What's behind YouTube's nefarious Dec. 24 Purge of Crypto-related Channels?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)


Image Source: Cointelegraph

A recent Cointelegraph article has pointed out that YouTube has orchestrated a coordinated attack on crypto-related news channels.

Interestingly, and similar to how the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress during Christmas time (signed into law on Dec. 23 1913 by President Wilson) which spawned the US Federal Reserve, it seems that possibly the same dark evil forces are at play again; and what better time to commit such actions than during Christmas when the masses are busy and a lot less likely to notice and push back?

Here is a good backgrounder about YouTube's crypto-purge by a channel called Altcoin Daily (assuming of course that this channel and video don't entirely get memory-holed).

In short, many important crypto-related channels have seen the bulk of their videos either deleted or blacklisted and the owners have received many "Community Guidelines" strikes from YouTube.

I'll offer a couple of my own personal thoughts as to what is behind this purge, but first I would like to bring to your attention another interesting video produced by this very same channel (Altcoin Daily) entitled BREAKING: 1.5 Trillion USD Cash Has Disappeared. WAKE UP PEOPLE! which is based on a related ZeroHedge article; you need only watch the first 4 minutes to get an idea.

In a nutshell, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (the one whose name appears on every single Federal Reserve note and how is the top dog responsible for the money supply in circulation) provides a very evasive answer to a simple question.

Perhaps the same kind of evasiveness would be rendered by such officials if ever asked about the $21 Trillion dollars that has also mysteriously gone missing from their coffers. (see Greg Hunter's most recent interview with Dr. Mark Skidmore from Michigan State University - the man who has investigated this disappearance of the huge supply of missing US dollars).

Analyst Rob Kirby has also been bringing out the issue of the $21 Trillion up in the past year or so - something the mainstream media dare not touch upon.

Apart from this astronomical amount of missing money, Kirby has also touched upon how the US (in complicity with their top banks) has been most likely covertly 'soaking up' (as he puts it) the void left from the non-sale of US Treasurys to other countries (i.e., other countries such as China et al. are no longer buying US debt). Hence within a debt-based monetary system, if you don't continue to issue more debt, the system will collapse. Thusly, the US shale oil & gas industry has been operating at a huge loss in the past several years just so they can create demand for US dollars. Of course, there's more shadiness and shenanigans in the background that we don't know the true extent of (e.g., the Repocalypse that has been occurring since September of this year).

Brief, there are huge liquidity issues with the banks coupled with a lot of doubt and uncertainty about the true money supply out there. Is it X US dollars or is it X x 100 US dollars?

Think about that for a minute. How would that affect the price of [the blockchain-verified limited supply] of Bitcoin for instance?

So, to get back to my own thoughts as to why YouTube is suppressing crypto-related content and content producers is twofold:

  1. They (YouTube) are instructed to do so by their own overlords (i.e., the Deep State & Banking Cabal) because they see the writing on the wall - the current monetary system is reaching its end. The Banking Cabal is not as prepared and ready to introduce a new digital monetary system like the Chinese are. Consequently, they are extremely worried that decentralized cryptocurrencies could threaten their looting model and put them out of business should the masses be informed about them.

  2. They want to keep control of the overall narrative dictated to them by the Deep State and Oligarchy by censoring anything that will expose truth. We've seen this with a greater purge of contents and channels from the Alternative Media. So if the formula of censorship has worked for them before, then why not continue in same fashion?

So, as with the recent Push for Climate Change [Hoax] 'Net Zero Economy' Looting in 2020 and beyond, lets keep an eye on YouTube in this regard (of crypto purging & censorship) going into 2020.

We also need to put our collective clout together and push back against this purge and form of censorship. Post your discontent on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets against YouTube, as they tend to at least back down a bit when there are enough of us to make some noise and attract attention to their nefariousness.

In Peace & Liberty,



I knew this was going to happen one day, and it did.

Never too late to push back. See my edited/appended comment at then that I just added now.

why waste hours of writing when this sentence resume it all :

Susan Diane Wojcicki was born on July 5, 1968 to Esther Wojcicki, an educator of Russian-Jewish descent

any other questions? and if it goes so bad we will move to weibo (with ghostnet protection will be burn them alive before they realize who we are). no other path than victory !

Good post man :)

IMO, you should check out my page sometime. I post similar high-quality content which nobody reads. (Although you got some huge upvotes this time, congrats!)

One thing you missed, but I think everybody except me did so you're off the hook, is the connection with Zionism.

The Zionists began control of the US monetary system on Dec 23 1913. And as you also mentioned, they began their purge of cryptocurrency from the mainstream on the anniversary of that date.

Coincidence? Maybe.

But what can't be coincidence:

Hanukkah falls sometime in November or December each year. It is the celebration of a Zionist triumph 1800 years ago over a group of Greek atheists, claiming their land for god and his chosen (themselves). Since 1900, Hanukkah has fallen on December 23rd only 4 times.

The latest was in 2019, and the first was in 1913.

The Creature from Jekyll Island was birthed on Hanukkah, the celebration of triumph over Zionist enemies and the plunder of their lands.

I can't find anyone else who has noticed that the crypto purge happened on Hanukkah, let alone that the Fed was born on Hanukkah, so I wrote about it here and here on Christmas Eve.

Super creepy connections.

Thank you @drutter! I am now following you, as I had a glance at your blog and like what I see (I will comments on some of your posts shortly).

I hadn't noticed Dec. 23 of this year also was Hanukkah. Though I haven't researched this particular religious observance enough to intelligently comment on it, I think it could still nonetheless have some significance on these aforementioned events. It is indeed somewhat of a coincidence that Hanukkah fell on Dec. 23 of 1913 as well as the same date this year.

I know that elites choose dates carefully for specific events. And the banking cabal (which I have written about extensively) is undoubtedly filled with Zionists. Pls note that I do not use that word nonchalantly, as there's a significant difference between real Jews and Zionists. Zionists and Zionism is about destruction. Those who are in control of Israel (and arguably significant institutions in the United States) are, unfortunately, of the more destructive kind.

Thanks again for weighing in on my little (seldom seen) corner. Much appreciated. And I look forward to future exchanges.

God Bless.

Thanks very much!
I tend to oversimplify my understanding of things, both for myself and for my readers, and in short I see Zionists as fundamentalist Jews. There are fundamentalists in all religions, and almost anything can be taken to 'extremes'. And yes, it's very focused on destruction and conflict rather than progress and peace.
Thanks for the links :)

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