Psychiatrists And The Horses They Ride In On

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Tin foil hat alert!!

Rant Alert!!

Today I'm going to tell you a little story about the mental health industry and their insatiable compulsion to ride in on their pharmaceutical horses, throw pills at me, and stick me with their needles.


First, when I was a teenager, I was brought in and they threw SSRIs at me, like Paxil, then Zoloft, because social anxiety kept me out of school. Then I took Prozac as a young adult because the former two didn't work. SSRIs block the re-uptake of serotonin. They take up to two months to work if at all, and are torturous to discontinue. SSRIs fenced in my emotions so I didn't feel happy or sad. I stopped crying, even at a good film, and I became robotic. I hated them and stopped taking them.

Fast forward to after giving birth to my child Sophie. Organized stalking and remote desktop hacking of my computers led to a nervous breakdown, and the psychs threw anti-psychotics at me. You know, meds for schizophrenia and bi-polar. First Risperidone, then more, then more, then more. Then they tried Invega, then more, then more. Then to the shot in the arm every month, and up the dosage. Why weren't these meds working??? Oh that's right! BECAUSE I'M NOT PSYCHOTIC OR SCHIZOPHRENIC!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN HALLUCINATIONS, AND HAVE NEVER HEARD VOICES. WHAT I SAW WAS REAL, AND ORGANIZED STALKING IS A REALITY! NO AMOUNT OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICATION HAS OR EVER WILL CONVINCE ME THAT WHAT HAPPENED WASN'T AND ISN'T AS BLATANTLY ABSOLUTE AS THE NOSE ON MY FACE! PLEASE CONSIDER THIS QUOTE:

Assistant FBI director Ted Gunderson said, according to the Dept. of Justice Stalking Report of 2013:

Based on my investigative work...I have come to the conclusion that
thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue
criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day in the U.S. This
conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private
enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations
require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This
program's operations are financed by illegal operations, i.e.,
narcotics, prostitution...
I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24
hours a day and 7 days a week, there is a Central Command...whose
administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and
harassment against anyone in the any time, day or night. I
have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal
government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of
Americans. This makes the FBI's former COINTELPRO program, which I
worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday
school program by comparison.


Ahem, now that you're truly convinced that I am indeed a crazy person, I will continue with my story...

I stopped going for my shot, and the nurse called me and told me it was very dangerous to do so, and my psychiatrist wanted me to try Abilify instead. I hated the way Abilify made me feel, so I discontinued it. Then they wanted me to try a "better, cleaner" shot called Aristada. It was alright, but nonetheless, a few months ago I stopped going in for the Aristada. Guess what - nothing bad happened! For two months!

My husband has been taking his antidepressants steadily for over a month now and guess what - nothing good happens!

Then, a few weeks ago, my dear psychiatrist did the old bait and switch with me. I complained how my ADD medication, Vyvanse, runs out in the afternoon because I get up so early to blog. He told me how important sleep was and introduced Vraylar to me. "It's a miracle drug. It will give you more energy, and help you sleep better!" He gave me tons of samples because it costs like $1300/month, and told me to give it a few weeks to start working.


He said "It will help with racing thoughts." I said, "I'm not bi-polar." He checked his clip-board because he actually forgot what he even diagnosed me with, and corrected himself, "Unspecified Mood Disorder...." I'm sorry, but what the hell does that even mean?? They can just throw "unspecified" out there like that when they can't find a diagnosis?? Then he asked, "Why did you stop taking the Aristada?" I answered, "The issue was postpartum." His reply, "Well, a lot of these issues start postpartum, but that's just when they are revealed." He just has an explanation for everything!!

So of course when I got home, I looked up Vraylar, and it's another anti-psychotic. Did I throw it out like a smart girl? No...and boy did this one throw me through the loop. For the first couple of weeks it made me super restless and irritable for the first part of the day, then I slept a lot, didn't feel like posting either. Now these last couple of days, I have barely slept at all. I took my ADD med yesterday morning and I haven't slept a wink last night - the ADD med usually lasts 8 hours, so I think it's the Vraylar building up in my system. I checked Vraylar reviews and see many people saying they can't sleep and are restless, many people say it's a cure-all, many people say they sleep constantly. Vraylar is all over the place! I kept trying to lie down and sleep, but my eyes kept popping open and I kept pacing around, not knowing what to do. I have more training at my new job today! I don't want to mess this up so I have to just push through.


