Hi! I'm @lexikon082 and I Am Here To Properly Introduce Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

oh no.jpg

Hello Steemit Community! Today I was went through my posts and realized I have never technically introduced myself to the community using the introduceyourself tag. My first post 9 months ago used all the wrong tags!.. It was a shitty post too.

Ok...so get with it Lex...Who are you?

Some Of You May Know Me as the Sobriety Blogger Guy.

A topic I write about is my sobriety. Today is 39 days of sobriety! 39 days of finally taking my life back! This is the main reason I started to blog on Steemit. I have failed twice(since I started on Steemit) and if you look through my history you will see two breaks of 3 months long in which I didn't blog. Yep, I failed. And I failed miserably.I've been a member of Steemit for 9 months but I've only really blogged for three months on this platform.

My sobriety this stretch is different. This is the longest I've been sober in 10 years! Here is the cool thing though family. I didn't give up. Yes, I kept failing. Yes, it sucked to fail. But as Thomas H.Palmer would say:

“Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again.”

The main goal when blogging about my sobriety is to show others if they are struggling with addiction or mental health issues they too can succeed! Don't give up! Every human being on earth has a weakness. Addiction to alcohol is mine.

Some Of You May Know Me As The Post Traumatic Stress War Vet Guy

Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress from my War Service is what took me down the path of Alcoholism. Yes, we drank in the military. Yes, I boozed in Iraq. When I came home the nightmares and panic attacks began. Drinking alcohol to the point of passing out helped keep the nightmares away. Secluding myself kept the panic attacks at bay. I shunned every person around me and every dream I ever had as a young person were no longer important to me. Most days I didn't even want to live. My fear of going to hell because of suicide is really the only thing that kept me alive. Many days I wondered if there was even a man upstairs listening to me.

These days I still have nightmares and panic attacks but I have learned ways to better cope with them. Instead of shunning family and friends, I reach out to them on the really bad days. I surround myself with my two beautiful children and wife. Making them happy makes me happy and I have realized it's wonderful for my mental health to server others. Blogging on Steemit allows my emotions to flow and escape into the world rather than stay bottled up inside. Better out than in they say. Physical activity and staying busy are great for the physical stresses PTSD can bring too. I have also begun to entertain my dreams again. I actually have goals again in life again.

Some Of You May Know Me As The Abused As A Child Guy

Sometimes I write about my childhood. It was interesting, to say the least. I was heavily abused until I was 8. My mother was a literal crack whore. She would leave for days at a time and it's how I learned to open a can of food so my brother and I could eat. I've lived in houses with no electricity and only cold running water. I've seen things growing up that I wouldn't want anyone to see.

Thankfully the horrible reality of my childhood mostly changed when my father picked me up while I was waiting for the church bus at eight years old. It's how I met the woman I call mother. She literally brought my brother and I back from the abyss of abuse through her love and kindness. My Dad was a little wilder when he very first got us and I even witnessed some spousal abuse. Thankfully as he got older a lot of that changed. In regard to my blood mother, I have seen her once in 26 years and I prefer to keep it that way.

Source: pinterest

Some Of You May Know Me As The Blogs About His Wife And Kids Guy

The above experience is why I hold my family so near and dear to my heart. I never want my children or wife to experience the type of life I did growing up. I know I have secluded myself from them at points in my life, but I was never abusive to them. The last few years while trying to kick the alcohol habit and trying to get PTSD under control my focus on them is what has truly helped me overcome those obstacles. Every day one of my main focuses is to treat my wife like the Queen she is to me and to be a "life teacher" to my children. I make it a point to hug and kiss them every day and let them each know they are special and loved.

Some Of You May Know Me As The Crazy Viva Dude

It seems like I got started with Viva ages ago,when in reality it's only been about a month and a half. When I discovered the Viva whitepaperand realized how this part cryptocurrency, part software, part economy wanted to change the world through the Vivaconomy, medical access, education, and voting... I was all in. I began to feverishly promote them through videos and on social media. I am still involved today. There is much work to be done and we just finished the ICO not very long ago. I have taken more of a background role but I'm still there every day.

