Rapidly Grow your Reputation|Learn how a Plankton grew to a Dolphin in Just 8 Months! |Newbies Guide 101

in #howto6 years ago (edited)

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This is one of the most important aspects of My Steemit account that I want to increase rapidly!Not SP,Not SBD,just a plain reputation score for now- Why? Read on..

*This particular topic has been on my mind for quite sometime now. I have been contantly wondering on how to quickly grow my reputation mainly because I have noticed the more reputation one has, the more serious people tend to take you. People associate high reputation score with quality content.

I won't lie to you, I also do at times consider people's reputation before I can curate, most of the time I have to constantly remind myself that there's more to what people have to offer even if their reputation is not at per with with their supposedly quality content. It wouldn't even come as a surprise learning that some people don't read content written by low reputation accounts.
So in Order to get give my posts a higher chance of being read and noticed, I will commit to building up my reputation as fast as possible for the next few weeks or so..

Like many other people on this platform, I am NOT of the sentiments that one's reputation is a direct representation of their quality content. On the contrary, I have come across people with over 70 reputation and very poor content. From Imaging, to poorly written content, to poor referencing and so on..

Which brings me to today's tutorial guide,seeing that I would like to build my Rep to atleast 70 by November, I tool it upon myself to dig deep to understand how this concept works. Being a newbie, I would like to share my findings with fellow newbies so as to help them save on time as well as grow their accounts on a much faster rate than I have.

Like always, I like to start from the basics, I don't like to assume everyone that comes across my posts are familiar with what I am talking about.

Steemit's Reputation

In a nutshell, steemit uses reputation score to show how much value a user is adding to the platform.

It is also a mechanism that is designed to help reduce abuse of the Steemit platform.

So... How Do I Plan to Achieve my Reputation Target?


Well, this is not new information to most people. If you are a keen person then you have probably noticed that your reputation tends to increase as the number of upvotes you receive increases. I remember a few weeks ago my reputation shot from 43 to 46 when I received a $21 upvote from @yoo1900 for one of my Steemit tutorial guides.

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What's my goal here? To be active enough in quality content creation that attracts the attention of the likes of @yoo1900 who are gracious enough to support and curate minnows and planktons like myself. If I am lucky enough to find afew of these, it would only be a matter of weeks and not months to achieve my goal.


I can't emphasize enough on how important it is to make quality comments on posts you are passionate about and truly enjoy. I am speaking from my own personal experience really. When I began I was very reluctant to make comments as I deemed it time consuming, and most times, you hardly get any reply, especially if your reputation score is low. For me, even at 47 reputation, I still consider it low, though not as low as when I was in the 30's, those were really tough days.

It's come to my realization how powerful comments can be, sometimes you meet really great people out here are you converse. I couldn't count with my bare hands how many amazing people I have met this way.

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Talking of comments, just yesterday I got a $6 comment upvote for my effort from the controversial @haejin. *See, effort pays.

In as much as we want to make comments, have some fun while at it. You can only do so when you are commenting on content you truly enjoy. I can't tell you how many times I get carried away when commenting on photography or travel blogs, or foooooooooooodddddd!!!! The excitement in you can never be contained when you are doing it from the heart. And believe me, people can always tell if you mean what you say or not. It has to do with your intonation and your tone of writing.

Quality Content

This topic has probably been covered 1000's of times by now. It's really an agree to disagree kind of topic. What is Quality Content really?
This instantly brings @maxwell95 to mind, he is a huge meme/dmania fan, as I'm I. He recently shared this meme which I'm pretty sure most will agree to disagree.

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Quality Vs Quantity...What's your take?

Here's my honest opinion,
Personally I feel quality varies from one person to another. For those of us who appreciate humor, we would argue this meme is well worth it. Infact,quality. It certainly wouldn't appear as such to others.

For me I feel quality has alot to do with your audience. If our audience appreciates what you have to offer and they are constantly coming back for more, then I would deem that as quality content in that context. It's important to respect other people's input in as much as we don't agree on their concept. Dmania & Steepshot comes to mind at this juncture.

Building Relationships..

This may not come out as obvious as it should to most of us.
One of the best advice I have received on how to do this was from @rosatravels. In her own words she said;

  • If you want to be successful on Steemit, you need to help out in communities.
  • You become more popular because you join communities to give them help and whatever expertise skills you can give them. In the beginning, it takes a lot of time to let people to get to know you. Once your credibility is built, they appreciate your help and reward you. Read Steemit posts and find communities that you want to join. Be passionate and just keep giving.

