Do The Little Things In Life Really Matter?

in #inspiration7 years ago

"It's the little things in life that matter."

This morning as I was reading through a variety of Steemit posts within the community, I started to notice, post after post, that there was a very clear theme emerging...

Zoltan Tasi @zoltantasi

As I read the beautiful stories, the inspiring thoughts, and the expansive visions of the future, the one idea that kept ringing true in each post was... simply put:

“Life is about the little things.”

I thought to myself...

"Hmm, yes I agree with that. Life is about the little things."

And then my next thought quickly stepped in...

"But wait a moment... why do I even believe that?"

And thus I was then inspired to ask myself,

What does this really even mean?

Why do the little things really matter?


How can something that is small truly make a big difference?

My First Thought

When I first thought about little things having a big impact, the first example that came to mind were my thoughts.

A thought is such a small thing.

Jeremy Bishop @tentides

To have a thought, is the simplest thing we can do with our mind.

It requires very little effort.

A thought is barely anything.

And yet we have an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 of them each day.

That’s 35 to 48 thoughts per minute!

With such an incredible influx of information each moment, there's no way that we could ever truly comprehend all the thoughts that we are having.

In order for our mind to cope, we filter out the majority of these thoughts, while focusing on just a few.

I'm not sure how many of you practice the ritual of mantras, but whether or not you consciously practice this ritual, mantras are a big part of how our brain operates.

One thought becomes our perpetual mantra.

Let me explain...

The Evolution Of A Thought

It starts with thoughts (thousands of them), and those thoughts are filtered down to just a few.

Those few thoughts become the concepts, ideas, and stories that we focus on.

The more we dwell upon these specific thoughts, the bigger those thoughts grow.

Christian Joudrey @cjoudrey

The more we focus on these thoughts, the more energy we invest into them.

Imagine it like a simple Steemit post that attracts upvotes and grows from a simple thought, to a collective of supporting thoughts, which in turn, represents significant value. That one post, which was seemingly nothing and represented zero value at first, is now widely exposed and highly valuable.

A simple thought, gains energy as we focus in on it

This energy, is emotion.

E-motion IS energy in motion.

As we focus on a simple thought more and more, it builds into something that is more than just a thought...

It becomes a feeling.

Dawid Sobolewski @buzzyrobot

That feeling soon becomes something more than just something we sense on a visceral level...

It becomes something that inspires movement.

And thus, that simple thought, the very small tiny little thought which was born out of a stream of thousands of thoughts, becomes something that actually moves our body.

When we think, a new reality is born

As I think about the concept of a thought, turning into an idea, which moves us and eventually becomes something much bigger, I can’t help but relate it to the concept of sex.

When we have sex for the purpose of creation, millions of sperm cells course through the body, where one sperm out of millions, enters an egg and suddenly life is born.

I believe our thoughts act in a similar manner.

Once a thought impregnates our emotional state, we being to change.

Our body begins to move!

Anthony Ginsbrook @aginsbrook

It is this movement that sets forth a wave of much greater movement.

And it is this movement, that changes everything…

For as we move…

We discover inspiration to try new things that we had never considered before.

Bobby Burch @bobbburch

As we move…

We embrace the courage to express the truth of who we are.

Eddie Kopp @fiveohfilms

As we move…

We embody the confidence to explore and expand upon new potent ideas.

idea.jpg @rawpixel

As we move…

We delight in the joy of creating beautiful new works of art.

Tim Mossholder @timmossholder

As we move…

We cultivate the power to build new lives based in conscious choices.

NeONBRAND @neonbrand

As we move…

We source the intelligence to build expansive systems that sustain us.


As we move…

We attract global support to build new communities that nourish us.

Helena Lopes @wildlittlethingsphoto

As we move…

We accept the commitment required to build a new thriving world...

Antonio Lainez @antoniolainez

As we move…

We transform the very fabric of who we are, into something truly magical.

gn dim @gn

And it all began…

Because of how we moved.

And how we moved began...

Because of how we felt.

And how we felt began...

Because of how we thought...

And that one thought,

is so simple.

Life is a culmination of the simple things.

And that's why it's the little things in life...

that matter.

Was this post valuable to you? If so, please let me know by upvoting or resteeming. I truly care about the content I create here on Steemit and your engagement helps to inspire me to keep creating. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you!


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WOW. There's so much I want to say in response to this post. You are a beautiful soul and I agree with everything this post is talking about. On behalf of humanity, thank you! One thing I have found since I began my spiritual transformation/journey is that sayings and phrases people hear all the time or consider to be cliche have so much depth and meaning if you take the time to reflect and look deeper. It's almost like saying a word over and over again until it doesn't sound like a word anymore; Except somehow, at least in my personal experience, with phrases and sayings I experience almost like a download of information. Suddenly, I am understanding the same concept in a million different ways, and from vastly different perspectives, I wish I could better articulate the experience. It is nice to see someone able to break it down for people to ensure that when we hear these sayings in every day life, we don't become so desensitized as to forget the true meaning.
A thought is such a small thing and yet, thoughts cause unimaginable effects. Lately, I have been asking myself throughout the day, "Who's aware that I'm thinking?" and just that alone has been enough to quell anxieties and even has helped me to avoid potentially serious PTSD flashbacks.
Have you ever seen cloud atlas?
“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
This post is a great explanation of the same concept.
When I talk to friends who are less... I'm not sure... Spiritually/Universally connected, I often hear our size in relation to the rest of the universe as a reason why human life is nothing special, or that we are not spiritual beings, that we are just animals, etc etc. "it's about the little things" is a great counter-argument for that! The vast complexity of the entirety of the universe, would not be so if there were no planets or stars to fill it.
Look at what we have become aware of through the study of quantum physics (LOL literally the study of the little things in life) and how much teeny tiny units of matter impact our entire experience. Sorry for rambling. I was really touched by your post and think you have really got a knack for provoking conscious thought through your writing. I am starting a collective impact initiative for the conscious use of technology to create social change and community empowerment and I would love to work together somehow. I would also LOVE to talk personally about nearly anything. You can reach me on @meowzinator, or [email protected]

I appreciate you! Thank you for inspiring me first thing in the morning! <3

@meowzinator first off... thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here. I really enjoyed reading this as I woke up this morning.

