How to Have a Good Sleep 如何治失眠,睡个好觉

in #howto6 years ago (edited)

I took risk in posting this at this hour of the day. 我可是冒着险在这个时候还用电机po文。

Have you ever feel like you didn't sleep even after you have slept for many hours? It is a very dreadful feeling.


Oh my, I love my sleep and I miss it soooo much. When I was younger, sleep and I are best buddies. Especially when I was upset and stressed out, I would just sleep it out and I would be okay. Easy-peasy! Life was so straightforward back then!


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Insomnia is a word that is no longer strange to us nowadays. It simply means the inability to sleep or having sleep disorder such as frequent waking ups or bad sleep quality. It can be due to stress, the brain had extra stimulations before sleep, depression, side effects from medicine, the food consumed before sleep etc.

失眠对于现在的我们绝对不是一个陌生的字眼,就是无法入睡,或者睡了之后频频醒过来,导致睡眠素质变差。失眠的起因包括: 压力、大脑在睡前受到额外的刺激、忧郁症、药物的副作用、睡前所吃的食物等。

Insomnia is something I frequently have. Sometimes, it happens even when I'm over tired and really long to sleep. So, I always google up or save links on how to improve my sleep. I even practise breathing to sleep, Hahaha.


Here's what I have read about falling off to sleep or getting a good sleep, of some I do practise:
Switch off any screen from the gadgets one hour before sleep. 睡前一个小时不使用电子配件,如电话和电脑。

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Provide a good environment with dim lights and the right temperature. Have comfortable pillows too. 制造一个方便入睡的良好环境,将灯调暗,将房间调到适当的温度,并使用舒服的枕头。

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Practise the 4, 7, 8 breathing techniques. I learnt this technique from a link and can remember it quite well. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it doesn't. It is the inhale 4, hold 7, exhale 7 thumbrule, easier for me to remember. 练习4秒吸气,7秒憋气,8秒呼气的呼吸法。重复到入睡为止。我本身竟然会记得住这方法,有时对我有效。

Eat bananas. 吃香蕉。🍌

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Drink cherry juice. 喝樱桃汁。

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My most frequent practice - drink chamomile tea before sleep. I would inhale in the smell of the tea before drink too. 我最常使用的方法 - 喝甘菊茶, 并在饮用前,先闻闻其味道。

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Avoid caffeine and alcohol before sleep. I can't drink caffeine at any point of the day. The palpitations would just kick in and lasts very long, even if I drink in the morning. I know it's sad. It seriously would make me feel restless even till the night sleep. 避免在睡前饮用有咖啡因的饮品和酒精。我呢,是无论在早上喝咖啡或晚上喝,都会有心跳加速的迹象,严重得一整天都会让我觉得很心烦不安。因此,虽然曾经是我的挚爱,我得离咖啡和茶远远的。

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Stop looking at the clock and watching the hours tick by. It is even more stressful. Just close the eyes and ignore the clock. 若睡不着,别一直盯着时钟看,一直看着时间一分一秒的过,反而会加强压力,更难以入睡。反之,闭目养神。

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Take nuts such as walnuts and almonds, as they are said to be sources of magnesium, which regulates good sleep.

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Unwind. Listen to slower music or hum some relaxing songs. 听一些比较慢和舒服的音乐来调整要入睡的心情。

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Unload to God the daily burdens as we are humans who can only hold so much things on our shoulders and hearts. Spend some time with our self. 把我们每天的负担都卸给上帝,因为我们人啊,是有限的,能扛在心里和肩膀上的也是有限的。花点时间和自己独处。

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。~马太福音11章28节

Drip some eye drops to relieve the eyes. This works pretty well for me, sometimes. 滴上几滴眼药水,好让眼睛舒缓一下。有时,我就是在闭上眼睛的同时,渐渐入睡了。

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A good massage before sleep also helps. Usually if I toss and turn in bed for some time, I would ask my husband to help massage the tense shoulders, shoulder blades and waist. Then I can usually hit the sack after that! 按摩可以帮助松懈一些紧绷的肌肉,让我们过了忙碌急促的一整天后放松心情。每次我在床上挣扎入睡,我都得请老公帮忙,按捏肩膀,腰部等部位。 接着,好像每次都能安然入睡。

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Hug your loved ones and say goodnight. 拥抱身边的家人爱人,道晚安!

