Mitt Romney, the Symbol of the Uniparty at it's Filthiest Treason

You really can't call Mitt Romney's attack on Trump a backstab. Mittens, as I will refer to him from here out, has been a deep state hack his entire career.

The most likely scenario is Mitt Romney coordinated with other like-minded political allies to start the incoming congressional year with a broadside assault against the chief executive.
Strap In – Romney Didn’t Wake Up This Morning and Haphazardly Write an Op-Ed to Attack The President of His Own Political Party

Sundance, the writer for The Conservative Treehouse (see last link), makes the argument that Romney and the rest of the Quisling Establishment (uniparty, deep state, the establishment, etc etc) are acting primarily in the interest of the trillions in kickback that Trump has endangered by putting the economic interests of America first. Scanning earlier articles of his will give you a sense of the "Street War"...Wall Street versus Main Street. More on this later.

Ace, the main writer and owner of Ace of Spades, makes a point in line with Sundance's argument:

all this shrieking about "character" by the neocons, liberal Republicans, and Establishment types is just some ideological camouflage to disguise the real objection to Trump, that is, that it's racist to oppose Open Borders.
The Romney/Establishment Attack on Trump Is All About Open Borders, and Always Has Been


Keep in mind that Open Borders is very much harmful to the American economy

  • Lowers wages
  • Creates unemployment in citizens
  • Adds to the welfare burden
  • Foreigners sending money home is a drain on the American economy
  • The importation of people who hold a patron view of politics rather than a rule of law view will lead to economic failure. Paul Johnson argues that it is the rule of law that allows people to have enough faith in an economy to be fair and ordered that allows economies to flourish (Enemies of Society)
  • In secondary terms: higher crime rates and culture clash harm society as a whole, not just the economy.

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home

Open Borders is only part of the Uniparty treason

The same UniParty dynamic is visible in the way the FBI/DOJ and aggregate intelligence community were weaponized against Donald Trump – with Democrats and Republicans participating in the unlawful processes. Now, in the downstream consequence phase, we see a UniParty defense approach to block Trump from revealing what happened.
Strap In – Romney Didn’t Wake Up This Morning and Haphazardly Write an Op-Ed to Attack The President of His Own Political Party

Take a quick (ahem, I mean a looong and very detailed) run through my #informationwar archives to see how this DOJ/FBI soft coup works.

In addition, these people are attempting to sabotage our foriegn policy in their quest to keep the stream of thirty pieces of silver flowing into their hands...

it was Obama's "Lead from Behind" policy that Europeans approved of -- a policy that basically put Sarkozy and Merkel in charge of American foreign policy -- does Mr. Severely Conservative recommend returning to that foreign policy in order to make Europeans approve of American Republican presidents?
"Severely Conservative" Mitt Romney: It's a Major Indictment of Trump's Character That European Countries Like Sweden Do Not Approve of His Foreign Policy Like They Approved of Obama's

As I've noted before, subversion doesn't require the corruption of every member of an organization

Some republicans are challenging the quisling Mittens and his

act of 'calculated political treachery' against the president.
Committee member launches GOP civil war with anti-Romney letter hinting he'll chase 'fantasy of being president' by challenging Trump in 2020

But let us not fall under the impression that Mittens is motivated by pure ambition...

No, he is acting at the behest of his globalist/deep state masters.

Had Mittens actually wanted to be president, he had the opportunity in 2012...until he threw a debate with Obama.

Remember, Mittens destroyed Obama in the first debate, causing a change in poll replies, which even CNN conceded.

And then Mittens folds completely in the second debate, spending all night saying "The President is right". The New Yorker captured this perfectly with this article:
Mitt the Shape-Shifter Falls on Obama’s Bayonet

Also remember that Mittens neither challenged any of the obviously fraudulent election results, nor called out Candy Crowley for her Obama supporting lies during a debate she moderated.


