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RE: Mitt Romney, the Symbol of the Uniparty at it's Filthiest Treason

if liberals don't pack the gear to live life on realistic terms, then we need to make them our slaves


  • We must pay for their "charity", no matter how much of a failure their policy is
  • We must only speak with their consent
  • We just never acknowledge ugly truths
  • We must never call them out for their hypocrisies, hatreds, and lies
  • We must be disarmed for their cowardice
  • We must submit to being murdered, raped, and run over by drunks
  • The traditional religion of the country must be silenced to allow a 7th century murder cult to be satisfied
  • We must not use our property as we see fit
  • We must not hold a job without parroting their opinions
  • We must not run a business without their permission

Face it, ther only way to keep a republic is to break those that would break the republic.

The time for pretending that these are countrymen with a common understanding is over, unless you REALLY want your grandchildren to be slaves


Enslaving them would be far too tiresome. The kvetching would be insufferable.

Better to simply effect functional modalities that only forthright, industrious, and competent folks could employ, and allow them to do... whatever they can. Given the competencies I've observed they possess, I'd be quite pleased at their withdrawal to their safe spaces to echo their empty REEEEEEs at one another until they either starve to death, or actually do useful work that provides for their continued existence.

I'm not confident even the majority of them could survive thereby, and this is why it would be far less expensive to just leave them to their own devices than try to make profitable use of them.

Finance isn't my purpose, but there's no sense in wasting good resources.


Edit: Also, I note that they aren't the authors of the successful ops that are increasingly depriving us of our essential liberties. They are a weapon that is being used on us, wielded by far more competent foes. Those actual enemies of free people also aren't suitable for enslavement, because their competencies are far too dangerous.

Hitler actually arrested and jailed a Rothschild once, AFAIK the only time it's ever happened. He took over his bank, and let him go. That didn't work out very well for Hitler, nor the German people.

my comment was kind of a throwawy comment to hold onto the basic idea.

I fully agree that keeping leftists as slaves is infeasable (not to mention immoral!)

Some method of excluding them from public influence is the best way to go about it, but there are some problems even in that. An older look at the problem

We have to hope that we can elect more like Trump.

very few with that kind of fuckyou money...even fewer willing to be confrontational

Ivanka 2024.

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