It's time! sooo.. Hello Steemians!

in #introducemyself7 years ago

So, I'm Rob - you guessed it - not much thought went into my handle @imrob :)

I've been on the fence lately since joining steemit, and observed the comings and goings of newcomers to this amazing platform. I guess the reason I'm here, is the reason I have taken 5 days to make the introduction. I'm a private person professionally, and I don't particularly like the fact that I can not publicly share my thoughts, findings & views, without fear of judgement in my business life. So, I just sigh, suck it in, and keep it quiet.

Then I discovered steemit..

I know we're just beginning in this new paradigm, and I'm excited that I've finally found a platform that supports people like me, like us - the new pioneers. The crazies, the weirdos, the geniuses, the world-bridgers. I'm excited to be in a community of people that also know it's time to lift our game, and do what's right for the world.

I turned 44 this year, which happens to be my favourite number. Yesterday, we celebrated my wife's 40th birthday, and in December my son (our only child) turns 4. So it's a year of 4's! I knew this year was going to be a powerful one, and I didn't know at the time why, but that path is starting to illuminate.

I'll be sharing as I go, my personal story in more detail, and as some exciting news unfolds over the coming 6-8 weeks, I'm really looking forward to getting to know this community much better, as I'm certain there is so much more I need to learn from you all.

I love learning. Anything! Languages, musical instruments, currrently I've been teaching myself Native American Flute and I'd love some feedback on my 2 initial tracks (all feedback is welcome!) at my soundcloud account

Currently I'm doing my recreational pilot's licence. It's a big time commitment - but I am committed to seeing it through, as I tried 15 years ago, and abandoned it. I love my group of close friends, and the conversations we have - they're not normal conversations, and I love that we talk about things that matter on this planet, not shallow conversations.

I experiment a lot, and like travelling, so I've got quite creative at being able to take plenty of time off, and still run our businesses from wherever we may end up. My favourite past time, is spending as much time as I can with my 3 year old son Hamish. He is such a little legent, and just amazes us each day with his beautiful innocent take on the world, we learn as much from him as he does from us. He is obsessed with cars, and can name almost any car you point out on the road. I do love his taste, his favourite car (at the moment) is the Lamborghini Avantador - nice one buddy :)

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Car show at our local school - had to drag him out of there

Im also like to research & discover alternative investment platforms, the types of investments that make you feel good - like healthy non-GMO alternatives to the fast-food industry.

So here I am, and these lovely people are the people that make life something to live for.
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Thanks again Steemians, looking forward to my journey ahead.


Welcome to Steemit @imrob :)

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Hello Rob, welcome to the community.

Thanks Juvy! It's a friendly place.

Indeed. A friendly and amazing place. Have fun.

Welcome nedbut

@ch00fy Thanks Albutt :)

Welcome to Steemit Rob. Good to have you here!

Thanks mate

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