Akathisia: A strong desire to keep moving...

I am so done with stupid anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers.

They don't even know how the meds work! It's all a guessing game!!

I'm not saying these medications don't ever help people, but these head-shrinks shouldn't just throw them out like candy in a parade to everyone, and the pharmaceutical industry comes out with new ones all the time! It's all societal engineering IMO. I keep going back to him for my ADD med and Ativan, which truly help me. Keeping it old school.

I have one more appointment, then he's retiring. I'll truly miss him, but maybe this new person will actually listen to me.

Taking off tinfoil hat.

Rant over.

Love, snowpea ❤



Hey snowpea!
I´m truly glad about your new job... you needed it like water in the desert! I hope your husband is doing better as well! About this article, I´m not one to tell you "I told you so", but the compulsion from the medical industry to stuff you as full of pills as they can is well known. I´m not saying they don´t help, they do help a lot in extreme cases, but since there is a constant financial incentive for them to prescribe as many pills as possible, you can´t trust their moderation anymore. It´s up to you to really understand what needs medication and what doesn´t, and even(sometimes) going against your psychiatrist wishes. In the future, as long as you exercise common sense and moderation while taking medications, you will be fine.
You even inspired me to write a short article about it! I´ll post the link here soon!

Yeah, about that job... I'll be posting about it either tonight or tomorrow morning. :/

I know I should've stood up to my psychiatrist this time around. You're right, big pharma is all a big racket. Looking forward to seeing your link! :)

Patience girl! It´s 2:27 am and I´m still studying! I´ll get it done tomorrow, promise!

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Just my thoughts on the subject...


Yes, wouldn't this be enlightening to know. I read that doctors in psychiatry receive more gifts from pharmaceutical companies than doctors in any other field.

Actually if you keep your eyes peeled while in a shrinks
office you'll see all kinds of gifts trinkets from various
pharmaceutical companies. It's really pretty sick.

I'm so sorry to hear about your issues and that they can't even tell you your diagnosis directly. He probably was an old school guy and wanted to make some money before his retirement by giving away all this expensive medication. I hope for you that the new person will be actually able to help you!

The part about giving out medication for an 'Unspecified Mood Disorder' just made me lose faith in the whole process

You are right! I don't know anybody who would be going to the psychiatrists here (or they simply don't say so) but I can't imagine this is a standard approach. I must say it is INHUMAN to give strong medication for the sake of just giving it.

In my experience, this is a very standard approach.

I'm very sorry to hear that! I'm slowly losing faith in humanity...

Not all of humanity, but the systems. People (including doctors/psychiatrist) get roped into a system they later might not agree with, but have to keep to in order to pay off astronomical school debt, keep their marriages and houses, etc. Insidious and slow is the way in which these systems move further away from individual choice--both those receiving care and the ones administering.
There's this system of goals and objectives that government, schools, police, hospitals all have to follow, built in as protections that later take all human judgment out of the equation. Think corporation as a person.

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I'm so sorry that they've messed you around like this so much. It's an awful road that I've watched my own mother go round and round on for years. With each new addition she just gets worse and worse. I truly hope you can find a solution that works for you.

PS nice to see you're posting again. Was wondering about how you've been as you've been so quiet.

Great to see you again @jusipassetti! Yes, I got quiet, and in part, what I describe in this post is why. It's awful that your mother has to be subjected to the medication merry-go-round as well. I can see how someone can decline after years of "treatment." Thank you, and I hope she finds a solution too. ❤

I have never trusted in all these prescriptions and diagnosis. Like with the food, they are desperate to poison us.

@practicalthought you are more wise than I am. I can definitely see your point about them wanting to poison us. They do it with all the junk in our food and in vaccines, so why not in psychiatry meds too. I feel like I have been poisoned by this particular one, and I hope I will return to normal soon.

That's crazy. Sounds like you need to put your for down and tell them to stop using you as a lab rat. You know what has worked for you. Medications work differently for different people and they should know that better than anyone. What works for one can send another over the edge.

