anything, and some times I found myself knowing a lot of things but not deep enough. So I guess I'm knoeledge wide.
Despite this, I am knoeledge deep in some maters, like dogs or cooking. So If guess I don't know very well wether i'm Deep or wide.
Anyway, I don't think It really matters.
Just do what you feel good doing. If you like what you do, results may come.
See you arround!

@jorgegp, I am still trying to figure out how I can best serve on Steemit. There is a lot of trial and error for me. I agree that we should start with something that we enjoy and change as we change.

Thanks for adding to the conversation.

It's hard to say. In many ways I'm an "omnivert" because I have been a writer for 30+ years and some of that has been "write to order" for magazines, so I have had to research and learn topics "on the spot."

There are a few topics I know in a lot of depth; psychology and various hobby topics... but I have never really used them to try to build a Steemit following as they tend to be too esoteric to reach more than a small handful of people. Thus, on Steemit, I mostly resort to "commentary on life and the human condition."

@denmarkguy, sounds like you have found the right topics to talk about on Steemit. It is always nice to find someone who can communicate life and the human condition in a real but entertaining way.

You bring up an interesting point. Sometime what we write about professionally is not what we write about on Steemit.

That's an interesting thought you've put forward! I would say I fall in the 'knowledge wide' category...I might know more of one thing, less of something else. But then again, I wouldn't want to categorize myself into any particular kind. That's one reason why I've never given in to the whole 'what's the niche of your blog' thing. And this is not just for Steemit but my own website as well. On both platforms, I essentially write about something I'm most passionate about and that's Travel. But then, in all the hype about writing posts that are relevant to travel, I always try to personalize my blog. I don't want to sound like an online travel magazine or a robot giving travel advice. Once in a while, I would like to break things up a bit and share my life with my readers. I'm sure readers want to know how they can relate to a blogger/writer they read.

@girlinchief, I definitely see your travel focus but I also can tell that you work on explaining your POV (point of view). Like you said, adding a personal touch is what often communicates best with our readers.

A connection is so important. We might be forming digital relationships, but they are still relationships.

Keep pressing forward and keep Steeming!

Knowledge wide is "Jack of all trades master of none!" Most of the time these are people whom you can easily get along with and will be able to help you in a lot of things. Knowledge deep on the other hand I believe are more focused on their expertise, they will only be with a few people who share their interests, some may not be able to mingle with them easily.
I believe I have found my Steemit niche though its a variety, it depends on my mood.:) Something that shows who I am(knowledge wide it is). :)

@leahlei, I am glad that you have found your niche.

It is important to show who we are and you are correct that emotions and circumstances often impact what we share and communicate.

Knowledge deep or knowledge wide, quite the deep question. To be honest I don't know what I am, definitely something I should think about. Thanks for the thought provoking article. Here's a vote from your fellow qurite, have a pleasant day.

@riovanes, I really appreciate your comment. Glad to know that I am helping push you a little bit.

Keep pushing forward and keep Steeming!

Yea found my topics.
Inspirational, about life and short stories. Still trying to build more on them. Thanks

@inspiredgideon1, good for you. It is great when you find your voice. Keep working on building up your posts and engaging your followers.

Trying to do that but has not been really easy.
Doing my best but seen my best is not really giving me the desired goal that i had planned for myself

@inspiredgideon1, I remember that I became very discouraged after a few weeks on Steemit. I saw so many successful people and I was not sure how to become successful. I was trying to work hard, but it seemed that I was doing the wrong things.

My best advice for someone who feels like there best is not good enough is to focus on writing incredible comments.

The reason why comments are so important is because they ...

  • help you develop relationships with other people
  • which them helps you gain more followers
  • and when you have more followers, then more people can vote for your articles

I understand where you are coming from. I have been there too. Keep pressing forward friend. And keep Steeming!

Thanks for the encouragement

Great post @sumatranate! I like to think I'm got a general knowledge on lots of things -- so knowledge wide. We are still working to establish our niche here in the world of Steemit. We've got lots of ideas for posts but unfortunately struggling to find the time to develop them. --dt

@teamturnerlive, I feel your pain. I have tried out several ideas, but I am still trying to find that sweet spot. Best of luck as you work on your ideas. Time is key. I try to get out one post a day, but sometimes I feel like there is just not enough time to get everything done.

Are you knowledge deep or knowledge wide?

Wide... simply because I jump from recipes to animals to life, etc.

Have you found your Steemit niche?

Like you, I am still learning my niche and creating a brand.

Do you feel like your posts share a common theme or are you still floundering in search of post ideas?

I have post ideas.. but it seems as though our life is pretty random right now, and so it goes with my posts.

My twist is probably that there’s gonna be some humor, somewhere.


@jeejee, thanks for stopping by and answering honestly. I wish you the best as you continue to post on Steemit. Humor is always a great touch!

Thank you... I’ll see ya around


Very interesting @sumatranate. To be honest, the generalist vs. the specialist is a debate that has been going on for as long as we live. There never will be one answer to which on is better. Take you occupation for example. In Western countries, people are more often being pushed towards a specialization, being good in one specific jobs that fits the team. In developing countries, there are less qualified specialist, meaning you sometimes have to step into field of expertise you have limited knowledge in, but more than others. A risk you have with specialists (deep knowledge) is that if society changes its needs and no longer values that specialism/knowledge, your often screwed. Think of people working at telecommunication companies for years connecting landlines and all of a sudden the mobile age comes up. On the other side, generalists (knowledge wide) tends to get undervalued, as specialists often get paid better.

As to your questions:

  1. Both, but I tend to move more to knowledge wide
  2. Absolutely not, and I won't and don't need to in the next 6 months
  3. Still pretty much all over the place, which for me is good. Basically I want to try as much different stuff as possible before I stick to a theme.

@jeanlucsr, thanks for commenting. I agree that there is not one better answer. Your explanation about jobs (general versus specific) is excellent.

I have heard the phrase "the riches are in the niches" concerning the online world. It seems that having a focused blog helps people understand who you are and how you are serving others.

But like you I am still trying to figure out who I am in the Steemit community. Let's keep trying things so that we can find the theme we want to stick with.

Very good point. Online you often come across stronger when you have a niche. I think it is also easier to create a dedicated fanbase.

I think you are a little bit further along the road than I am. I'm guessing specialist in markdown and still staying general as well :).

I feel like a work in progress. In the beginning of this journey, I am pretty sure that I was not even on the road (at all). I am starting to find my way. Honestly, I created the markdown blogs and online course, because I did not see the resource that I wanted for myself.

I would like to create a strong theme (maybe focused on 2-3 topics), but I still have not settled into a sweet spot yet.

Keep moving forward and keep Steeming!

Be patient. Often we take for granted what we have already accomplished :).
Keep steeming! #lobi

@sumatranate . This is a great discussion. I am knowledge deep everywhere except Steemit. On Steemit I have been deliberately more experimental and varied. I do think I will find my niche on here too because ultimately that is how you can provide the most value, in my opinion. Have a great week.

@themikepitt, I want to encourage you to keep experimenting on Steemit. Spend time seeing what other people are offering and learn what you can do that fills a void in our community. Keep pressing forward and keep Steeming!

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