Viva allowed me to finally overcome the final hurdle in my life of rediscovering my passion to improve humanity and now I have motivation to get up to work everyday(I don't know how it's work when you love what you do).


Those are not the only things I write about. I use to write about the news but I haven't written as much about the subject lately and I don't really know how much I will ever write about it on Steemit again. I am glad I have a focus on other subjects rather than the craziness we see every day on the news. I do write posts occasionally about the military because it has been such a huge focus of my life and is engrained into who i am. A subject I write more about recently is cryptocurrency. How can we not focus on cryptocurrency when we are on this wonderful blockchain platform called Steemit?

I invite you to join me on my Steemit Adventure. And for all who may be struggling with an issue in your life...If I can be an overcomer you can too. I would love to be the inspiraton and motivation for you to conquer those challenges in your life. If I can help one person then putting myself out there for the world to see will be 110% worth it.

Pictures by @lexikon082 unless annotated


Article explaining inspiration

If you enjoyed this post, please upvote and follow! I write a little about everything. Some posts are very personal with the intent of helping others. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians


As I have said before, you have done great things and you are a good story in life people can learn and glean some hope from.

You are valuable my man. Great work.

You always post comments that leave me smiling @BarryDutton. Your posts target a different niche, but you are one of the most helpful Steemians and I strive to be valuable to the community like you are! You da man Barry.

Not according to some people who have bailed on me on here and or flagged me and removed payouts and hurt my rep and called my stuff crap and I add no value...

So your comments actually mean a lot to me, thank you very much!

Thank you for your service, patriot. You are a character. Enjoy your weekend. I know I don't have to tell you to remember those who didn't come home. But know that me and my family will. We are eternally grateful.

@harleymechanix.Thank you for remembering those who gave all. I am deeply humbled by your appreciation for my service.

Welcome! An awesome intro, man. Would definitely buy some looneycoin.

Glad to be here @fisch! Looneycoin could happen. I have been researched creating it. It would be more than likely be a non-proft coin to promote crypto or support veterans. It's a project I really need to get my head wrapped around. You have lit a little fire under my tail.

Wow man inspiring introduction Up Voted, looking forward on seeing you steem things up here stop by my last post and help spread the steem!

@adriansky Thanks for the upvote. I will definitely check out your post.

Wow! Such a touching post. Keep it up @lexikon082!

I will @teamsteem! Thanks for reading!

Son-of-a-B*, i just started @steemit and thought I did good by introducing myself. I used the WRONG tag too.

@thecrazygm For some reason when I saw your post I automatically thought of...

Hello Brother. First off let me say Thank you for your service to this country. You are a true patriot and I consider it an honor that you follow my page.
In your struggle consider the word of God in Proverbs 24:16 "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief". As long as you keep getting up you have not failed.

@timmo3663 Your post moved me beyond measure. Proverbs 24:16 I forgot a long time ago. I keep a wall of quotes and pictures in my office. It's up.

You have been entered into a drawing for 50 SBD as a thankyou for your support in regard to my sobriety adventure. Thanks for your support. 75 days sober today.

welcome to steemit! good post, nice family and the video was cool too is good to have you here on steemit.

@gabrielmrpr I appreciate the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the video, I had tons of fun making it and best of all was able to spend time with my daughter. I loof forward to reading some of your posts.

Welcome to steemit community once again [email protected] to see your post...nice introduction.. I did also mistake at introduction post as you did...I am also planning to post once again like you..I really inspired by this post..Upvoted

@bibek If you told me a year ago I would inspire others I would have never believed it. I am deeply grateful to have a platform with the friendliness and importance of community such as Steemit. Absolutely make a new introduction post! I am sure much has been learned since you very first joined and it's part of the etiquette of this revolution to use the introduce yourself tag in your first post!-) Namaste!

Absolutely you are [email protected] will definitely post introduction post once again putting introduce yourself tag...Thanks for the nice comment...

Nice to finally find you.

Thanks @solarguy. The steemit welcome GiF is downright spectacular.

haha. thanks man. MS paint... very old school style. took me hours. literally. haha. Keep me hooked please.

@solarguy Wow. Using Paint to create a piece of art such as that. That's dedication. I will try my best to create good content.

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