The Information Finding Championship rules revised and further simplified.

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the IFC or Information Finding Championship

It's like the UFC, except people compete intellectually to research, solve problems or riddles, or create artwork or help others or... Etc etc etc.

The grand prize for whoever wins is 155 steem, plus artwork drawn up of the winner to represent them in our digital world.

There's a much smaller prize for 2nd and 3rd places as well.

Every Round There Is A New Winner

Each round there will also be winners. The winners will get the full payout of SBD and SP from the post!(Minus the 25% for curation)

Grand Prize 155 STEEM

The challenge for the 155 steem grand prize is a contest that will last until July 18 and will probably have around 50 or 60 rounds all together.

At the end of the competition, the two challengers left remaining will face off in a final head to head battle in which the best 3 out of 5 wins the grand prize.

Never Too Late

You can win at any time, every game has a winner! Plus because we are doing this as a tournament, you only need qualify for the "sweet 16" to have a shot to win the grand prize! (Top 16 players will be picked based on highest XP levels)

Anyone can participate and everyone has a chance.

Oh and.. Each individual round often has unique rules or characteristics to it, so.. Some things may not be covered here or in the more detailed rules or anywhere until the actual round challenge happens itself.
Special thanks to @davemccoy for helping me with this. And..

A special thanks to our presenting sponsors:

Sponsored by: @ats-david @timcliff @theguruasia @nxtblog @soundlegion

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Click to enter the Discord Chat room!


I love the simplified format @apolymask! Great job! :)

resteeming for you right now!!! ;)

Yeah, thanks to you! Heh. I appreciate your assistance and I think it looks a lot better and cleaner now and the sweet 16 idea was great too! So now more people can be a part of the game for longer. It's a work in progress, but with your help and others I think in time this will get to be a pretty polished and fun machine. :) Thanks again for the help and for the resteem as well! :)

I'm glad I can help and love to see alot of familiar faces playing it and assisting you! I only wish I had more time to play it too... For now I will stick with helping to funnel people to you and with any thing else you ask for! Maybe one day it will slow down, but for now its great to see a lot of things coming together!

Btw, have you met @spiritualmax? He's a cool guy and has the "crypto empire" where lots of good groups of people get together share their own programs. He calls them "embassy's" that get set up to help you reach new audiences. If you don't know him or his empire, please let me know and I will connect you two. I think he has another great platform to improve the community for all of our programs!

Good job again, I loved the new look! ;)

Word. :) I wish I had more time as well to do many things, though I'm glad I found time to start this contest because it's very rewarding in a lot of ways.
And that's cool you help around the community as much as you do. So many people just wanna take, but not enough wanna give back.

I don't think I've met spiritualmax, but I do think someone told me about him before.. And that sounds like a really interesting idea! I'd definitely be open to reaching new audiences or working with other content creators to sort of collaborate "cross network/platforms". So yeah, feel free to connect us if you think we may benefit from such a meeting. :) Cheers davemccoy!

Hey @apolymask. Ive just got the message you sent to my wallet and if its not too late it would be an honour to be a judge mate. Just let me know what you want me to do. :) hope you are well mate.

Cool. :) Unfortunately there's only 2 entries on the round I wanted you to judge!! SO unless we get more it's not going to be much work this time, heh. But still good to get started with the guest judging and begin to figure out how it's going to work.

You don't need discord, but that would be helpful.

Here's the link to the round, looks like it ends in 3 days so there's still time for more entries. But.. Please wait until after it ends before you cast your vote, and then leave a comment on the entry you liked the most, preferably explain why you voted for it and.. You can mention in the comment that you're a guest judge as well and that may help avoid any confusion.

Hi mate. I just wanted to check with you whether or not the round was over. The post says seven days but not sure if its the full seven days yet. Will choose a winner tomorrow if that's cool just to be sure. :) Thanks again for letting me be a judge mate. :)

Oh wow, it looks like you sent that right when I sent you a message, what great timing!
Glad to hear you're ready and appreciate being a judge!
The winner won't be chosen until all of the judges vote, which might be a couple days. But now that the round has opened all the judges are expected to vote as soon as they get a chance, so.. Might take a couple days to get in all the votes, it depends on how busy everyone is! But.. The time to vote is here and we are waiting for the votes from the judges as soon as they can do it.

Happy to have you help on this round by the way! I think you're a great judge for the subject and there's a number of really good entries. We need the help! :D

Hi mate. Sorry. I didn't get this til a few hours ago but I've left a comment on the round 14 post with my vote and tried to join the discord channel to cast my vote there too but for some reason it wouldn't load so if you can send me an invite link I'll pop on and vote there as well.