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Here's a song my son would request for me to sing, putting him to sleep. It is called the Goodnight Song :) 这是我平时会唱给小儿的催眠曲,我觉得歌词很有爱。

You may want to try out the list above to see which works for you. Whatever it is, I do wish you can have some good rest tonight. All the best to me too! I want my sleep! Goodnight!

你可以尝试以上所列的方法,看看能否帮助你入眠。不管是什么方法,我真心希望你能睡个好觉。也祝我自己如此吧,毕竟我真的很想念我的睡眠! 晚安啦!

References 参考资料:




Wow, @happycrazycon
Great tips, a lot of us need this for sure! Lots of Steemians always have a lot on their mind, post payouts, price of sbd and steem, price of other currencies in their portfolios, what to post, etc. This makes them stressed up and bothered, etc and so many of them/us now have insomnia. This article really comes in handy.
I'll try out those tips, I love me some nice sleep. Thanks.


Haha glad it was helpful for you. Hope one of them above can help you :) it is true that with steemit, my brain is working a lot of overtime Hahahahahaha. Even when I told it that it's already chill out time.

Love reading your post. Eventhough I don't have problem to sleep. I only need one "how to" that is "get the children to sleep" then i can sleep. because I havent learned how to sleep in a zoo or in Power Rangers land where both of them take turn between Red Ranger and Blue Ranger. The more Rangers scene, then I can't sleep coz superhero Hulk will emerge soon. hahahaha.

But I really love reading your write up. 😘

Haha that how-to is one that I still fail everyday. I use one hour to two hours to get Levi to sleep. Sometimes I doze off before he does and he wakes me up. Hmm then I can't sleep anymore. Need all these extra help to help me. So when you know the method, you also share with me ya. Many say make the room conducive and establish a routine for them. Hehe, so far yet to work on my side :P


哈哈,我也是很享受这个平台。 所以有时读下,写下,回复下,不知不觉已经是凌晨三、四点了!然后,我儿子一个晚上醒个五,六次,我就会后悔怎么又沉迷了,哈哈哈。 我的小矛盾。。。

香蕉好像是在任何时候吃都有效,因为它激发大脑释放让我们想睡的荷尔蒙。 我儿子也是看了YouTube,才向我点歌,哈哈哈。 谢谢你的评论,@elizacheng :)


我最迟关机设在1点。 有时关了还得花上一个小时才睡得着,所以得用这些“旁门左道”的方法 。哈哈哈 !可能大脑过度活跃,不停想东想西的。


我得向你好好学习,又能顾家,又能有自己的时间 @elizacheng :)


Upvoted 100%. Good writing and great effort.

@happycrazycon, 我对你的文采敬仰之情犹如滔滔江水!


yesterday only able to fall asleep after 1am. Too much to do in too little time. As usual, posting upvoting and replying before sleep. haha so addicted to the articles shared here.

Yeah I feel you too. Sometimes I try to post earlier if I can. So I can off screen earlier before sleeping time. If not I will have to battle through the night as my son still wakes up 5-6 times a night. However, my effort usually fails. Still sleeping at 2-3am because I got hooked up reading. Oops!

Wow good research! I shall try one of those when i need it next time. As for now, most of the times i sleep straight way when im too tired. But occasionally will insomnia cause brain is actively thinking something. Hope u had a good sleep last night! :)

Yeah thanks @michelleloh168. Last night was not too bad, haha. I used to have no problem sleeping in my younger days but it all changed after pregnancy haha. The brain needs to be told to go into hibernation mode, but it has a hard time being disciplined. Hehe

Wow, thanks for sharing this informative post, definitely useful for me right now! 😂 nowadays I'd wake up in the morning and I already feel like napping lol

Yeah bless you too @alimamasstory. It is hard to sleep in the last trimester. Try and see if any of these can help you sleep better :)

Informative!! Keep em going!!

Haha yeah this is for me to practise whenever I can't sleep.

BIG FAN of chamomile tea HEREEEEE! :D
Thank you for a super detailed blog post here, @happycrazycon! Thoroughly enjoyed reading them xx

Haha you can be my buddy!!! I have become a chamomile person too :) Good to hear you enjoyed it!

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