Enough is enough: time for humanity to Boycott Israel to Free Palestine

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


After reading an excellent post by @emmafiala entitled Watch Abby Martin Reveal the Brutal Truth About Israel's Colonization and Abuse of Palestine I was reminded of a couple of things: First, how truly oppressed and vulnerable the people of Palestine really are at the hands of barbarous Israeli forces; and second, the excellent on-the-site reporting of independent American journalist Abby Martin (for which I will provide several links below to her outstanding videos on the subject).

Following the recent massacre by Israeli forces that killed over 59 Palestinians and injured nearly 3000 of them, @emmafiala’s article objectively and succinctly highlighted observations by very credible parties:


But let’s rewind a little with a bit of historical context that is necessary to better understand this conflict; so I will just briefly (just 1 minute of your attention please!) make a few points on the subject in the simplest of terms focusing more on ancient times and then from the 19th century, as I think this really is at the heart of the matter:

  • We start in the 17th century BC, where tribes of people called the Israelites lived in a region called Canaan (an area where we see current day Israel and Palestine).


  • According to the Hebrew Bible, the Patriarchs of the Israelites, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bring the belief in one God to the Promised Land where their people would settle. Let me add an etymological note on the name Israel: The term Israel comes from Hebrew yisra'el meaning "he that striveth with God" and is a symbolic proper name conferred on Jacob and extended to his descendants.
  • In the late 19th century, a nationalist movement called Zionism emerged which called for the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel which includes the Land of Canaan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and Palestine.
  • During the first World War there was a battalion of Zionist volunteers called the Jewish Legion under an infantry regiment of the British Army. Then British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent the infamous Balfour Declaration of 1917 to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, that stated that Britain intended for the creation of a Jewish homeland within Palestine.

Image source: Wikipedia

  • But, it was only after World War II in 1947 that Israel (as we know it today) became an independent country.

Before expanding on this Balfour Declaration, it is important to note and contextualize is what has occurred since 1947, namely: the gradual theft of Palestinian land from its people.

The key historical note of importance to retain from the historical bullet list above though, is the connection between the banking empire of the Rotshchilds with that of the newly established Jewish state. For more on this subject the following video (entitled Does Israel belongs to the Rothschild?) provides some interesting historical facts:

But perhaps the most noteworthy thing about the Balfour Declaration is in the letter itself and how it is firstly address to Lord Rothschild (not a head of state or aspiring one, I might add) and the term Zionist – something that is often labeled as “conspiracy theory” – is referred to, black on white, twice:

“Dear Lord Rothschild,”

“…declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations…”

“I should be grateful if you bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation”.


Image source: Wikipedia, emphasis (red underlining) added by the author of this article.

One should first ask: Why would such a declaration be crafted and signed by a British statesman (Arthur Balfour)? And what is meant exactly by Zionist Federation?

Next, Jewish Zionism as opposed to Judaism (which is followed by real Jews) are two entirely different things. Countless real Jews distance themselves from Zionists and rightfully so; you just don’t hear from them in the mainstream media. The people who currently run Israel at the moment – including its war criminal president Benjamin Netanyahu – are loyal to the former rather than the true faith of the latter.

Zionism is no less than a rape of the Jewish faith which, sadly, is illustrated by the brainwashed majority of Israeli citizens (you can watch a video substantiating this from reporter Abby Martin below). As such, their aspirations are more for the expansion of Israel with something known as The Greater Israel Project:


Image source: The Millenium Report – Trump Foreign Policy Completely Hijacked By Neocon Zionist Cabal

By examining the map above one can determine how perfectly it fits with that of the so called “Promised Land” – something that was merely referred to (yet remains completely unverifiable) from an ancient text known as the Hebrew bible.

The Zionists, backed by the mighty global banking cabal and spearheaded by rich and extremely powerful families such as the Rothschilds and supported by the might of the US Military (thanks in large part to the tremendous lobby effort and power Israel pushes on the US, its corporations, organizations, and people) have taken it upon themselves to remap the middle east to fulfill their plan.

