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RE: Mitt Romney, the Symbol of the Uniparty at it's Filthiest Treason

No decent person with Republican views can get elected in a state like Massachusetts from what I have see in my lifetime here. I would argue that most go far beyond the regular RINO we think of into the realm of socialist plants because of how much damage they do to our livelihoods.

It's really sad but to be fair I still remember Scott Brown. He was the best we put forward in a generation but he was taken down fast and replaced with Elizabeth Warren, good note to keep in mind imo.

The one thing that sticks out from living through the time of Governor Mittens here in MA was hearing the notion of government control being a good and normal thing. Over and over I had to listen to people say "well, the state makes us buy car insurance, so why not let them tell us to buy health insurance? What's the difference?"

It felt like madness back then and a good amount of us moved to NH to escape from it but then, to my great dismay, the same damn ridiculous conversation was elevated to the national level and everyone was making that foolish talking point on the MSM shows!

We lost that debate here and went on to lose it federally in an epic fashion, not that I'm still bitter about it or anything,,,,.... Just saying that we need to fight another round against the people who say "The gubermint is screwing me already, why not let them take away more of my freedoms and resources?" before the Elizabeth Warren/Mittens gang gets any more power.


When I heard about how all the other NE states were jacking up the foolish racist minimum wage the other day I I seriously considered escaping to NH.

one basic problem is that people dont care until it bites them personally in the ass

then when it comes time to choose between offending their loud liberal neighbor and doing the right thing, they choose for normalcy, regardless of how steep the angle of failure that normalcy can carry in some situations

didn't brown vote for oblahblah care? I seem to remember being mega pissed at him

He did vote against the Obamacare bill but the that's when the Dems changed the rules to ram it through despite losing the Ted Kennedy seat. I'm still pissed off about myself now that I think about it lol.

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