#76 Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 🎨 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

in #killerpix6 years ago (edited)


The past long weekend was the Easter Holiday in Australia and many other countries with a Christian tradition. The celebrations vary in different places. I didn't join any fun activities this time, but only had some chocolates in a bunny shape and watched all those decorations and food in either a bunny or an egg shape in shops and supermarkets... =)

The fertile bunny is a symbol of new life. Likewise, the Easter egg represents Jesus Christ's resurrection. It's said that to symbolize Jesus Christ's shed blood on the cross, some people dye the eggs red. While in some regions in China, boiled eggs are dyed red as gifts for newlyweds or newborns, which also comes from the fertility and life connotation of the egg. During the Easter, some kids play games related to the Easter eggs, like egg rolling and egg hunt. Painting eggs is also a fun thing to do.

Here are some egg candies I painted with my friends' little nephews. It was during a previous Easter holiday when I visited my friends in Atlanta, USA. We used 3 food coloring markers to draw some random patterns on the egg candies. I guess you can tell which ones were done by the kids. Comparing to the kids' wild abstract style, my drawing is not that imaginative, but I was definitely influenced by their cuteness... :)

I also heard about the idea of naturally dyed eggs and would like to try someday. That is to make use of natural plants such as turmeric, purple cabbage, onion skins...

So what did you do on your Easter holidays? Feel free to share your comments below! =)

My post is inspired by @killerwhale and @aaronli's photo contests themed Easter. Check out their pages and join the fun! :D


这个刚过去的周五到周一的长周末是西方的复活节假期。澳大利亚这里也到处都是复活节兔子和彩蛋的装饰。我这里拍的几张照片是前几年环游美国时,应邀拜访亚特兰大一对夫妇朋友时和他们的两个小侄子一起画的彩蛋。当时正赶上复活节,他们双方的父母和兄妹也去那里团圆,我在那里呆了一周,跟他们一起参加了些本地人的庆祝活动,体验了一下美国南方浓厚的基督教氛围。我们用的彩笔颜料和蛋都是可食用的,这种糖蛋的表面不光滑,画起图案来没有我想象的那么容易。估计你们一看就知道哪些图案是那两个小孩画的吧?🙂 相较这种狂野抽象的天真童趣,我画的图案只能是中规中矩了,呵呵。






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Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !


Aww, these are cute photos :) Btw there is a special Easter-themed photo contest held by czechglobalhosts too ;)

Awww(I feel like using this for all the comments from you and Lil, haha, just a super sweet couple), thanks for telling me Petr! I'm heading there tomorrow to check it out! Sleeping time now... =)

@itchyfeetdonica, 嘻嘻,小可可来给你点赞啦~~~ img

你好!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 这厢有礼了。假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

Cute! Happy Easter to you :)

Thanks! You too. =)

@itchyfeetdonica 亲想要问下,你知道那些复活节的彩蛋,过后会怎么处理?


哇咔咔,这个答案真棒 XD

看着有点饿了😋 😋 😋

呵呵 跟你头像还挺配

Very cute. I see an egg that looks like it has a dog on it. "Rodan"?

Well done! 加油!

谢谢你柯南 :) That "Rodan" was done by one kid - I have no idea what it is, haha...


🙂 谢谢芒果爸~


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