This plan is often referred to as the Yinon Plan for which you can find the text of the plan itself in InformationClearingHouses’ The Zionist Plan for the Middle East translated and edited by Israel Shahak as well as many videos YouTube on the subject. But don’t take my word for it, take it from four star General Wesley Clark of the United States:

Now back to recent events.

To quote a recent AlJazeera article: “Palestinians are marking 70 years since the Nakba, or Catastrophe, the day on which the state of Israel was established on May 15, 1948.” The history behind the Nakba is a bit long and goes a few centuries, so I will spare you the history lesson.

The recent unabated and indiscriminate killings of Palestinians by Israeli military goons sadly reflect a never-ending cycle of violence, occupation, oppression, and murder. But actually a better term for the latter would be genocide (of the Palestinian people).

Perhaps no journalist has exposed the war crimes and immoral chasm that lies in the heartland of Israel than American reporter Abby Martin, most notably in her teleSUR series The Empire Files. Here are several videos she has produced based on her on-the-ground reporting in the holy land; they are definitely worth the watch.

A very gripping video in which Abby Martin offers some chilling testimony about the brutality of Israeli forces is Abby Martin Exposes Zionism & Israel on Joe Rogan Podcast (Strong Language) which can be viewed hereunder:

In this video, she certainly doesn’t sugar-coat the atrocious brutality and barbarism of Israeli forces towards the Palestinians, including their women and children.

Since the genocidal mass killings of Jews during WWII, Jewish people around the world have played the “victim card”. And, for the most part, rightfully so. But when they themselves (I am mostly singling out Zionist Jews here to be fair and accurate) are the oppressors and are the architects and engineers of genocide against a powerless and vulnerable people – the Palestinians – is not vastly hypocritical to do so?

Not only do they continuously play the “victim card” but have infiltrated and coerced so many institutions around the world, particularly in the United States (Congress and Hollywood but to name a few), to foment a widespread culture of propaganda to protect anything deemed Jewish or related to Israel. In terms of their effectiveness in this regard, tough, they have done a remarkable job, sadly speaking of course. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has written extensively on the power of the Israeli lobby. There’s also a good video interview entitled THE ISRAEL DECEPTION with author Ken Schortgen on SGTReport which delves into the tricks of the Zionists.

They take advantage of the brainwashed masses in their justification of occupation, violence, and murder. It never stops.

This cycle of death, destruction, and genocide is never ending.

Thus, the time has really come for citizens of the world to no longer be tolerant/indifferent/ignorant and to STAND UP and employ one of the easiest means at their disposal, namely:

To boycott all goods and services from Israel and those who have strong associations with them.

Here are a few links to help you learn more about which products and services to boycott:




Boycott is the only language Israel understand, let's speak their language. it worked back in the 1980's against South Africa and if can work against Israel.

Problem is, we gotta get this out there. And most people are too busy with their eyeballs glued to their dumbphones.

Fantastic article Dan....great work indeed!

Thank you so much for your kind words and re-steeming!

wow what a great article with a lot of important resources included. I will be including your link in my next post - if you don't mind? I will be highlighting music for the revolution and a rapper name Low Key who does a song called Long Live Palestine - I'd like to add this link in case anyone immediately interested in learning more about boycotting Israel

Of course I don't mind. Thanks for re-steeming! Following you now.

thanks! I'm following you as well :-D

What is going on in Israel is horrendous. Fake gassings occur in Syria via the MI6 White Helmets and Trump starts multiple bombing runs before the smoke even clears, but Israel does recreational target practice on Palestinian children and drops white phosphorus on them and no countries scream out for justice.. what ridiculous duplicitous BS it all is.

The level of hypocrisy and double-standards with Israel is mind-boggling. How they get away with this is literally murder!

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