An example of someone who supports censorship and opposes civil rights

in #informationwar6 years ago

So I have been getting a lot of downvotes from people on this topic but thus far they have been too cowardly to actually make any comments, well today I got one:

Let me start by saying I appreciate your comment, there are some people out there who are too cowardly to make a comment and when they get triggered they just drop as big a downvote as they can muster.

I think its pretty obvious at this point that the witch hunt against these kids has nothing to do with gun rights at all, and everything to do with mentally deranged monsters who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than barf hatred on humanity.

That sounds a lot like projection to me.

Apparently speaking out against violence is an awful thing according to these children's critics.

I haven't seen them speak out against violence at all, they speak out against basic civil rights. They are like Kim Davis, how do you feel about her?

Its truly an evil world we live in unfortunately, and there's always going to be people like Alex Jones who harass and spread lies about others, and of course he does so for a profit.

These kids harass others and spread lies so they can get twitter followers and calls from Demi Lavato. The reason they picked Alex Jones as an example is because that was the best one they could find, isn't that pathetic?

Its also the whole reason Google has been kicking a lot of these conspiracy theorists out of YouTube, they're brainwashing the platform's gullible audiences into believing hatred is somehow a good thing.

LOL, no the reason for anyone to silence their critics with censorship is because they don't have a good argument of their own, if you are right then why would you ever have to worry about silencing someone who was incorrect? People who are wrong should be allowed to demonstrate that. Here in America we have free speech because we believe in a free market of ideas that the best will prevail. So how long have you been a Twitter user?

The more sensational the headline on a youtube video, the more views and ultimately the more dollars it can earn. Its a sick game sociopaths who just want to turn humanity's ignorance into a money machine.

And how is that different from the Washington Post headlines?

Part of the problem isn't just those who harass and spread misinformation about others, but also the fact there's so many stupid people in this world who can't tell fact from fiction. People need to do more to educate their kids.

Indeed, these kids are evidence of that, sadly their parents abdicated that responsibility to a school teacher who brainwashed them with anti gun propaganda.

Those kids who're speaking out also aren't telling others what to believe, they just want to be heard.

That's not true at all, they want us to believe this is all their idea, that's a lie. They want us to believe that the policies they are calling for will have some effect on school shootings, that's a lie. They want us to believe that gun control is the answer to the question of why the police and FBI didn't do their jobs, that's a lie.

Yet, they're being dragged through the mud by conservative assholes who believe the only opinion that matters is their own. But people who live lives of self-entitlement don't know how to see outside of themselves, and they will always insist any opinion other than their own is somehow wrong.

"people who live lives of self-entitlement don't know how to see outside of themselves" like teenagers?

The argument from the critics is hardly justifiable either. They use the premise of politics as a means to try and justify their ignorance, hatred, and intolerance. "I'm a conservative, and so these kids are wrong", is a worthless argument.

Of course that is a worthless argument, because you just made it up, no one is actually using that argument, it's called a straw man. You made that argument up so you could knock it down and avoid dealing with any real arguments.

Its just as stupid as the liberals who swear guns should be outright banned altogether because they said so.

Indeed, I wrote about how stupid Stevens' comments were.

Either way, there's no denying America has a serious problem with gun related violence.

Actually it is pretty easy.

Given the fact these kids watched their friends get shot to death in cold blood makes it pretty obvious why they're speaking out, and its downright disgraceful that others will spread lies about them because they don't agree with them.

Hogg didn't see anyone get shot, why are you spreading lies about him?

I still have a bullet lodged in my leg today from when I got shot back when I was 15. My crime? I was walking home from the store. We bought ice cream, I got shot.

You were shot by someone with a legally owned gun? Or was it a criminal who had an illegal gun? Why were you unable to shoot back?

Here in St Louis where I live we have hundreds of murders every year at the hands of guns, its a 7 day a week occurrence here, it never stops.

"at the hands of guns"!! LOL guns don't have hands, do they? So let's use our brains, whose hands did the shooting there? Law abiding gun owners or criminal gang bangers with illegal guns? Criminals who make their money selling illegal contraband from other countries, right?

Anyone who denies America has a problem with guns and the violence related to them is way out of touch with reality.

Nope, anyone who is crying about it is out of touch with reality, studies show that people who favor more gun control believe so called "gun violence" is getting worse, you believe that right? When in fact the opposite is true.



Thanks for reading, please vote or resteem if you liked it and check out some of my other recent posts:

The Asshole Resteem - Killing them with kindness- path of the peaceful warrior- A Exclusive

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I am afraid that one cannot win this discussion with reason. The majority of people is already so dumbed down that they are easy prey for manipulation, specially if children are involved. Emotions are being used to shut down logic and independent critical thinking.
As in so many other pressing topics today, facts don't matter anymore. The result of 3 generations of fluoridation and social engineering.

that and several generations of tv and movie viewers who are conditioned to think that guns will be a plot element every single time one is shown.

" cannot win this discussion with reason."

One can't win a discussion with unreasonable people, so there's no point in trying. There are reasonable people out there who do consider things, and who will be swayed by reason and facts.

"The majority of people is already so dumbed down that they are easy prey for manipulation, specially if children are involved."

That's as may be, but doesn't affect whether we should just give up. We shouldn't. We should look to use that, if we can, for good, rather than letting it be used for evil. @funbobby51 makes a very good point when he talks about peoples' exposure to firearms.

