A hiking & cycling paradise at the heart of the Netherlands.

in #nature7 years ago

Two years ago, I was sharing a beer with my Aikido teacher. I remember asking him if he knew about a nice countryside place for a 2-3 day break. 

At the time, I really needed to get away from my students and the music studio, not because I wasn’t enjoying my work life, on the contrary I love it, but just to rest, reset a little and take a little perspective on things. You know what I mean...

Knowing me quite well, he was surprised I didn’t know about the Hoge Veluwe.
The Hoge Veluwe is a 55 square km national Park at the heart of the Netherlands. 

It all began in 1909 when a couple, Anton Kroller and Helen Kroller-Muller, bought some land. The first was a nature geek and the other was an art collector. They started populating the park with wildlife and artwork, both architectural and pictural, with an amazing art museum complex at the center of the park.

Today, the park is open to the public and hundreds of bicycles are available for free use at the entrance and at various places in the park.

So I followed my Aikido’s master advice, packed a tent, some food, my ukulele and a DSLR camera, jumped in the car for a 90 minute drive, and went to explore the park for a couple of days. 

Stunning! I was overwhelmed by the beauty and diversity of the place while cycling on one of the park's white bikes. I couldn’t believe I was in Holland! And was so glad I had my DSLR camera with me.

Sometimes, I truly felt like cycling through golden savannas of Africa!

After the Savanna, in front of me, opened a kind of small sand desert...

After a few km cycling through a wonderful desolation, I entered a beautiful  forest with wild life.

Followed by a more organized, but not less beautiful,  garden at the North of the park. It might be difficult to see on the picture below, but the  ground had so many nuances between purple and green. It was an amazing sight

After that, I cycled back towards the center of the park, and after quite a wild forest ride, reached the Kroller Muller museum. There, I enjoyed the huge collection of contemporary art, and ended up on the green grass of the museum park for a restful nap surrounded by weird, yet beautiful sculptures. Surreal.

What a wonderful day this was! 

Since then, I know I have this beautiful escape where I can recharge my vitality. Knowing that this place exists puts me at peace when my life becomes a little too hectic: I know the paradise of the hiker is just a 90 minutes drive away. 

I could also call this park the paradise of the longboarder ;-). Today, I do not even need to pick up one of the bikes: Surfing the park tracks on a longboard is also soooo cool! I already posted a video of my latest visit to the Veluwe in my introduction post, I was expressing then my interest in LongBoarding. I think it’s worth putting it again in the context of this post: Look at the sceneries...

I know quite a few tips about the park now, so if many of you are interested to know more, I will make a post with more practical information so that you can enjoy it at the fullest! 

You can also find additional info on the official page of the park: https://www.hogeveluwe.nl/en/

The map was made using snapshots of Googlemaps
The little frieze is based on a pattern found on Pixabay.com
All other pictures were taken by me

I’m @muphy,
and my life revolves around music production, teaching sciences, and discovery through travel.
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Great read for a great content and author. :) I also learned from you to have a back up before clicking post. Haha! Take care. :)

Thank you Angelica.Talk to you soon :-)

awesom post love it

These views could easily be mistaken for scenes on other continents Breathtaking photos!

Thank you @simivalleyjeff53, it's true, and these are just a few km cycling away from each other!

Really beautiful, some pics look like african Savannah

Thank you @happic. Yes, I remember being quite amazed as it was the first scenery I encountered during my tour of the park!


Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we're still at the mercy of nature.

good post

Thank you @smileplease. So we are, what we need to do is to respect each other. Humanity should show respect and love to Nature, and Nature will give it back so many times more. But, if humanity doesn't (like it is currently not doing now...), Nature will make us pay and it will be expensive...

Wow, the first couple of pictures really do resemble African savannas! Riding a bike through this landscapes can surely help one get in touch with nature.

Thank you @jny.untraveled. They do! it was quite amazing to find this in a Northern European country. Elephants and giraffes were missing though ;-), but local wild life was there hiding (I already caught some red dears hiding in the yellow high grass :-) )

ohh i love outdoor sports and am a cyclist too :*
also love mountain biking... wish i can visit soon :)

If you can @prachik, do so! You'll love it! You might not find many mountains there though lol. Being mostly under sea level or very low above it, the Netherlands is quite a flat country, which makes it nice for long treks without getting too tired.

I checked your intro post, I also consider myself as a world citizen above all. So nice to meet you sister!

wow.. :) thats wonderful... its a great feeling to meet somebody who is youre kind :P

Thank you for such an interesting information
The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination
I you like to read about travels and crazy life please welcome @annamur

Definitely @annamur. I believe the same thing, and live my life along this principle: As soon as I reached a destination, I search for a new one!

I checked your entry post, you have quite an impressive journey. Yup, I think I will follow you.

Repose toi bien cet hiver avant de reprendre tes tournées!

man you have a young heart, I love the way you live, really great skateboarding journey, loved the music on the video too, all perfect, also beautiful photos, what is your camera? really great!!! you captured beautiful moments in places, it's like everything were ready for you naturally LOL :)
peace brother!!

Hi Davood! Thank you for the great encouragements. The camera is a Canon EOS 70D. I haven't taken it out of its bag for a while now, focusing on other things. Maybe I should give it another go!

The music, yes, it's mine. It's the kind of stuff for which I sell licences. It's true, it works great on these kind of videos. That's why this style sells ;-)!

This is also why I like @luzcypher 's openmic. There, I don't have to produce what sells, but just have fun!

Very Nice keep good Work

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