August 1st 2017 - - A Redfish is hatched - - - April 11th 2018 - - - A Minnow starts to swim

in #justbecause6 years ago

Source, my smartphone It is still one of my favorite photos that I have taken.

Minnow Status

1,000,000 vest = Minnow Status
490.75 SP = approximately 1,000,000 vest.
I have 1,000,503.638639 vest = 490.82 SP
That's as of today, April, 12 2018.
253 days to get to Minnow Status. (April 11, 2018)

A few other things as of Day 254, (April 12, 2018)

My Rep is - 56.321 - Not sure in the steemit environment of today that really matters a lot. It used to be an indication of longevity on steemit, and of quality work and of honesty. Today it means none of those things. Which is a shame. There is no way to know a good person from a not so good person anymore other than interacting with them, and or doing research on them. Who really wants to do a background check on someone though before engaging them in comments or a chat room.

One thing I do look at is the abuses a person partakes in. Look at the trending page for the tag #introduceyourself, if you see a person on there with a Reputation score of 45 or better, then that person is an abuser in my opinion. No if and or's about it. They are also likely a piece of shit scammer, trying to poach off of the lack of knowledge on the part of new users. Any reason they come up with to justify their using a tag that the Steemit FAQ's page states should only be used once, is only trying to justify the lie they have made to themselves, and should never be trusted. If a person is willing to lie to themselves to justify a lack of respect to a group of users then they have no qualms about lying to you.

So Reputation means very little on steemit any more. It does not even mean the person has a lot of SP. I am an example of that, some how or another I made it to 56 and only have just under 500 SP of my own.

I have - - 881 followers - - - It means nothing ,
per SPECTACLES for Steemit (they run a few days behind) out of all those followers I have 149 Active followers. (that's actually pretty good and I was surprised I had that many active ones).

If I do not comment on any post before posting this, this will be my 6,064th post. (I have had to change that number a few times already).

And I am following 52 people/groups. I know it is not many to follow, but I don't like a cluttered feed, and I can only get to so many in a day. I have one online list, All the Authors that I read on my master banner post. I also have off-line list so I can find and get to peoples post I like. I often only check my feed once a day, some days I do not even have time to check it.

So Stats completed.

The Thank You's

This is not going to be very easy to do, and I know I will miss a few people. So to start with the person that brought me into Steemit, my wife @shasta. With out her nudging I would not be here. I grew weary of social media over 15 years ago with facebook, and the way things were changing at that time. So getting me here took some convincing on her part, then she showed me some of the Authors and how much was available to read for free on steemit.

So the second set of thank you's - - All the Fabulous Authors on steemit esppecially those I have had the pleasure of reading works from. They, (well most of them) are listed on my Master Banner Post. To all of you thank you for all the entertaining hours you have provided me.

To each and every member of the Newbieresteemday Initiative (Here is, the link to my first #newbieresteemday post. It contains the links to @mudcat36 and @davemccoy 's Newbie Resteem Initiative.) @davemccoy provided me with a little bit of SP to help me get to my own slider, and then inroduced me to @abh12345 who also provided me with some delegated SP to push me over that 500 SP level so I would have the easy slider.

Asher runs the Curation and Engagement Leagues so if you want to keep on top of how well you are doing in voting commenting or curating, just stop by and drop your name in the hat and be added, (just say in a comment "I'd like to be added", or something similiar). He makes his post on Sundays for the results of the week.

Two very great groups to belong to.

Next, is @apolymask and everyone associated with his Information Finding Championship Challenge game competition, especially the judges. They have a very very hard job. This is one of the finest groups of competitors I have seen on steemit, we are all vying for the top prize of course, but we are having so much fun, that winning is no longer the driving force for many players, it is the fun and the camaraderie of the group.

Click to enter the Discord Chat room!Click to go to the rules page

Remember the IFC is mostly about having fun. I hope a lot of people will give their ideas on what type of contest content they would like to see. As you can see @apolymask has already created several rounds on what people have suggested. As always, if you have any questions just about anyone playing or involved in IFC will try to answer, as best they can. So feel free to ask if you do not understand.

Final Thank You's

I know I missed a lot, for all the members of @greatersguild and Ashers curation Leagues, and ASAPers, thank you all, and for all the members of all these great places listed below.

Clicking goes to the newbie games page

A.S.A.P.ers Banner by @shai-hulud

Here is the link, to our Newbie ResteemDiscord Chat Room.
And here is the Information Finding Contest Discord Chat Room.

Thanks to @jogreh for developing the #newbieresteemday banner and divider
Thanks to @simplymike for developing the #newbiegames banner
Thanks to @markkennard for developing the #greetersguild logo


Congratulations! I'm a plancton still and I know this isn't easy... To keep posting and innovating and trying to give something to the community, while facing "different" points of view...

What I think is that steemit is evolving more and more into discord communities instead of trending pages. And I think that's good... It's a free blockchain after all!

It is and I think the marriage of steemit and discord have to do with people looking forward to the communities, when they get to steemit. It takes time to get that minnow status, we just need to hang tough.

Congratulations @bashadow!! Woohoo!! 🎉
Love that photo of yours!!

🐠 ​🐟 🐠 🐟 🐠

It is still one of my favorites.

Great work bashadow! A lot of people appreciate what you do and your presence here on steemit. :)

Also I wanted to respond to this part.

They have a very very hard job. This is one of the finest groups of competitors I have seen on steemit, we are all vying for the top prize of course, but we are having so much fun, that winning is no longer the driving force for many players, it is the fun and the camaraderie of the group.

It is indeed a hard job! I can barely keep up with it all, but yeah.. You know.. I'm getting that feeling as well that this is really turning into a community that's less focused on the grand prize but more just enjoying each others company. :) Which I think is awesome! Hopefully in time that only grows, and while the prizes serve as a motivation or reward, I think something deeper can be found here if one has the eyes to see it! A good opportunity to learn from others. That's one of the things I hear the most.. How people learned new things.. So not only do they get paid to play a game, but they get to learn too. I think it's a great combo. :) Glad to have you be a part of it!

I agree followers means absolutely nothing in my opinion! I have about 400 followers and I would say about 5-15 would engage in my posts! Otherwise all the other ones are just not active or don't engage.

I agree I also don't like a clustered post and sadly will probably unfollow some people who I just don't read their content or don't post!

It gets hard, Like I said above, I have a list that I update on occasion of the authors that I have run across, the ones that write stories, because I like to read. some have stopped posting on steemit, some are in the process of trying to get published, but I keep them listed because I may one day want to find something to read. Since I do a bit in discord chats now, I rarely add any to my follow list. I just go and peek on their page and see what is new when I get done with a lot of other stuff, was a long week and a half for me, got way behind on a lot of things so playing catch up. But that is fine, busy mind, busy time, happy time.

Totally, I do see there has been a drop in posts lately on Steemit in general..could be due to the price of Steem..even though if people keep collecting now when it hits 5$ again they will be rewarded handsomely. It's even dropped in global rank a little bit used to be top 1000 now its about 1150.

Glad to hear you're keeping up with everything as well. Trying my best too, but sometimes its a little overwhelming!

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