I Could Have Been Anyone From Anywhere...steemCreated with Sketch.

…But I chose to be me, right here.
Hello Steemit, my name is @zacanarchy143… no wait that is not right.
Ahem, my name is Zac. I am 27 years old. I live in the US. I was born in North Dakota, but grew up in Arkansas. I am a metalhead hippie anarchist your parents should have warned you about but probably didn’t. Also I listen to more than just metal.
I am currently and continuously working to grow myself and become the person I want to be. I dropped out of University a few years ago. Mostly due to my own personal issues, the looming and large debt, and the realization that I hade never given any thought to what I wanted to do - specifically what would give my life meaning. During this time I majored in everything from Psychology to Architecture and Philosophy to Electrical Engineering. Philosophy was my favourite and it helped me more than I probably realize. Unfortunately, my headspace was all sorts of fucked up. I went to school because that is what you do after high school, right? Well I learned my lesson (of course after a bout of depression, drinking, a failed attempt to give myself alcohol poisoning, and a long slip in juvenile nihilism - or as Keith Buckley would say Juvenihilist.)

Map Change
Trippy Macro.jpg
Why Steemit? Well, quite a few reasons. One main reason is the potential that Steemit has. I grew up in a small town of about 6-7k people. Can you imagine if that population for some reason used Steemit as their main social media service? I am by far no expert in cryptocurrencies, but that could be a huge game changer in the economic landscape. Not only that, but it could also promote community organization and rebalance the local businesses against the growing encroachment of corporate businesses. Of course, that is all conjecture and people already call Steemit a game changer.
The main reason for my desire to join (and hopefully succeed) is selfish. I need to change my life. I have been growing and working to change for sometime. The last year or so has been good. I have managed to curb my depression and take control of my emotions (for the most part.) Recently I started a Ketogenic diet and in the last seven weeks I have lost over thirty pounds and see a noticeable difference in the mirror. I’ve been following Steemit since early 2017, so why did it take me a year to make a profile and introduce myself? My confidence. I want to be confident in myself and my abilities, and so far this community seems to be one of the better places to work on that. Slowly I have been growing in confidence. I hate going out in public, anyplace I have to meet people or talk to people is a big stressor in my life, and I hope that steemit will help me work towards changing that. I want to meet people, and I don’t want to have to put on a mask or fake it until I make it anymore. It's too exhausting.

Cloudy Day.jpg
So what does my future hold? I am going back to school in the fall majoring in Media Communications and minoring in Creative Writing. I may also minor in Philosophy since I only need a few credits to fulfil the requirements, but that all depends on my finances and time commitment. I love creative fiction and narrative, and my dream is to write fiction of all sorts (currently I am writing a manuscript for a comic I would like to make) from comics to novels and TV series to movies.
I love how much fiction inspires us to grow, take risks, and strive to be better. Fiction can cross religious, ethnic, and national barriers. It can approach problems from different and unknown angles. It offers new and fresh perspectives. (That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s negative components, but I’ll save that for a later post.)

In Regards to Myself
My main goal in steemit is to grow my confidence in my abilities and to become more social and outgoing as I stated earlier. Specifically though what kind of content should you expect from me?

  • My main focus will be talking about fiction, specifically the philosophy and themes behind film and television.
    Black Mirror, the MCU, and a few others in my current project folder.
  • I also plan on posting some short stories, mostly because I want to become a better writer, and in order to do that, I need feedback.
  • If I take some cool pictures I may post them as well for the same reason as my short stories, for feedback and to become a better photographer.
  • I may post a few other random things:
    • Post about the themes within some of my favourite albums. If I think of an interesting topic, or something deeply personal.

For the first week of my posting schedule, I am aiming for 4 posts (including this one.) The next I am going to aim for 5. After that, it is in the air, but I don’t plan on dipping lower than 4.

True Affection
Firstly, thank all of you who took the time to read this. It was longer than I expected, despite how much anxiety answering anything about myself gives me. I look forward to building a community, and helping this one grow.

At the Bottom of Everything
Ask me anything! No, seriously. This is a one time offer. Ask me anything, and I will answer it as truthfully and honestly I can. I have but one request, because I know the can of worms I am opening here… Don’t be gross, please. I will answer it, but it would make me sad…
For the curious souls:
Whether Terrified or Unafraid - ‘68 https://open.spotify.com/track/7I3kcB7PhzfE7njFUpgvCk
Map Change - Every Time I Die https://open.spotify.com/track/6wqBUUWSTn39vEXVM67avV
Daydreaming - Radiohead https://open.spotify.com/track/1uRxyAup7OYrlh2SHJb80N
In Regards to Myself - Underoath https://open.spotify.com/track/3VC4KHC7cRhuG6nYx4f1qj
True Affection - Father John Misty https://open.spotify.com/track/4qG7NaN5VGPE2HPFKFHKCs
At the Bottom of Everything - Bright Eyes https://open.spotify.com/track/09JRdZ11NAsmL4ppAXWddf



Welcome to Steem Community @zacanarchy143! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Thank you very much for the information! I'll be sure to look into it. I'm looking forward to my time here.

Hello welcome to steemit!! it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community.....wish you all the best.

Thank you very much!

