Juggling, Videos, Movement and FUN! - Malabarize-se comes to Steemit

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemers! It's nice to be around!
I thought creating an #introduceyourself post was a good idea to start this journey.

So. My Name is Lucas Gardezani Abduch. I'm a young juggler and videomaker / youtuber born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil.
I learned how to juggle when I was a kid and around 15 yold my sister bought a diabolo. I got in love with that and started practicing like crazy.

My biggest goal then was to work with something I could do anywhere in the world through internet using only my notebook, and other easy-to-carry gear. Like a camera!

malabarize-se no steemit introduceyourself.png

In 2012 I quit business college after winning an youtube prize (youtube next up Brazil) worth R$20,000 (around 6,000 USD or 2.22 btc nowadays). With the prize I was able to start the channel Malabarize-se, nowadays the biggest channel on youtube about Juggling and Circu.

I create different styles of videos.
Art-videos with people from all around the world, tutorials on ball juggling, contact juggling, diabolos, some sketches, interviews, videos of conventions and much much more!
I'm uploading a new video every tuesday so feel free to subscribe and check it out :D

making a long story short, around 5 years ago I moved from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro to study at circus school and then quit it to do dance school, which I'm finishing this july, afterwords, who knows where in the world I'll be?

I'm really excited to share with the steemit community,
I discovered the website after getting fascinated about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies around March this year.
opposite than youtube I won't have a closed schedule for this website. I won't be posting once a week or 3 times a week, when I feel like writing something or making a new post I come and do it!
no obligations, it can be once a day or once a year.

There are many things I'm interested besides juggling and circus.
I plan on making posts about performingarts, being on stage, cooking delicious recipes, lifestyle hacking, travels, cryptocurrencies, ideas on how to save money and live a simpler life, dreams and lucid dreaming, photography and many other subjects.
If you're interested about these things and several others just come with me with a follow.
We'll go to really amazing places!

Let me know in the comments which subjects do you have interest on and how did you first discovered steemit?! :D

In case you want to talk in other social media websites:

reach me at facebook, @lucasgabd on twitter or Google+

Thanks a lot dear friends!
Talk to you soon!

PS: my main language is portuguese, any brazilian portuguese speaking community around here? I plan to post more in English but depending on requests I could translate my posts and do it in both languages


Muito maneiro sua história (confesso que eu nao tinha lido tudo antes XD) !
tenho certeza que vc vai fazer muito sucesso por aqui, e bem rápido !
Não desanima se o começo tiver um pouco devagar,eh assim msm, mas você vai que depois de um certo ponto vc vai começar a crescer exponencialmente!

tem alguns brasileiros por aqui sim, mas pelo que vi praticamente todos falam Inglês tbm, vc eh o primeiro carioca que conheço por aqui

To te seguindo tbm o/

Maneiro demais! To animado com a plataforma. Seus artigos sobre o minnows support ajudaram muito. Me cadastrei nos botzinhos ja pra começar a brincar e mandei uns SBDs pra @randowhale
Devo experimentar postar coisas variadas além dos vídeos de malabarismo também.

Sem problemas quanto a falar português mas realmente pra deixar a galera incluida achonque até prefiro postar em ingles.

Te dei um follow. Vamo que vamo :)

--como disse na outra resposta. Na real sou paulista mas to no rio por um tempo

eu tenho usado muito a Randowhale, acredito que seja uma ótima chance pra aqueles como eu que não tem muito que investir na plataforma possam conseguir aumentar um pouco o próprio dinheiro ganho aqui.

mas sim tenta postar todo dia, como falei no começo eh normal que vc nao tenha muitas curtidas ou vizualizações mas cada vez que vc posta vc tem grandes chances de alguém com bastante influencia note e goste do seu post. se isso acontecer e por exemplo uma pessoa dessas passar a te seguir ele sozinho vai fazer com que seus posts valham muito mais e isso vai ser como uma chamariz pra outras pessoas, ai começa o crescimento exponencial =D

interessante. vamos ver se o povo do steemit gosta de malabarismo e circo... :)

só se liga que vi a randowhale nem sempre dáretorno positivo, é uma questão de sorte e o retorno ainda assim é bem pequeno, não é?
tipo coisa de menos de 1 dólar...

o valor que aparece nos posts é realmente o valor que vc recebe ou um pouco menos?

sim a questão da baleia tem também o fator sorte,
no entanto eu tenho percebido, pelo menos comigo, que depois de varias tentativas o overall foi positivo como que dependendo do dia, a cada 10 vezes que eu usei a Randowale o eu tive um lucro médio de 1,5 a 2 $ por vez

o pagamento dos posts funciona assim. uma semanada depois dos seu post ou comentário vc recebe o valor que esta acumulado nele, sendo que 25% desse valor é dividido entre as pessoas que votaram nele e os outros 75% vão pra vc desses 75% vc recebe metade em steem power e a outra metade em steem dollars.
se vc tiver curtido o seu próprio post ou comentário vc tbm vai receber parte daqueles 25%

Saquei. Mas como o gasto é de 2 sempre em geral vai sair no 0 a 0 com a diferença que vc divulgou seu travalho e cresceu seu perfil no steemit e seu steem power. Entendi errado?

isso mesmo é bem por ai, tendo ainda a chace de as vezes por sorte conseguir um pouco mais

sem contar que steem power tbm é dinheiro o que significa que posteriormente vc pode converter ele de volta pra dollar

Saquei!! A premiação em cada post é de steem power com sbd né? 50/50 ou 100% power up conforme vc escolher. Mas esse valor vira convertido. Certo?