Thanks again for asking me mate. I really appreciate it. Will be out for the next few hours but when you send me the link I'll pop onto discord asap and cast my vote there.

Hope all is well my friend! :)

Hey man! Sorry about the confusion with the discord channel, I sent you the invite link in my other reply to you and I just discovered that problem the other day and we're in the progress of fixing it for future blogposts.

I think you did a great job judging and I'm really grateful for your help! :) I definitely think it's a good idea to open this up to more guest judges, I think it makes it better for everyone involved.

You're welcome again, and thank you again! :D Hope you're doing well as well and that you have a great rest of your day!

This whole competition you put together is really coming along. It shows that you have put a lot of thought and work into making this flow. As with everything, changes are made along the way and it is just making this competition that much better. Glad to be able to join in when I can, thanks!

It is indeed! Surprisingly so at times. It's really rewarding, I'm glad to be able to share this idea and that so many people appreciate it! :D
Indeed, though.. Not just me! At this point, the community has done as much work or more.. A lot of the game has now been built by the players and judges and those interested and I think that's another really cool aspect. :) Also, yeah! I agree. I think life is change and things are almost always evolving or at least changing, so better to embrace that and if we can figure out better ways to do things to be open and receptive to changing!
Also.. I'm happy to hear you're glad to join in when you can, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say we're happy to have you join in when you can! :D I've enjoyed all of your entries so far.
You're welcome, thank you as well for participating and for appreciating and for the feedback! Cheers friend.

Brilliant! One thing I really want to share is that people may think its a long process to win the 155 Steem! It sure is but it's also very rewarding! Now that we have sponsors one simple round can easily pay out 7SBD and 2SP which is more then a very large portion of the world make in a day.

Call me crazy but I'd say thats a pretty good reward for coming up with some content! :D

Yeah.. It is kind of long and I was thinking about making future seasons shorter, however.. I only have so much steem to go around. So that's one reason I made it longer, to try to compensate for the amount of steem I can give, I may make seasons shorter in the future, ESPECIALLY if more funds start coming in.. Though right now.. When I'm putting more than 200 steem into each season, I want it to last longer.
And.. Indeed. That's one reason for the individual round rewards, so that people can win the whole way through regardless of anything else. And then those like yourself who are more passionate will have the best chance and prolly get some cool artwork made of them as well. :D

Totally I was also thinking maybe it could be a 25 Steem grand prize where the contest might last two months and have two contests a week. More of a sprint then a marathon!

Absolutely man! I think its a win win all around for everyone! I'm sure @yeszuzia is also quite pleased with her art work making their rounds around Steemit!

Definitely a possibility. Might be good to try both longer and shorter seasons and see which works better! I think quicker seasons may help and may be a better way to go. This is all new and we're growing as we go.. So I dunno, but I'm willing to try new things and see how it works.. We'll see how it goes! :) And yeah yeszuzia seems to be very happy, and I'm very happy for her. She seems like a good person who deserves some good to come to her. :)

Absolutely! I think if Im still not participating in future seasons (if thats allowed) then I think I would love to volunteer as a judge if its allowed!

Definitely though! No rush @apolymask was just wondering the payout for #10 just so I could send some SP to @yeszuzia for my painting after! :D
Sorry didn't wanna bug ya about it know you got plenty of stuff on the go!

word, bed time for me, will respond in more detail later.

You sure are up late even for AZ time. Talk to you later man!

Indeed. I'm a vampire at times, though trying to improve. Heh. And yeah, I think you'd be a great judge! :) Would be cool and fun to see.

Also I'm not sure what you meant in the beginning when you said "if that's allowed".. If you were asking if you can enter the second season, you most definitely can. I want to see people who played in the first also play in the second if it works! And.. Down the road, years down.. maybe some will play and then becomes judges and then play again.. Who knows. You definitely have the freedom to try though! :D

Can you specify in the rules how do I qualify to be a sweet 16?

Yeah, I can fix that to make it more clear. But essentially. Right now we are basing it off of XP since wins might not be enough to show us the whole picture, so.. The top 16 with the highest levels of XP will move on to the championship round.

This is awesome! I love the simplified rules! Very nice post!

I love the simplified format @apolymask! Great job! :)

resteeming for you right now!!! ;)

awesome initiative @apolymask keep up the good work

wow!! that is amazing contest..

Apprciative work, applauded.keep it up.

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