I couldn't have put it any better! Sure enough, it has worked greatly for her. You can read about her Journey from Plankton to Dolphin in just 8 Months Here! How incredible is that?
FYI she has never invested a dime from her own pocket, it's just hard work, consistency, quality content & relationships she's built along the way, this is as per what she shared in our brief conversation.
More grease to your elbow @Rosatravels!

With that in mind, my next goal is to find a community to surround myself with. Thankfully, I have a mentor ( @energyaddict22 ) ,who is pretty hands on and is constantly guiding on the way forward.

If you would like to join me on this journey, to rapidly increase your reputation, then feel free to follow my guidelines. I will probably making some highlights along the way, sometimes this platform can be very surprising so should I achieve this sooner than later, I wouldn't be surprised :)

Thank you for reading!

With Love,


My Last Week's Highlights



You got a 24.82% Upvote and Resteem from @ebargains, as well as upvotes from our curation trail followers!

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We are also a very profitable curation trail leader on https://steemauto.com/. Follow @ebargains today and earn more on curation rewards!

Great post, I am currently building up my reputation as well. @bashadow led here along with your comment on my post. The group that I got invited to my first day was @ifc by @apolymask, and it has been my kind of home base as far as steemit goes. Another reason to be careful about low content commenting is the bandwidth you use when you do that. I try to be careful when I make my post and comments.
I used to do magazine buzz articles (300-500 words), so a lot of my post on here run like that, and it works for me. :) Almost got my first 100 followers, even if half of them are bots or nonactive :D
I guess we will have to see where we both are in the next 8 months, I wish you luck!

Haha. Where do I even begin?
Indeed you are quite the wordsmith, I am enjoyimg your content so far. Really looking forward to proper networking once I settle down.

I am still looking for a place to settle down community wise, I will take my time to scrutinize and get comfortable as I move along. I did work for a local magazine sometime last year as well actually, I was the head editor :) I got bored and opted out, I am naturally not a routine person really.

As for the followers, lol, well, it just is what it is. I think my first milestone will be 3000 :), double my IG followers sounds more like it.


I'll be seeing more of you around :)

great read! i am building back my reputation too. i clicked onto a phishing site and ended up getting flagged and downvoted from 51 to 0. its only my 2nd month so i still have a long way to go to 8 months!

Aaawww. Thats rather unfortunate. I am so sorry to hear that. It's not impossible to build up. You will emerge victorious in the end.

Thank you for taking time to read my content. I highly appreciate.


nothing is impossible! its only a matter of grinding out quality posts everyday or spending money to get it back faster. btw, can i ask how did you get the +301 steem?

Part of it is delegated by one of my mentors @dynamicrypto.

If you are fortuante enough to meet people who are as kind and gracious as he is, then dont feel shy to ask for help. He has been such a blessing in disguise in so many ways.

Thank you @dynamicrypto for all that you do for me and hundreds of others.

Hello @ryanng - - If you are still trying to recover a very nice person I know @simplymike got hit by one of those sites also, she has a very good tutorial on how to recover, hopefully this link can still help you out,(posted in full so you can see where it goes) https://steemit.com/contest/@simplymike/20sbd-contest-protect-people-from-the-ongoing-phishing-scam . She has a few other post to help also, and combined them all into a small D-Book. - https://www.dbooks.org/#/book/steemit-phishing-how-to-recover-your-account-and-reputation-score-1/6 -this one does take you off of steemit, however I have been there and did not see anything fishy with the site.

hey @bashadow, thanks for this! i found a post something similar to this a few days ago when my reputation dropped to 0. The unfortunate thing for me was that one of the posts that had my spam comment was deleted and steemcleaners couldn't remove that flag/downvote.

That is unfortunate. I can try to help a little bit, with a vote. My full up vote will likely only raise your reb back up by .004, but it's a start on the road to recovery. I will try to remember tomorrow morning and drop another full up vote on you also.

i really appreciate that alot! thanks!

This is so kind of you dear,thank you for looking out for others. It just goes to show the kind of person that you are. Truly such a noble did.

Bad stuff happens sometimes to people, he/she likely lost a little trust in people over that, so now maybe he/she has a little trust rebuilt up about people, not all people are greedy thieves. When you get to that magic number I know you will be out there helping not hurting people.

Spoken like a warrior.

Thank you dear,

I believe its your first time stopping by. Looking forward to many more & vice versa :)

Catch you on the discord xo :)

People need to read this. Thanks for sharing your experience !

Such a great motivator! I hope it can reach as many people as possible. Thank you for stopping by @ibrah87 .