After reading your rant I feel like ranting myself - how is it possible to pump people full of such drugs? That's so terrible...
Unspecified Mood Disorder is just bullshit, all of us have this disorder at some point - it's called being pissed off, having too many things to worry about, the general business of living... sometimes we're OK, sometimes we're not. You cannot cure that with drugs...
Since we're here, I don't believe in ADD, like I don't believe in ADHD - this conditions are made-up, just to push some more pills. Just as they drug kids to have them sit quiet in class, they're giving the same pills to adults so they can focus on work and be happy with that.
As you say the medication helps for now, I guess it's OK, but when things settle down you should consider giving up all these drugs.
Good luck with the new job!

Unspecified Mood Disorder is just bullshit, all of us have this disorder at some point

Those were my thoughts exactly! Who in this wide world wouldn't be diagnosed with this. Are there actually "normal" people out there who always deal with life in a perfect way? If so, I have never seen them.

Since we're here, I don't believe in ADD, like I don't believe in ADHD - this conditions are made-up, just to push some more pills. Just as they drug kids to have them sit quiet in class, they're giving the same pills to adults so they can focus on work and be happy with that.

I'll be honest with you, I don't like the idea of children being given ADHD meds either. We tried them for a short time with my daughter, but it all felt so wrong, and she didn't like them either, so we discontinued them. I take mine as an adult because I can focus better, and I have more confidence. It's a benefit to me, and I wouldn't want to give it up.

Sounds like you've been going through a lot. I've been slapped with non-responsive depression and unspecified mood disorder as well.
Not sure about this focused stalking, not saying I don't believe you, just wondering why they're doing it? Like a sick social experiment? Would like to hear more of your thoughts on the why.
I currently take nothing and feel the best just being very particular about what I eat, when I go to bed and reducing stress as much as possible. I don't currently work. Will probably eventually have to return, but mental health is good without it.

I've never met anyone else with the same diagnosis....this kind of labeling is probably much more common than I previously thought.

As far as organized stalking, other countries have attacked their own citizens in this nature, both in communist Russia and Nazi Germany. As is still the case with victims today here in the US and other countries, their tactics are meant to be a "soft kill" to political opponents, wistleblowers, and other people they deem to be enemies and undesirables. It signals a nation whose integrity has eroded. As group think expands, gangstalking victims experience surveillance, harassment and rejection from the community, even planned out hostility from strangers. Organized stalking destroys lives, some people who are subjected to this even commit suicide. I encourage you to research it further. As for me, I sometimes wonder what the exact reason was, but I believe I got on their radar due to online activism. Particularly because of my actions on Pinterest of all places, as I've been censored there.

And I agree, any kind of work environment in which I have to deal with co-workers or the public or anyone for that matter decreases my mental well-being 100 fold lol. Much healthier without it too.

Or, a diagnosis given when nothing else really fits.
Yes, I'll read more about the organized stalking--I've definitely experienced a couple of extremely difficult years. Interesting Pinterest was the tip-off.
Glad you don't have to deal with the working environs. Hoping I can find a way in which to avoid re-entry into the world of insanity I experienced at the type of work I had before. Not that I don't work hard at what I do and believe I do have valuable wisdom to share with others.
Keep on being who you are--uncensored and brilliant :)

You know, this reminds me of something we learned the hard way about Ativan while treating Ben's grandma: It tends in most people to simply strengthen resolve to do whatever you were already doing. For instance, Grandma didn't want to go to sleep so it would take away any reservations or different thoughts about insisting on staying awake all night. So giving her Ativan made her much more difficult to help because it intensified irrational impulses.

Now that's not something advertised on the label....:(

So giving her Ativan made her much more difficult to help because it intensified irrational impulses.

I wonder if this happens more frequently in elderly patients. My experience with this medication is kind of the opposite of what you describe, as it has more of a calming effect. Older people react to many medications differently than we do, and as you've pointed out, we don't always get the warning.

Not sure...I know the nurse we were working with at the time had a strange nickname for it, like the burglar drug or the crime drug - she said people were known to take it before committing crimes because it would settle jitters and make them more likely to carry through with the crime.

You're absolutely right, though - old people do react to medications so differently, especially if they're taking lots of other medications. You never know what's interacting with what!

Interesting...I guess it makes sense that the criminally minded would use it that way.

Bad guys think of ways to do everything...

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