Soon to be mother on a pain in the ass journey

So, I've been pushed to join Steemit by a good friend of mine since he knows how badly I have been struggling to find work and earn money. I'm a 20 year old female and what my friend doesn't know is that I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant, which is making my job search that much harder.

Who on Earth would really want to hire a person going through their first trimester of pregnancy? Continuous morning sickness, fatigue, abdominal pains, food aversion and the list just keeps going on. With all of that happening to my body I'm still willing to try and find a job no matter what it is.. but no one wants to hire.
So I thought, fuck it, why not give Steemit a go.

Now I know what I would write about is nothing similar to what I have seen on here already, and I'm not sure what the audience is on here that would even be remotely interested in what I have to say, but all I want to know is, how do people do it. How can they go through life so happy when everything has gone to shit. Pregnant or not, I live in a city in Australia that has a 25% unemployment rate last time I checked, and to get help with finances from the government you have to be over the age of 25 to be classed as an independent even if you have lived out of home since you were 15; they still believe your parents can provide for you.

My parents are not interested in helping me in any way. No job, struggling to make rent, no luck with job hunting, needing a new car for when the baby arrives because my car isn't even in good enough condition to be roadworthy.

I just want to know how everyone does it. How can you go day to day with so much hope, when you're unemployed. Even the people that have no reason why they can't get a job, just can't seem to get one, everyone wants someone with experience, and with 25% of your towns population being unemployed you can bet your ass that there will be one person that has just a little bit more experience than you.

I realize I've kind of just rambled on about how life can completely suck and can be hard, but then things like this happen.. a website that gives you hope that maybe you might be able to make some income to better your way of living by talking to people and trying to see if there is anything that you have in common with them, I mean, other than being a female and being pregnant, I'm an obsessive player of League of Legends. That game is my life I swear. I'm a netflix binge watcher, and I have two gorgeous huskies that I love giving my full attention to each and everyday.

I just want something that I can fill my days with and I think I may have found that: writing on Steemit.

I hope I wasn't too much of a whinging baby on this post because that's exactly what I'm gonna have to deal with in early March next year, but please let me know if this is completely inappropriate for this website.
Thank you.


Yo. Welcome to Steemit. I totally understand your plight, well, except the being pregnant part.

Just some useful tips for future posts, especially seeing as this is your first.

  1. Add pictures. Steemit curators like it when you add pictures. Especially one of yourself. this helps them to verify that you're a real person.
  2. Learn how to use the markdown system. You can make your Post really pop by adding different styles to it.
  3. Add more than one tag. You can put up to 5 tags at the moment. I probably would've added "life" "writing" "journey" "jobless" tags. These help people to understand what it is you're writing about and it adds your blog post to topic sections with similar content. You can also make up your own tags.
  4. Biggest tip I can give you, is if your post doesn't start trending don't worry. You can always try again. There's plenty of posts here to tell you how to write a good blog but there's also outside factors that don't help; like 25% of the user base being in America and most likely sleeping when you posted this.

Remember these things in the future and stay strong. You may not be able to make a living off of this yet but know that by being here you're in first. The future of Steemit is bright and I can guarantee you'll make money off of it one way or another. Study up, enjoy what others have to offer, and remember that the community is here to help.

Good luck!

and to add to the topic of adding images... some pic host don't seem to work well with steemit.
I use to host my pics and link them in my post. Check my post:

Welcome to steemit.

I'm sorry to read about your story, and what a shock your friend will be in when he finds out. The key is to know that there's a future waiting for you. Life is testing you right now, you have the ability to beat it.
You are strong, you are good enough to keep going. You got this!

Now, steemit...

Make sure you remember to be patient. That's the key, this is an investment and you need to put your full support behind it.
You will be one of the lucky ones if you earn a bulk amount of money quickly, so please be patient. :)

Can't wait to see your progress through steemit!

Welcome to Steemit Jessica! Your post will be better received by the platform if you care to identify yourself with a Steemit Verification.

You'd probably be having more fun on Steemit if there were sub-communities where you could share your interests in action or words.

If Steemit doesn't end up working out for you, I hope you'll remain open to other sites that pay for doing social networking, which might be better suited.

Hopefully the father of the baby is also helping you.

Do you have a morning ritual?

Welcome to Steemit @jessicaantvm!

Here is some interesting info that will help you create AMAZING content. (Will change as Steemit grows)

How to Create Successful Steemit Content:

Reading & understanding the above posts will give the reader a SIGNIFICANT advantage on steemit.

Everyone is rooting for you!

Good Luck!,

The faults of a superior person are like the sun and moon. They have their faults, and everyone sees them; they change and everyone looks up to them.