Allow Me to Introduce Myself | @truthblitz - Waking up to the Truth and CryptocurrenciessteemCreated with Sketch.

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Hello friends, my name is Nick from @truthblitz. Let me start off by telling you a little about me and my background. I have a wife and 2 daughters (ages 12 and 6 months at the time of writing this) and we live in the northeast United States. My family means the world to me and I would do anything to protect them. I served in the United States Coast Guard after high school but came back to my home town when my contract ended. I am grateful for what the military taught me and am glad I had that life experience. I consider myself to be a jack of all trades, master of none. I've worked in many trades and fields which I am also grateful for because I have learned many skills which allows me to be able to be more self sufficient than the average person. Currently I tend bar at a speakeasy style lounge. Its pays the bills but my dream and what I aspire to do is work for myself in an internet based business.

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In 2010 I stumbled upon the documentary Police State 4 by Alex Jones and then watched End Game after that. My life has never been the same since. Was this how things really were? One things was for sure, I was hungry for more! Although I don't follow Alex Jones anymore he led me to find and follow other #truth tellers, such as my friend Sean from @sgtreport. People who have opened my eyes and continue to open my eyes more and more all the time. Learning about the elite banksters and puppet masters who really run the world was disheartening and liberating at the same time. Disheartening for obvious reasons and liberating because now that I knew how things worked I could do everything in my power to prepare myself for the coming economic crisis. I could tell people what I've learned. I woke up so others will too right? Well, needless to say it didn't quite work out that way. Whenever I would start to talk about the coming economic collapse, the military industrial complex or the global elites people would look at me like I was insane and tell me I was crazy or a conspiracy theorist. I started seeing that people would rather keep their heads buried in the sand and go on about their lives believing the lies and narrative peddled by the corporate and controlled mainstream media (see operation mockingbird). Human beings as a species do not like to be taken out of their comfort zones in most cases. I came to the conclusion I was going to stop taking abuse and keep my beliefs to and worry about myself unless I was conversing with someone who was on a similar page as me. But then funny thing started to happen during the last election cycle when It was clear that Donald Trump actually had a shot to get the Republican nomination. People started waking up and in large numbers. It was clear that people were pissed off about the way things were and they wanted real change. They wanted change enough that he was actually elected and here we sit today. But for as many good intentions as Donald Trump has he will never be able to save the dollar.

I heard about #bitcoin in 2011 but because of my own stubbornness and stupidity I never took the time to learn what it really was and what blockchain technology could do for the world. Had I done that I could have gotten in at $3.00 each like some of you smart and lucky people! But still I started buying it at the beginning of this year along with #Ethereum. The prices will go much much higher than what they sit at today ($2678 at the time of writing this). Clif High predicts $13,800 #bitcoin at the beginning of 2018 and his crypto predictions have been dead on the money thus far. So I will continue to buy cryptos and precious metals to protect my wife and girls from tough economic times that are ahead. I implore anyone reading this to educate yourselves on the way the fiat monetary system works if you don't know about it already and then take the leap into cryptocurrency. It is the future of money and will not be going anywhere anytime soon. Don't miss the boat because you will forever live in regret.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and learn a little bit about who I am. I look forward to being an active member of the Steemit community!

Nick @truthblitz


Hi Nick - a warm welcome to Steemit for you !

I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you :)

In Facebook Speach I would say "Thumbs up" for your intro...Haha
I would just start following and talk to the people here first, with the time
i am sure the trend is going up with you !

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Good Luck & take care

Awesome thanks so much for that! I appreciate it very much. I am definitely going to check out and follow you!

welcome! you're in the right place

Welcome to Steemit @truthblitz :)

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Welcome Nick! We need more woke peeps like yourself! :)

Thanks I really appreciate that!

New great Steemian is coming. Welcome To Steemit @truthblitz. This New House for blogger and good social network platform. Actually I ll wait for your great post. Let's join with the others great Steemian Over here. Two thumbs for your intro. I believe that u can be best blogger and contributor on this site. Keep Steem On and earn big money as a reward. Good luck guy !!. Im waitin for you to come. Visit my blog I ve latest post about photography and funniest meme. Let's check it out. Nice to meet you.

Hello welcome to steemit and i wish you good luck.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Awesome! Thanks so much for the tip and the welcome!

I think bitcoin will save humanity from financial disaster. Welcome to cryptocurrency world.

I think we are going to see a financial disaster regardless but those who hold bitcoin will make it through.

Welcome to Steemit Nick. I see you already have a leg up on Crypto, so you'll feel right at home.

Thanks a lot for the welcome!

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TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58833.91
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USDT 1.00
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