Good luck on collecting the SP there @elsiekjay, it is a hard road to travel, but I am sure you will make it. I know like me, you like helping the smaller accounts out, however if you want to grow that fast you will need to look at accounts that have more vote SP. Small account upvotes are not going to help you much. I know this for a fact as I primarily vote and receive votes from small new user accounts. (about 300 votes a week).

I looked at you Steemworld page - - https://steemworld.org/@elsiekjay - - and see that you primarily still vote at 100%, You really should look at using one of the early vote sliders, such as the one on steemworld, or use busy.org, (I know nothing really about busy.org. Steemworld.org manual slider is not to difficult to use and I do have a couple of older post on how to use it.

I only mention this because your vote value is at $0.050, so you could slide down to a 40% vote and still hand out a two cent vote, this will extend your vote reach to a lot of people, and still make your vote visible on higher SP people's blogs/comments.

Once again good luck on the drive up to 5,000 SP.

... I have factored all this in actually..
I am an avid user of busy.org I chose to do my upvotes at 100% this last few days on purpose but I will be scaling down once my VP replenishes.

My vote value has gone from 0.15 to 0.05 this week as a result undelegation, basically my time went up.

If you read @rosatravels journey to becoming a dolphin,you will certainly understand that its not nearly impossible. There's so many ways to navigate this platform really. I am just fortunate to have a people who are truly selfless with their advice like yourself, you make it so much easier to plan and execute. I take every little bit of info shared to heart , It counts on the long run.

Thank you for honestly giving your advice and for even taking time to go through my steemworld account. You are amazing! @bashadow @bashadow

Yes, I went and looked at her post, it is a road to travel, and we begin each road with that first step. long the way, you may get another delegation from someone to help you out. Once again good luck, and most important, enjoy yourself and have fun.

Hi elsiekjay !!!! You are such a cutie pie.., thanks for sharing this contents with us....its a great information for increase my reputation in steemit..
There is a lot of things learn from you.....
Keep posting like this..
Love you 😍😍

Thank you for the support beautiful. Looking forward to growing togther on this amazing platform, continue doing amazing things like you do too.

Lotsa love right back at you.


@elesiekjay. I love what am seeing here. That means we can work together to educate newbies on the way to grow here in steemit. Your points are succinct. We can chat up HERE

Sure @uyobong, it is everyone's responsibility to see to it that this platform thrives.
Thank you for stopping. I hope ill remember to contact tomorrow.

Hi @elsiekjay you are one big steemit enthusiast! and yes I mean it. I commented on @energyaddict22 's post yesterday and I questioned at what stage do one become a Dolphin as that is my immediate target and he recommended I should check out your blog for the Dolphin topic.
So here I am on your blog and I have went through a couple of your posts and they kept me glued... I watched your Dtube video on the #payitforward and you mentioned a link up of any Kenyan we might know, I do know one though and she is @jeanwandimi(54) that's if you don't know her already. She's got some quality content going on there.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the Dolphin Reputation I find it helpful. You seem a very keen person to follow so you've got my follow so I can get to see more from you.
Great stuff you are up to, keep them coming !
Regards from Johannesburg, South Africa.

Wow. Where to start at Joe??

I am so honored by your kind and genuine words. It really means a lot. It's appreciation like yours that keeps me motivated to keep going. And you're right, I am passionate about this platform. I had previously before I discovered steemit been blogging on wordpress for fun. My only wish was I came over earlier than I did. However, they say better late than never :)

Thank you for taking you your precious time to go through my blog and for suggesting @jeanwandimi, I have joined a small Kenyan discord which she is a part of. So I am looking forward to connecting with more Kenyans :)

Lastly, I am glad I could be of help and so much grateful to @energyaddict22 for always looking out for me. I hope I can continue to produce content that will make you keep coming back up for more.

I'll be sure to check what you have going on. Honored to be acquainted.

Awesome @elsiekjay... Yeah looks like we have similar story about steemit lol. I signed up my steemit account in September 2017 and I was inactive because I didn't understand how it works, I was actually defeated by the hashtag then. And I was using capital letters and all that.
I then tried again in February this year and I got it and ever since I need a doctor to cure me of my addiction to steemit... Oh I don't really need a doctor, steemit is where I hangout now.
Otherwise, the past three months have been awesome!
Nice to know you have connected with @jeanwandimi I get the same feeling when I meet fellow South Africans.
Have a good one...

Catch me on discord @elsiekjay#4996 for more conversation :)
Looking forward to knowing you some more.

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