Never Give Up and Always Believe

in #inspiration6 years ago

Beautiful day outside in Northeast Ohio

Leaves are changing, birds are chirping, and inspiration is flowing.

Each day that passes brings me closer to the end goal. The goal of living up to my full potential as a human being. But see, it’s not the end goal I’m after. No. It’s the process of reaching the goal that’s the real prize.

The process of making progress is so rewarding and fulfilling in and of itself. The journey is what gives us a story to tell and a legacy to leave behind.

Because in the end...I win. You win. It’s already been determined. I believe with 100% certainty that each one of us has a mission to fulfill in this world.

It’s a specific and intricate mission that we created only for you and only for me. When outsiders look inward at your life and throw judgement in your face, those rejections should bounce off like bullets hitting a bulletproof vest because you are invincible 🙌🏻

You see... we aren’t here by accident. The actions that we take each day have the potential of bringing us closer to accomplishing our individual and collective missions.

Therefore, that means that the struggles and turmoil of the present are simply setting us up for the obstacles ahead. The adversity we experience is there to make us stronger, preparing us for a brighter future.

In light of all this, hear these words. Never give up and always believe. When times get hard, remember who you are and why you are here. Know that you win in the end so there’s no need to fret over your current circumstances.

I believe in you friend. You are strong, and you are unique. There is no one else like you on the planet. No one else can unlock your smartphone besides you and your fingerprint. And no one else can unleash the power held within you.

You are sitting in the drivers seat of your own life. You hold the keys to unlocking more potential than you could ever dream of. Be yourself and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Have an amazing rest of your day and be blessed my friend 😀




P.S. Make today fun.

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Posted using Partiko iOS


It's nice to see you back on the Steem blockchain @kenmelendez since Steemit definitely wouldn't be the same without you.

Your faith is getting results - and eventually things will start happening back-to-back with good news after good news. I have no idea what the details will be but I trust that everything will work out and that it will work out according to your deepest desires ✌🏻🙂

Thanks for the energizing reminders, @kenmelendez. You too have a great day.

"Never give up and always believe!" words to live by my friend @kenmelendez , upped and resteemed ! may we "live long and prosper" it was nice to read your motivational post when I woke up , to start my day! thanks!🙋👍✌👌

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