No one wanted to be president less than Mitt Romney
Tagg Romney Says His Father Didn't Want To Be President


Mitt Romney will sabotage any efforts to save the American economy, and even American lives.

This is something he has proven over and over again in his political history, as he says and does the things that his payout handlers request, as they feast on the wealth flowing out of the American economy.

This is the reason behind his latest public statement

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Yeah, Romney can suck it! He's a globalist through and through! Before he got into politics he was one of those corporate raider types who bought up companies, fired a bunch of people to show it more profitable on paper, then would sell it off for a profit. And as time has shown, this method of raider capitalism only weakened American companies. And ultimately this played into the hands of Globalists even more as China picked up the slack of the companies that never recovered their profitability and had to close.

And if you really want a good insight into the arrogance and ambition of Romney, check out the White Horse Prophecy.

we run into this problem where rent-seekers like romney align with do-gooders, like the left, and outvote/outlawfare us

China has definitely been bribing the corporate raiders/globalists

Yeah, it's like someone had a psychic impression of what the Globalists want and made the Hunger Games books and films to warn us all. Guess, George Orwell's 1984 and Terry Gilliam's Brazil didn't quite scare us enough.

funny...I have watched both of these in the last 2 weeks

we suffer from normalcy bias, and that prevents us from acknowledging these dangers

Yeah. And as a film, Brazil is a masterpiece.

Anyone even vaguely familiar with how Bain Capital Management functions knows that Mittens is nothing more than a bankster minion.

It is that so few have any actual grasp of such matters that astounds me daily, and not only regarding Mittens.


I think we added homo ignoramus to our typology, didn't we? ;>

Good note on bain...I thought about adding that to the post, but I was worried it was convoluted as is

I am sad to say that I once believed in him winning and thought it would be good. As I got older and saw how much of a blood sport politics(and also the globalists/elites) I realized we just need to make govt small as we can!

Don't feel too bad...

....full disclosure - I was optimistic about Obama on his first term...

I now have no skeletons in my closet! lol

I also will admit that I wanted McCain to win over Obama. I honestly didn't know almost anything at the time just being a college student(Information Systems).

bad choice either way. i looked at it at the time as throwing up in my mouth and voting for mcstain

however, I think that the left went full throttle on nuttiness, opened a few eyes under oblahblah

mcstain would have been a slower but deeper slide, i think

I honestly didn't know almost anything at the time just being a college student..

I wish I had that excuse!....I don't...

The funny thing is though, once I got out of college I was able to have free time to actually learn...Then it all made sense, SJWs and Marxist professors/colleges/high schools/elementary schools... YUP!

my excuse - I was too busy doing business- wasn't interested..

..then I had lots of free time....mmmm...correlation, perhaps...time to think...?

why is this ^ feeling like this..?lol

scaled map - Copy - Copy - Copy (3).jpg


i am the black pope of IW ;>

...did you see the flag i just got?(and one other).

Flagged for a post on how to ways to possibly fight ideological flagging! lolol.

This is getting ridiculous (and my idea seems a good way around it).

what utter bullshit...not your pots, that these sharia speech control freaks use any means to silence dissent

Mittens was a real shitbag, we are probably lucky, he probably would have accomplished all the gun control and bad health insurance policy that Obama wished he could have. I said a second ago...

mcstain would have been a slower but deeper slide, i think

just replace mcstain with mittens

The problem with "republicans" like mittens and shit stain is they are Trojan horses for gun control and abortions and other shit that republicans would fight tooth and nail if they came from Democrats.

my throry is that the republicans take turns on voting for these democrat policies so they can SAY
"look, we oppose the democrats MOST of the time"

Mittens is as far left as a man wearing magic underwear can be.

make govt small as we can!

exactly! which requires citizens to stay involved, because the leeches, liars, and suckers make up a mjority of their own

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No decent person with Republican views can get elected in a state like Massachusetts from what I have see in my lifetime here. I would argue that most go far beyond the regular RINO we think of into the realm of socialist plants because of how much damage they do to our livelihoods.

