Travel highlights from all around our world

Hi everyone, @lemouth writing here!

When I initially joined the STEEM blockchain more than one year and a half ago, I wanted to write about high-energy physics on the one hand, and detailing my trips all around the world on the other hand. As a particle physicist, I have indeed the chance to travel to many places to meet my peers, which has the advantage of allowing me to discover many good corners of our nice planet.(Corners of a sphere? Huh? :D)

At the end of the day, for some reasons that I cannot even explain to myself, my good old blog only focuses on physics. Funnily enough, my wife wanted also to write about her trips, some of them that we made together and some others that we did not. Again, her blog is finally not discussing any travel at all.

[image credits: myself (Samsung Galaxy A5)]

After chatting together about this, we made the decision to create this joint account where both of us will share the experience we gained in traveling all around the world. Because I am not the only one who traveled, and my wife actually also traveled a lot on her side, but I will let her detail this in another post.

Some funny thing to start with: the origins of the name of this blog. For those we do not know French, ’lemouth’ is the masculine version of ‘the mouth’ whilst ‘lamouthe’ is the feminine version. Logically enough, ‘lesmouths’ consists in the plural form. Nothing fancy here :)

In this blog, I will detail places which I have been to and that I have had the chance to discover, and I will also share interesting things to know when one visits one place or the other. All the pictures that I will post are mine, taken either with my not-so-great phone (Samsung Galaxy A5) or with my camera (Canon EOS Rebel T2i) for which I have two lenses (18-55mm and 55-250mm). In both cases, we cannot talk about professional devices, but I am not a pro and these thus suit perfectly to my needs. I will however never feel offended by anyone commenting the pictures and giving me tips to improve my photography skills!

Thanks a lot for reading and hopefully see you soon for sharing more nice images and moments!

PS: Who could guess where (exactly) the above photo has been taken?


Looking forward to hearing about some great travel adventures. Also I'm going to take a complete guess and go with Bermuda for the photo location.

Let;'s see for the adventures. I will post some, but the pace will be slow ;)

Except this: not Bermuda. You can check the comment of @thepassenger, who got the answer :)

It's great to see you do the things you love to do and post them here, so what places will you be writing about in the near future?

I have so many places to talk about. Maybe Japan or Korea to start with, together with India or Brazil. But I may change my mind at the end of the day. We will see :)

i hope you can visit sabang island too in aceh, ;)

I have never been to Aceh. To you have any physics center there? :)

We dont have it prof

So there is very little chance I will come... Sorry man :)

It’s Natal 😍

You are too strong. This will be my topic for the next post on this blog... errh... one day :)

Already waiting for it!

hehe, not for today. The period is too stressful ;)

yeah, i was confused at the begining the post was from @lesmouths-travel and the comments were from @lemouth

then I realized it was posted by @lemouth hehe
let me knwo the day u find corner of the earth during the travel do post it lol
i shall visit the corner too

do post your other visits too, might be helpful for other travellers

I will post more, but you know my rhythm of posting, don't you? You will need to be patient :p

actually, I just came acroos ur post today and followed u today

looking forward for more posts

Thank you :)

And more confusing... there's also "lamouthe" in here! :P

Quelle bonne idee!

Same for me, I wanted to write about my travels among physics and music posts, after a few stories (how I spent the night with wild dogs , A paradise in the heart of the Netherlands , A fusion with nature: The beautiful Danube Delta), it seems that Music and Physics are taking all my Steemit time.

I look forward to reading your stories!

Yeah, I wanted to do so for some time, but I didn't want to mix things in my physics blog. Now I crossed the line. Let's see how regular I will be :p

Very wise, I wish sometimes I had two accounts for separating science and music.

On the other hand, it allows my account to become a bridge across communities: A music-based follower might read one day one of my science posts and get amazed, and suddenly, you have a new science lover.

And it can work both ways :-)!

Yes, both have pros and cons. There is no good answer here :)

Wow, super idée les @lesmouths-travel ! Je suis certaine que ce sera hyper intéressant! Hâte de lire!

On va essayer de poster regulierement et alterner francais (lamouthe) et anglais (moi) :) On verra si on tient le cap :D

Bonne idée! Plus facile pour moi en français...

Pour moi aussi!! :P lol

What a surprise, another traveller @ SteemSTEM!

I travel too much, to be honest ;)

There's no such thing as "travelling too much"

What about spending 30% of his time abroad, far from his/her family? :D

Hmmmm.... travelling too much ??? Can I have a word about it ? ;)

Finally I'm beginning to see the "not-so-science-oriented" side of you sir. This is actually very great.

lemouth’ is the masculine version of ‘the mouth’ whilst ‘lamouthe’ is the feminine version. Logically enough, ‘lesmouths’ consists in the plural form

I figured it out. Thanks to my elementary school knowledge of français :D

PS: Who could guess where (exactly) the above photo has been taken?

I think the picture was taken somewhere in Europe sir :)

Welcome to steemit @lesmouths-travel ... Me welcoming my boss :(

I always wanted to write about my travels as well... However, for some reasons, physics has won :)

You are totally wrong for the picture. Please check the other comments. The answer is there ;)

ummmm... somewhere in Australia? Welcome!

Naaah :D Please check one of the other commenters. He found it ;)

Hi, Lemouths. Welcome to Steemit. You will find that this a great place to share pictures. Don't get discouraged and be active, remember to follow4follow and vote4vote others :p

I am still waiting for my 4 follows and upvotes from you :D

I only had 3. So I owe you one.

Can I trade it for a beer in a week? :D

You got yourself a deal.

Excellent :D

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