Secrets, Lies, and the Need to Share Knowledge for Lie-Detection and Greater Understanding

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Have you ever watched a TV show or movie and there is an issue or problem either with someone or with something? Maybe it's a bad person that is lying and manipulating, or maybe it's a problem that needs to be solved.

In either case, other characters learn about something, but they keep it to themselves. Meanwhile, other people don't have access to this new piece of information. And this keeps going on per character. One person learn something about the person or problem here, and another person there, yet they aren't sharing the knowledge amongst each other. Everyone is keeping secrets, thinking it's what is best, but it isn't.


The bad character keeps manipulating people, telling lies, and getting away with it because people aren't connecting the dots because they aren't sharing the information with each other. They aren't telling each other what other people have said or did to see if everything lines up coherently, congruently, in alignment and non-contradiction. If they did, they would soon figure out that the manipulative evil character is lying to them and manipulating them because they would connect their pieces of information and find contradictions in what the liar was saying to each of them.

The same happens with a bad scenario, where there is a problem that needs to be dealt with. From sci, to thriller, to horror and drama fiction, there are people who learn about something that is going on, but they don't share the knowledge with others who are in the same boat.

How are they supposed to figure out a solution together if they don't even share the information they have to apply a proper solution? One person has A, B, C pieces of info. Another person has A, G, X. Another has G, H, I and another has X, Y, Z. Each person has 3 out of 26 (12%) of the pieces individually, working in isolation to try to make sense of a problem.

If they all shared their information, they would all have A, B, C, G, H, I, X, Y, Z information, that's 9 out of 26 or 355 of the pieces. Not only does each persons amount of knowledge and understanding grow individually, but now they are all on the same page and able to work on the problem from more-or-less the same level of understanding.


These scenarios in fictional TV shows or movies is a lesson to learn about real life and learning to understand more about the world we share.

There is a lot of information in the world. A lot of it is noise, garbage, fodder and useless distractions in terms of making sense of the bigger picture of understanding what is happening here. To develop a bigger and more accurate understanding of what's happening, we need to collect information and make links between them to see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. We need to assimilate and filter information for contradictions to help us discern truth from falsity.

A lie is so powerful. Anyone can lie, and even someone who says the truth as the opposite won't necessarily be believed. If a lie is said first, it's often more believed than the truth that comes later.

The Internet has opened up a world of potential for us to connect to and share information with others. This helps us all connect information bits and pieces together to create larger connections and greater understanding of what is happening in reality.


Truth is being amplified by the Internet and the connectivity in brings for all of us. Secrecy has been employed by the powerful for so long. Governments and their intelligence agencies have had a monopoly on knowing what is going on and keeping it from the rest of us. They have the knowledge that is kept hidden and secret from everyone else, giving them an upper-hand and power differential in reality. But the new technological age has revolutionized the paradigm and turned the power structure on it's head.

The new threat to the powerful are individuals who don't keep secrets but share and connect the information they all have. With this threat to the survival of the established power-dominance, we enter the "post-truth" and "fake news" hype that tries to discredit information that isn't part of the establishment's narrative and storyline.

They create lies, such as wars they engineer, like in Syria. They try to get people to accept an unreality as reality, to accept falsity and truth. So many blindly trust the news agencies and the governments that feed them the information they have about what is going locally and in the world at large. We're all being mocked as we buy into the lies they sell. It's a masterful manipulation through mainstream media like news, and even movies that purport to be historical are selling the establishment narrative to keep feeding a steady dose of unreality for people to consume.


The Internet is the last hope we have for freedom of information and the way for us to share and connect the pieces of how we are being lied to, deceived and manipulated in order to perpetuate large-scale wrong-doings against others. Share your knowledge. Let freedom reign by increasing the truth in your life and removing the falsity that allows the powerful manipulators to keep us living in an unreality. Liars and manipulators only keep getting away with their deceptions because people don't communicate and spread the knowledge about them. The Internet has changed the game for the global dominators.

I think the greatest time to be alive so far in human history, is now. We have a lot going for us to turn the tables and set things right. Are we going to be able to?

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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This is a little off topic...

What most people do not know is that their exists narcissists / psychopaths. Further, from movies, people think these are way over the top so evil its easy to see characters.

But, they are not.
They may even be your mother and my mother.

Narcissist lie, incessantly.
They will tell one group of people one thing, and another something else.
They will play the groups off of each other.
Bringing people into "co-conspiratorial" status.

They will even play their children off of each other.

Imagine destroying the happiness and well being over your child merely for your entertainment. This is not a sometimes happening, this is an always, always on, continuous until they die, happening.

People do not know about these creatures and their destructive ways. They, judging by their normal selves, would never ever think of playing people that much. That someone would gaslight another to the point of invoking insanity. Having such thoughts would be reprehensible to the normal.

Normal people think that there is usually two sides of the story. She said, he said. Yeah we get that. But, do you ever think that what you were told about someone else is a complete fabrication in order to get you to do something to them?

So it is when working on govern-cement projects. You think it is important to stay hush hush, because of the lie you were told makes it seem appropriate. Well, the other levels / departments were told a different lie. It is how narcissists operate.

My oh my @builderofcastles ....what you just said. No happy endings in that situation. Statistically, there are suppose to be 11% in the population but I think it is much higher. They completely lack empathy and their whole identity is based on a false facade they put out to the world - they depend on it.

Awareness of this is paramount to changing the ugly that is happening. The problem is that most people can't comprehend something so foreign to their being. It is very difficult to wrap your mind around someone being so deceptive or doing something so terrible.