It's really sad but to be fair I still remember Scott Brown. He was the best we put forward in a generation but he was taken down fast and replaced with Elizabeth Warren, good note to keep in mind imo.

The one thing that sticks out from living through the time of Governor Mittens here in MA was hearing the notion of government control being a good and normal thing. Over and over I had to listen to people say "well, the state makes us buy car insurance, so why not let them tell us to buy health insurance? What's the difference?"

It felt like madness back then and a good amount of us moved to NH to escape from it but then, to my great dismay, the same damn ridiculous conversation was elevated to the national level and everyone was making that foolish talking point on the MSM shows!

We lost that debate here and went on to lose it federally in an epic fashion, not that I'm still bitter about it or anything,,,,.... Just saying that we need to fight another round against the people who say "The gubermint is screwing me already, why not let them take away more of my freedoms and resources?" before the Elizabeth Warren/Mittens gang gets any more power.

When I heard about how all the other NE states were jacking up the foolish racist minimum wage the other day I I seriously considered escaping to NH.

one basic problem is that people dont care until it bites them personally in the ass

then when it comes time to choose between offending their loud liberal neighbor and doing the right thing, they choose for normalcy, regardless of how steep the angle of failure that normalcy can carry in some situations

didn't brown vote for oblahblah care? I seem to remember being mega pissed at him

He did vote against the Obamacare bill but the that's when the Dems changed the rules to ram it through despite losing the Ted Kennedy seat. I'm still pissed off about myself now that I think about it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Makes sense, Mittens is a Mexican. Can't wait for Trump to make him eat another heaping helping of crow.

Funny how all the losers who couldn't get elected to President universally hate Trump, winner.

if liberals don't pack the gear to live life on realistic terms, then we need to make them our slaves


  • We must pay for their "charity", no matter how much of a failure their policy is
  • We must only speak with their consent
  • We just never acknowledge ugly truths
  • We must never call them out for their hypocrisies, hatreds, and lies
  • We must be disarmed for their cowardice
  • We must submit to being murdered, raped, and run over by drunks
  • The traditional religion of the country must be silenced to allow a 7th century murder cult to be satisfied
  • We must not use our property as we see fit
  • We must not hold a job without parroting their opinions
  • We must not run a business without their permission

Face it, ther only way to keep a republic is to break those that would break the republic.

The time for pretending that these are countrymen with a common understanding is over, unless you REALLY want your grandchildren to be slaves

Enslaving them would be far too tiresome. The kvetching would be insufferable.

Better to simply effect functional modalities that only forthright, industrious, and competent folks could employ, and allow them to do... whatever they can. Given the competencies I've observed they possess, I'd be quite pleased at their withdrawal to their safe spaces to echo their empty REEEEEEs at one another until they either starve to death, or actually do useful work that provides for their continued existence.

I'm not confident even the majority of them could survive thereby, and this is why it would be far less expensive to just leave them to their own devices than try to make profitable use of them.

Finance isn't my purpose, but there's no sense in wasting good resources.


Edit: Also, I note that they aren't the authors of the successful ops that are increasingly depriving us of our essential liberties. They are a weapon that is being used on us, wielded by far more competent foes. Those actual enemies of free people also aren't suitable for enslavement, because their competencies are far too dangerous.

Hitler actually arrested and jailed a Rothschild once, AFAIK the only time it's ever happened. He took over his bank, and let him go. That didn't work out very well for Hitler, nor the German people.

my comment was kind of a throwawy comment to hold onto the basic idea.

I fully agree that keeping leftists as slaves is infeasable (not to mention immoral!)

Some method of excluding them from public influence is the best way to go about it, but there are some problems even in that. An older look at the problem

We have to hope that we can elect more like Trump.

very few with that kind of fuckyou money...even fewer willing to be confrontational

Ivanka 2024.

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