Introduce My Self



Hello Steemit Friends!
Greetings Introduction and Best Wishes!

Introduce my name Alva Akbar Purba, I am usually called Alva, or you can also call Purba (My clan). I am native of Batak, but I was born and grew up in Aceh. Currently I live in one of the areas in Banda Aceh, and work in a Sound System rental company called FAM Studio.


Hello Sahabat Steemit !
Salam Kenal dan Salam Sejahtera !

Perkenalkan nama saya Alva Akbar Purba, saya biasanya dipanggil dengan sebutan Alva, atau Anda juga bisa memanggil Purba (marga Saya). Saya asli keturunan Batak, tetapi Saya lahir dan tumbuh besar di Aceh. Saat ini Saya tinggal di salah satu kawasan di Banda Aceh, dan bekerja di salah satu perusahan rental Sound System yang bernama FAM Studio.



I really like something that smells of art, especially music and literature. I am also a hobby of swimming, fishing, cooking, and also love travel. The reasons and motivations I am to join in this Steemit platform are:

  1. Want to add insight and experience.
  2. Practice writing skills.
  3. Explore the potential and the stored talent.
  4. Seeking relationships or friends who can be invited to work together in order to share information and knowledge, which aims to create the best works.

Hopefully we are all able to embrace each other, support each other, and share each other so that we can achieve success together. Please constructive criticism and suggestions from your best friend.

Greetings of friendship!


Saya sangat menyukai sesuatu yang berbau seni, terutama seni musik dan sastra. Saya juga hobi berenang, memancing, memasak, dan juga menyukai travel. Adapun alasan dan motivasi Saya untuk bergabung di platform Steemit ini adalah :

  1. Ingin menambah wawasan dan pengalaman.
  2. Melatih kemampuan menulis.
  3. Menggali potensi dan bakat yang tersimpan.
  4. Mencari relasi atau kawan yang bisa diajak bekerjasama agar bisa saling berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan, yang bertujuan untuk melahirkan karya-karya terbaik.

Mudah-mudahan kita semua mampu untuk saling merangkul, saling mendukung, dan saling berbagi agar kita bisa meraih kesuksesan bersama. Mohon kritikan dan saran yang membangun dari sahabat Steemit sekalian.

Salam Persahabatan!




Have fun blogging on Steemit, i know the struggle of being new to this Platform so you can count me as one of your Followers, perhaps I could use some support myself :)

Your post was amazing. Do not hesitate to ask around if you need any help! Followed and Upvoted!
(Follow me and we can improve the community together at Steemit. I hold daily draws to help new users!)

Selamat bergabung di komunitas padat karya ini Brader Alva
Semoga anda beruntung dan mendapatkan sahabat2 terbaik

Terima kasih atas dukungannya brader @bewe .

Welcome to Steem @alvaro017 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hey, Welcome aboard! Love your story.
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Welcome to Steemit @Alvaro017!! Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Selamat bergabung brother
Salam komunitas Steemit Indonesia


Siiaaapp brother @makhzar .
Saleum Rakan Steemit.

Selamat datang kembali

Selamat bertemu kembali brother @heriadi .

Hola! Your account seems new so I thought I'd send my regards. This post deserves an upvote and keep on doing you!
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