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RE: Secrets, Lies, and the Need to Share Knowledge for Lie-Detection and Greater Understanding

in #informationwar6 years ago

In any case, other characters learn about something, but keep it to themselves. Meanwhile, other people do not have access to this new information. And this continues per character. One person learns something about the person or problem here, and another person there, however, does not share knowledge with each other. Everybody keeps secrets, thinking it's for the best, but it's not.

I believe that all this informative selfishness is a way of life that we adopted since childhood, the chip always giving priority to individualism and a unique way to grow by yourself, in my case for 14 years I work in a company where I manage a specialized software, the same company has condemned unique users for its management, breaking the protocol I have dedicated myself to transmit my knowledge to all my colleagues, At first, I was severely criticized, because everyone mistakenly thought that if everyone handled the tool I would be out of a job, after my great achievements with my team, my supervisor decided that we all knew all the procedures, that no information was secret, so far the results are excellent, sharing information united us and allowed us to defend ourselves in all fields, in the union is the strength.. happy night.
Excuse my English use translator

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