Welcome to Steemit @zacanarchy143!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome and kudos for coming out of your shell so to speak! I can relate, I'm very introverted usually, often referring to myself as a recluse because it's accurate and I love spiders haha.

I didn't realize the titles were song titles til the end, even though I like some of those songs/artists. Bright Eyes kept me feeling optimistic while I was in college, haha. Loved the albums Lifted and Digital Ash.

Ok here's a Q for ya since I grew up in a highly populated area and you mentioned you are from a small town, would you say the internet was particularly overwhelming when you were first introduced to it? For me, I feel like it was fascinating and I was quite open, until people I knew IRL were finding me and friend-requesting me on social media etc. Then my natural tendency to feel shy/withdrawn creeped back in. Kinda weird how that worked. Steemit sorta feels like a kickback to those early days when not many people had computers, nevermind internet. But I suspect Steemit will be much larger than Myspace/Twitter/FB etc. ever was, someday.

Thank you very much! Yeah I had kinda forgot about them until they used that song on The Walking Dead. Immediately fell in love with it.

Edit cause I was sleepy and not thinking clearly:
Originally I was just heading the sections to be a bit more obvious what it would entail, but I was listening to music and thought, "hey if I used some song titles that would probably tell people more about me than I could manage too!"

As far as Internet, personally I would have to say I never found it overwhelming, but I never had consistent access until I was eighteen and bought myself a laptop for college. My parents didn't even get decent Internet until my Senior year of high school, so unless I was at my friends I didn't get to do much. As far as social media goes I never cared for it on top of any lack of confidence I had, but ultimately bent into pressure from my family and friends. I just this year made a Twitter that I never use haha, and I'm on my 3rd FB profile having deleted my highschool one and my early college one. I definitely feel you on that I do get the same way quite a bit. I only allow like 10 people to see the majority of my Facebook post. There was an interesting article circulating for awhile, when I get off work I'll see if I can find the link, but it talks about how social media high jacks and manipulates our reward centers in our brain.

I do also hope it does, it definitely has the potential especially as the more mainstream services crack down on censorship and lean heavily into corporate sponsorship.

Thanks for the great ask! I look forward to speaking with you more! :)

There’s a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.
Great Post!

I appreciate it man!

Welcome to Steemit. It's a great place for writers to get rewarded for their work.

Good luck

Thank you! At the very least I can hopefully get some good constructive feedback and continue to grow my abilities. I hope to see you around!

Welcome to steemit community, insight, experience and knowledge many once here we live just how to take and learn it and you also can share anything interesting to be published in this steemit, regards know from me @teukukhaidir. thank you

welcome to steemit, My simple advice to you is, don't always upvote every post,Your upvotes matter! Make sure you're using your upvote power to reward content you find genuinely valuable, not just out of habit.

Thank you very much! I have been trying to limit myself to the number of votes I use trying not to dip below 70% (the number the esteem app shows.) Unfortunetly the app is very laggy and unresponsive. Is there a good way to keep up with it?

Hi @zacanarchy143 and welcome to Steemit! There is an ever-growing community of fiction writers here on the platform and it is absolutely fantastic to see yet another one jump onboard. Test it your skills out, ask for feedback, enter writing contests, comment on other peoples' work...just stay busy and engaged! This platform definitely values and rewards active/quality participation :) I'm @danielshortell and I've recently started posting all of my short stories exclusively on Steemit. Been a great experience so far, enjoy it!

Thank you so much! I've been digging through my long forgotten folders looking for things to revamp. I should have some soon. I've been looking through the #fiction and #story tags and I'm wonder if long post or multiple post (I guess more serialized) are better for posting short stories?

For me personally, I've gravitated more toward a short posting format. This is a pretty broad platform and you have content consumers of all types here. I think there may be a better chance of catching eyes if you keep posts a bit shorter in length, break them up with a few pictures and some clean formatting. If you do need to go longer, perhaps serialization would be a good idea, bearing in mind orgs like @curie tend to stay away from serialization.

Lately I've been working on more long term projects but I know I need to vary it up and take a break every so often. I imagined a 10+ page short story being a bit tedious for people to read on the platform, so I appreciate the information and will keep it in mind. Again, thank you so much for your help!

Welcome! Wow, you are such a complex personality :) I'm glad I ran into your introduction post and found out that you like various subjects. I like a bit of metal, too (Nightwish, check it out :D), and psychology and so many things. I hope you find it interesting here and you have my respect for fighting with your problems. Good luck! :)

Thank you very much! I think that was one of my biggest issues when I was younger. I had so many varied interest and I never wanted to sacrifice any of them to focus on another. And Nightwish was one of my regulars in high school. (Nemo The Islander is such a beautiful song.) I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I hope to continue seeing you around! 😊

Edit: Completely misremembered the song title

Same here!!! Great for Nightwish! I'm surprised. Since you said I can ask a question, here it is.. what Nightwish singer you like best? :D

Haha, man that's a tough one! If I had to pick one I'd say Annette, though I like their earlier albums with Tarja a tiny bit more. I need to check out their newer material. It's honestly been a minute since I've thought about them.

Since Annette is the one, check The Dark Element, if you haven't heard of the band - you're gonna be surprised :) ... I enjoy Tarja's voice the most. I heard her live...pure magic :) And Annette, too.. well, I'm not gonna comment on that :D

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