Hahhaha tão noob ainda

Hey Lucas! You were a big motivation for me when I started juggling a long time ago! It's so nice to discover you again, but on Steemit! I just saw you saying hello in the Steemit chat, with the photo with the ball in the mouth. I told to myself "I know this photo from somewhere..." And here you are!
I hope that you will have as much success on Steemit as on Youtube. Your content is amazing! (I have less than 10 views on my youtube videos, but on steemit it's doing quite well, haha)
Cheers my friend!

Hey. Thank you so much! Good to see more jugglers around. Do you remeber how you discovered the channel?

And any tips for the ones starting out here?
How did you start and grew your karma (they call it karma here like in reddit?) ?
Investing or only using the platform?

Cheers!!! :)

I discovered you channel by just searching juggling videos and tips on Youtube, maybe 5 years ago?
My tips are:

  • leave some kind comments on the posts you like
  • try to make some friend/followers this way
  • have fun posting!
    You can grow your reputation (the word here for karma) by getting your posts upvoted. If the person that upvote you has much steem power and reputation, it will give you even more SBD on the payout (after 7 days) and reputation.
    You can invest to support the platform people that make good content, but as you produce amazing content, I don't think you have to invest anything but time! I personally only invested my time, and already won quite good! :)


Quite nice!
Thanks a lot for the heads up.

Really cool that you watched the youtube videos.

Gonna definitely follow the tips. Good to know that you can also grow your reputation without investing.

Gonna keep surfing here and see what i find.

I also have some small quntity of bitcoins that maybe i can put in steem. If you convert to steem power you can earn a bit of interest from time to time because of the POS. Right? Gonna search more about that.

Thanks a lot my friend. Already started following you ;)

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

thanks a lot!

you must be a magician

I'm a juggler, and i dance a lot. but not really good at magic. anyway I love it as well. if you like it you may enjoy this video:

Welcome to Steem @lucasgabd I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hello @lucasgabd Great introducemyself post!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for a couple of weeks, a can tell youThat steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with steemit, latter I've decided to make posts about those things in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper on steemit. ^^

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

The Randowhale
Getting videos from facebook
Randowhale update 1

I intend to keep posting useful info that I may be able to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

thank you so much, gonna definitely check your links. just ran into the random whale link earlier today.
any tips for beggining in this community?

my personal advice 4 starting is commenting nice, relevant or even funny things in others posts this way you might get some new folowers, and your comment, if people likes can start givin you your firsts dollars for you start using @randowhale

steem on!

nice! is it worth investing in some STEEM to power up the account as well? If i got it right we could buy STEEM currency and holdit in our account too. right? what are your thoughts on that? :)

if you have some money to invest i would say yes! it totally worth to invest on steemit, but the best way to invest depends on the amount of money you have to invest. if is something like thousands of dollars, yeah you might want to invest in steem power in order to make your upvote worth more. but if you have no significant money to invest, like me, I would recommend to use the small small investment to be fully used on stuff like the randowhale, couse you could very often have about 100% proift in a week

nice! i have a bit of my savings in bitcoin, maybe i just convert it to steems, a little part of it like 2-3%, not a lot but it could be interesting to see how it affect the performance here.

so with the randomwhale I have to spend like the 2SBD and it may come back in form of steem power? i got read more about how it works...

it is like this:
you pay it 2 $ and it will give you an upvote in the post you send to it. the upvote value is random, but for my experience if you use it like 10 times the Average value will be like 4$ for each one, it could be more or less, but for me so far it has being like this

Nice! And how's that with our upvotes? We have a limited no of upvotes that get renewed from time to time?

Welcome to steemit! I'm sure you'll find a place here. I've followed you feel free to follow back! ❤️

thank you so much! :D

Welcome to Steemit @lucasgabd!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

Hi Lucas! Welcome to (what I believe will become) the best social network on the internet! I know it seems like a like a lot to learn at the start, there are a couple of things you can do without much effort to start getting your followership up quickly.

First, make sure to follow @bot-helper so you have a better chance at getting some exposure on your content. You can check out what I mean by taking a look at this link. Also consider following @minnowsunite and @minnowsupport

Next, check out the chat rooms. The Minnow Support Group has its own Discord channel filled with folks who want to get to know you and hand out advice. So pop in and say hi from time to time. You’ll likely see me there as well. Just click on this link to get started> https://discordapp.com/invite/HYj4yvw

Finally, check out some of the tags and topics on the right side of the dashboard. Find a topic you are interested/knowledgeable in and start commenting. The more great comments you make, the better chance you have for people to start following you! Feel free to follow me as well (@randomness) so we can go on this journey together!

Good luck getting started and just remember to take it a day at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

thanks a lot my friend. let's see what this website have for us :D

It's a big wide world. It moves fast, but it has a place for each and every one of us!

Welcome to steemit @lucasgabd! I am sure there are more portuguese speaking people on steemit. For spanish we have the tag #spanish. Maybe search portuguese or brazil and see what you find. Have a great day!

amazing. thanks for the heads up!

You are welcome! :)

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