I believe the number is lower than 11%.
However, these people are like errant alpha particles that go and cause a uranium atom to fission, and then to the next, and then the next.

In dating, one psychopath can destroy 10 men. Making them almost useless for dating.

And, our pyramidal structures attract them to the top positions. So, where ever the TV camera points, we see a disproportionate amount of them. They are what's entertaining. They are in all the spot lights. They are really in our face.

And we do not recognize them.

The 'covert' narcissists are the real dangerous types (more introverted). They are not necessarily in the spot light like the 'overt' narcissist. At least with the overt narcissist, you know what you're getting (they brag and pump themselves up) and they can have some capacity for empathy. Not with a covert narcissist - they target vulnerable people and take their rage out on them in secret - get pleasure from it (because it's a feeling they can feel). Both of these 'need' other people to validate them. And often these two personalities have additional psychopathies attached.

Psychopaths and sociopaths don't need other people, but all 3 of these types lack empathy which can make them dangerous because they also feel superior over others.

I would agree that a lot of these personalities occupy top positions of power.

I do recognize them, but it's taken me a very long time to understand and know that this behavior has a name and that they do not think and feel like everyone else. They truly don't.

And yes, they will destroy everyone around them and create a mountain of chaos.

The covert narcissists are indeed very dangerous when dating, or just a random in the workplace.
They do not have the drive to get to the top, or more specifically, they get nothing from being in the spotlight. But, the covert narcissist could be anywhere, and they will suck you in, then suck you dry.

After they are through with you, you will doubt your ability to tell which way is up.

I have 'two' in my family. I understand. Awareness.

Sorry you had this experience. What doesn't break us, makes us stronger and wiser ;)

they, judging by their normal selves, would never ever think of playing people that much.

Indeed, compartmentalization works well to keep people from talking to each others in governments, and narcissists, liars and manipulators need that isolation to keep people from communicating and figuring out the real truth about what is going on.

I was just writing about this from a totally different perspective. The truth from my perspective is that the indoctrination camps we are all sent to called schools have been used to create emotion think. This interferes with our ability to think Emotionally and Analytically. Mixing up the associated format s. People cannot get up the motivation to do something about the fraud because the data being used is not the correct data for Emotional Mind. Vice versa when speaking about Analytical Mind.

I provide what I think is the solution in my last three post. Language can be used to use the Neural Plasticity of the Mind to create the correct Neural Pathways for the associated memories to go through the correct processor getting the correct results.

There is to my mind no way what is going on would be put up with by anyone if they where thinking even close to right. All that being said you do have a part of the puzzle here. More communication is always better when solving problems whatever the nature of the problem is.

Nice Post.

Yes, clear thinking where we don't get swayed by personal emotional investment into what we currently accept or favor others, and seek truth above all else.

Really This A valuable lesson,
I'm interested in a sentence snippet:

One person has a piece of info A, B, C. Others have A, G, X. Others have G, H, I and so on...

That is, if everyone who has a snippet of info that, want to provide the correct info, all will be easy to get complete and correct information.
Unfortunately everyone has different characters, some are honest, some are lies, some are half honest half lies.

Sharing is caring when it comes to info. All it takes is a little falsity to poison the totality of something being true...

We are getting close to the point where we are a multi-continental, multi-cultural, multi-national community that is going to ask these questions:

Why is my government doing something?

Do I really need what my government is trying to do?

What is a government and do I need one?

Let me phrase this another way... We do need a government. But what is a government?

An institution that provides a set of services in exchange for tax money.

An institution that establishes law and protects the rights of the people.

However, this is probably not true.

They are more like giant businesses who are influenced and controlled by people with money. What most of the countries do is motivated by money, margain, gain, greed and corrupt backpocketing.

I sometimes think that I would like to see this institution run on blockchain technology. Like Steemit. So every transaction can be seen by anyone and defined. Information is open. Voting and flagging is done from people of all levels. Taken into account that not everyone has time to watch the government, a witness could be chosen to represent the people who choose the witness and they can review his decisions at any time.

That would open up information and create an economy where countries would be less interested in blowing shit up and more interested in building new and improved things.

Great article @krnel
But we must not trust the internet blindly. Yes a lot of information can be spread around now. This on a bigger platform and more important accessible to almost everyone.
But just like in the real media, every person on the internet has an opinion, believe and maybe even a false agenda. So, we still need to decide what information we should trust and which we have to categorize as false.
It is up to us, to find as much information as possible, when dealing with such kind of situation and to make our own conclusions!
Still great source of information and the biggest platform of freedom of speech!

Verify it to give it veracity ;)

Indeed we must collect as much info as possible and then we must draw our own conclusions!

it's hard to change bad habits into something positive, but we always have the possibility for all good things, because God always supports our good intentions.

In any case, other characters learn about something, but keep it to themselves. Meanwhile, other people do not have access to this new information. And this continues per character. One person learns something about the person or problem here, and another person there, however, does not share knowledge with each other. Everybody keeps secrets, thinking it's for the best, but it's not.

I believe that all this informative selfishness is a way of life that we adopted since childhood, the chip always giving priority to individualism and a unique way to grow by yourself, in my case for 14 years I work in a company where I manage a specialized software, the same company has condemned unique users for its management, breaking the protocol I have dedicated myself to transmit my knowledge to all my colleagues, At first, I was severely criticized, because everyone mistakenly thought that if everyone handled the tool I would be out of a job, after my great achievements with my team, my supervisor decided that we all knew all the procedures, that no information was secret, so far the results are excellent, sharing information united us and allowed us to defend ourselves in all fields, in the union is the strength.. happy night.
Excuse my English use translator

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