TV has replaced actual society in many peoples lives. They live in a world populated by fictional characters, sophomoric scripts, and cross-dressing Kardashians. Their exposure to firearms, rather than at a campfire with friends and family while hunting as kids, is from murder porn on TV, and every firearm on TV is used to do evil.

They have been indoctrinated by decades of propaganda, flouridated, and brainwashed into thinking that being a thrall is a good thing.

That isn't genetic. It's what they're taught.

They prove thereby that they're teachable.

@funbobby51 is teaching them.

I'm good with that.

We should do more of it.

Yes of course. We owe it to ourselves to keep trying and do what we can. But if you observe how many gladly demonstrate for the removal of their rights, it get's overwhelming sometimes. Feels like driving on the freeway in the wrong direction...

I watched a video yesterday, the premise was that neo-liberals cannot accept that there are people among us who are insane and dangerous.

They can't accept that there are nut-jobs who can suddenly snap and go on a killing rampage.

And so, their brain goes looking for anything else, to avoid the painful truth...

Guns! Their brains lock onto the guns. Without guns, there would be no gun death.

Too bad they won't face reality. Too bad many more people have been murdered with machetes.

I don't think that is it at all. I think that they are mostly afraid of themselves. I think they think about shooting themselves or others and they think that if they had a gun that they would actually do it. Why else would anyone want to discard their right to buy a gun?
They feel that if they had a gun that they would do some gun violence because every time they have ever seen one, and they have seen thousand in movies TV and games, it is used as a plot element and will be used for some sort of violence by the end of the program. So they have been conditioned to associate guns with violence from childhood.

I think they think that they would suddenly snap if they had a gun.

Studies show that over 90% of people admit to having homicidal thoughts and that the other 10% is lying, those who oppose gun rights think that if they had a gun they would act on them.

But what we find is that almost no one suddenly snaps, mostly we find out that everyone knew the school shooter was crazy and going to shoot up the school well in advance but did nothing.

I suspect that's because Neo-Liberals are the crazy ones about to snap, desperately clinging to projection as a means of casting their demons into others, sailing as deeply into denial as possible, and therefore can't acknowledge there are crazy people, because deep down they'd have to admit it was them.

Indeed, stay tuned, turns out he is an internet censor! I am going to post our follow up exchange in a bit

Nailed it.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Highlighting Gun Violence Facts
Our Purpose

Excellent dissection. So much noise out there, like always, and so little substance behind the claims. It's funny really, seeing that the outwardly "most concerned" blatanly disregard their own rules forced on other people within their own behavior.

They are coming from an emotional and irrational place.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is what I keep thinking...

that applies here, although when you examine their intentions closely you see that they are not that good.

No that is my point. their intentions are good! Or at least that's what they tell themselves. Justification and rationalization are at the core of ego awareness and misinformation society, and so everyone acts on his best knowledge trying to "make the world" into something.
I seriously doubt that these people get up in the morning feeling evil and glad to do some damage today. It seems more likely to me that they have fallen for artificial narratives that say things like "Once we are gun free in America, nobody will have to die anymore". Or "If we don't use these GMO technologies then overpopulation will make us experience food shortages".

Both ideas are stupid, but lots of people believe it.
My comment was originally inspired by the story of the witch hunts, where the "sinners" and "heathens" were burned alive just to have that tiny chance that they may finally repent, and accept jesus into their heart on their last breath - to be saved from eternal damnation and go to heaven after all... ya see?^^ All out of compassion ;)

It always seems to work like that...

Some of them recently feel it is virtuous to push gun control because they think gun owners are all racist evil white men and they want to punish them.

Superb discussion. I hope he reads it.


I'll post his reply and mine this afternoon

it was an amazing turn of phrase, these people don't think things through, if they did then they would come to a different conclusion.

If you believe you are being downvoted because an individual does not like what you have to say, then call on @steemcleaners and file a complaint with them. If you are being downvoted because of payout disagreement then the down vote will stand, but if it is because of politics they will try to help. That is what they do.

But calling them out like this here is so much more fun. If he keeps it up though I will look into that.

If you turn it into a flag war, they won't help. Compare your SP and their SP, but yeah sometimes the fun is worth the risk.

for sure it is a calculated risk, his downvote is a dollar and he is already flagging all my posts so at this point I am going to call him out, I don't have the most followers but they are pretty awesome. I bet someone who is too cowardly to make a comment won't like all this attention.

Your post reminded me of something: Do you know what "kitsch" originally meant? Aesthetically, it was art that appealed to sentiment. Transformed to an ethic, it means motivated by sentiment.

In other words, "kitsch" meant "feelz."

Just to gloomen everyone's day, kitsch came into its own before World War 1. It was replaced by savage cynicism, which then gave way to plain brutality.

All art appeals to emotion. Kitsch is just overwhelmingly smarmy, smug, and cozy.

Some folks like it. Personally I prefer craftsman style or art deco.

All art gives feelz. Kitsch gives particularly sappy feels, like Hello Kitty. Translated into an ethic it'd be Kawaii. Post-modernism is brutality, IMHO.


sounds like memes

Would have added my vote to this as well but didn't see it until it was past the vote window. I'm glad friends from @informationwar and informationwar discord got the word out and countered the flags.

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