Your Cloud Atlas reference made me think of the Rumi quote: “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

It goes so deep...

In my opinion, there are absolutely limiations to our human aspects. There are biological limitations. I think that when you only accept your human nature to be the only "real" nature, that's when you cut yourself off from a tremendous expansive experience that exists far beyond the realms of the human body. We are, in my experience, much more than our body. Dr. Sheldrake (a fascinating scientist that you would enjoy if you have not heard of him) has been seeking to prove that the mind's neural network actually exists beyond the constraints of the brain, in more of a "cloud" network. I'm fascinated with comparing the physical technology we have such as computers, with our own consciousness. In my belief, if you can create something in the physical, then it must have first come from a non-physical space. If the concept works on earth, then it most certainly also exists beyond earth, and more importantly, within ourselves!

Thanks so much for your thoughts here. I am noting your email and have followed you on here. I'm also very interested in conscious approaches to technology. Would definitely be open to collaborating in the future!

I have found through great loss that the little things are the things that matter the most. The small and everyday things, the mundane things; those are the things that matter. There is beauty in the everyday. I think that there is beauty in the everyday because we often take it for granted. The things that we do from the time that we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night are the things that we often miss once we do not have them anymore. They mean more than anything because they are special and those are the things that I know I miss the most because I used to do those things with some of my loved ones who are no longer here.

I'm the same way. Had to lose money, status, ego, etc to really discover that the simple things are really what fulfill me. Looking back on it all, I realize that this was such an important lesson to learn early on in my life. So glad you learned it too! Cheers to the little things!

Amen! We often have to lose to win! Cheers! 🥂

I love your post. I thought..... I just followed you.
Everything starts from a thought. You think of something and act on it. You get something from that.

Keep sharing because many people like me love reading. :)

@rezoanulvibes it's that simple! but makes a big difference. thank you for stopping by, friend!

And here we go with another wonderful, simple but strong message.
I am in the middle of a phase where it’s more crucial than ever to nurture where my thoughts go.
Some of them grew into huge elephants of worries and caused a bit of a troubled time, cleaning up that mess took huge efforts.
So, I am growing new seeds......daily little pleasures matter more than ever , to move on and see that some plants grow faster than others but they grow! 🙏

@mammasitta I'm glad to hear you are making good progress cleaning out those weeds! I hear you on the huge efforts it can sometimes require, but when you've cleared them then you have an opportunity to maintain the "garden" by nurturing the "new seeds" and planting more each and every day. Focusing on the little joys definitely helps! Thank you so much for sharing!

You inspire me and that doesn't happen too often these days. Thanks.

That means a lot to me @carolynstahl. Thank you :)

This is my favorite post of yours yet. As soon as I read "A thought is such a small thing." I just stood their in awe. I'd never thought of that before!

Ah, I appreciate you brother! It's my favorite too. And yeah it's such a subtle, yet major realization. Something so simple...yet so biiiig.

Wow. I'm just wow man. This is such an inspiring posts. I like the way how you finished it with pictures, it raised the energy of the post. And I completely agree with you. Thank you for this.

Oh man I really appreciate that @different! Really glad it spoke to you and thanks for the feedback regarding the pictures. I've been hearing that people like it so I will keep doing it :)

A Thought might seem to be one of those "little things", but it's the foundation upon everything that Exists was and is Created.

I'm in 100% agreement with you. Thoughts are like seeds and the more we put Energy (Emotion) into them the more they will grow and manifest themselves into our world.

Once a thought impregnates our emotional state, we being to change.

I Love that. A beautiful way to put it. "Impregnates" can also be with "Impresses", I THINK. haha

As we move…
We transform the very fabric of who we are, into something truly magical.

I think it's more like we "discover" the very fabric of who we are, which it truly is magical.

Also, I Love the aesthetic of your post! Great content here man. Looking forward to see more. Following now :)

I like your word suggestions of "impresses" and "discover"... if I were to write this over again I would absolutely take your advice. Thank you so much for reading and the kind words @cipriang!

Although I do agree that everything starts with a thought at some point, I find that it's not the thoughts themselves that matter, but rather the actions that flow out of them.

A grandiose idea is only powerful if it manifested in the world. I can have great ideas all day long, but if I don't transform them into action, they are still meaningless and thus don't matter one bit.

'The little things in life' have a different meaning for me personally:

The things in life that matter the most or not the big vacations, big pay-outs, etc. but the everyday grind of building your character, body and your dreams. Little steps at a time, inching closer and closer to the best possible (wo)man you can be. The everyday 'mundane' actions and 'little things' are indeed the most important ones, since they make up the bulk of your life and shape you into who and what you are.

Well said @theshark. After looking at your page and your 30 day challenge, it makes sense that you value actions more! I also prefer DOING to thinking, however, I am interested in the power of neuro-semantics because I believe if you can really consciously harness things on the minute, subconscious level - and then execute consistently, then you have complete control over the body, dictated by the mind.

Great insight here friend, thank you for stopping by.

Congratulations! Thanks to @simgirl, your article was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content.

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