I Crave the Simple Life

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While on my way home after a multitude of doctor’s appointments, errands, and checking things off my “list”, I was driving past my neighbor’s house and came across an idyllic scene: my neighbor’s daughters and their friends--young and carefree--eating ice cream on a bright summer day after an afternoon spent at the pool. The picture of summer and childhood and friendship and happiness. Memories of my childhood washed over me: windswept hair and sun-kissed skin, running in bare feet across the gravel, cooking up new adventures with my childhood friends, riding bikes and digging in dirt, catching lightning bugs, playing kick the can in the dark. A great desire to give that to my own children washed over me--to raise them simply, to give them experiences and memories that they will cherish, for them to know they are loved, and for the outdoors to be something that lives within them. Ice cream on the porch (or the patio, since we don’t actually have a porch), smiling eyes, and carefree hearts--to hold dear the little things.

This might be a strange way to introduce myself, but this is the core of who I am...it drives me. I am a foster parent of two littles (under three), and for them, a childhood like this might not be a reality. It is excruciating at times to know that the trajectory of their lives could be changed with one single decision. And all of it is out of my control. The only thing I can do is be the parent they need now and pray that this life I dream for them could one day be a possibility. We live our lives one day at a time right now as we wait for some pretty big decisions. I never take a single day for granted with my kids, and I cherish every bedtime snuggle, every hug and kiss, every first, every joy, and even every temper tantrum. I work to give them a new happy memory every day, especially now that I am off for the summer (I am a school counselor). I protect them from the chaos that surrounds them; our home is our sanctuary. I teach them about the things I am passionate about and share my love for all things outdoors: hiking, kayaking, biking, camping, gardening, exploring. I am hoping at the very least I can give them a good foundation so that they can later build on that no matter where they end up.

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I don’t have a fancy story. I’m not an entrepreneur or a computer genius. When I am able to forget the anxiety that permeates our daily lives, I find that it’s the simple things that make my day pretty amazing. I’m excited to be a new member in this community, to learn from other members, and to maybe share some of what I have learned as well. I welcome your feedback and guidance as I begin this journey.



Welcome to Steemit! I have added you to my list of authors to automatically upvote when you publish a blog post. Blessings on you and your foster children. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job with them.

Thank you so much! I appreciate the support!

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Thank you kindly!

Welcome to Steemit @thesimplelife :)

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Welcome to Steemit! looking forward to what you have in store for the Steemit community

Welcome to steemit! I hope you find it enriching.

Thank you...me too!

Well welcome here. We just want to go through life simply, without unnecessary worries.
Life happened some might say, things get crazy and you don't take the time to do anything. So enjoy those moments and be happy.

Thank you so much!

What a lovely porch. I could see myself eating dinner every night from it.

Unfortunately that's not the view from my porch but of one of my favorite porches I like to visit!

A beautiful introduction. Welcome @thesimplelife!

I actually found your post thanks to @nepd
I admire and respect you so much for being a foster parent. It's one thing that I fear I may never have the strength to do because of the unknowns and the worry of loving someone and potentially losing them...
I'm personally at the point where I've lost too many loved ones from illness or accidents and though I know I have so much love to give I am a coward and have a hard time letting anyone else in.

Thank you. It is hard; I can't lie about that. Much harder than I realized. And I think the strength comes sometimes from a source you might not realize is within you. At least that has been my experience. Also, for me it was the only way I'd be able to experience being a mom, which is something that I've wanted more than anything else. Surprisingly that brings a person great strength too. It sounds like you have a son that you've put much of yourself into and now he's protecting and serving our country. I don't see anything cowardly in that! I thank you both for the sacrifice and service.

What makes a mom? Certainly not just the incubation and birthing process. I have a complicated relationship with my mother and I've never felt like she was capable of giving unconditional love. Sure, she gave birth which gives her the title of mother but it stops there. For you to open your heart to societies most fragile, you really are a mom to all - and I mean that in the most sincere way.

As for me, I've actually got 4 sons (3 are mine and 1 stepson). Two of my boys are in bootcamp. They in-processed 3 weeks apart from each other. As a parent, one of the hardest things for me was letting them go to grow, to be, to explore, and do it without my meddling. I've gotten over the feeling of being left behind because I know it's the cycle of life and my ultimate goal was to set them free. It still hurts sometimes but they also know they can approach me about anything, which let's me know I've done my job. XOXOX

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