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RE: Rapidly Grow your Reputation|Learn how a Plankton grew to a Dolphin in Just 8 Months! |Newbies Guide 101

in #howto6 years ago

Hi @elsiekjay you are one big steemit enthusiast! and yes I mean it. I commented on @energyaddict22 's post yesterday and I questioned at what stage do one become a Dolphin as that is my immediate target and he recommended I should check out your blog for the Dolphin topic.
So here I am on your blog and I have went through a couple of your posts and they kept me glued... I watched your Dtube video on the #payitforward and you mentioned a link up of any Kenyan we might know, I do know one though and she is @jeanwandimi(54) that's if you don't know her already. She's got some quality content going on there.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the Dolphin Reputation I find it helpful. You seem a very keen person to follow so you've got my follow so I can get to see more from you.
Great stuff you are up to, keep them coming !
Regards from Johannesburg, South Africa.


Wow. Where to start at Joe??

I am so honored by your kind and genuine words. It really means a lot. It's appreciation like yours that keeps me motivated to keep going. And you're right, I am passionate about this platform. I had previously before I discovered steemit been blogging on wordpress for fun. My only wish was I came over earlier than I did. However, they say better late than never :)

Thank you for taking you your precious time to go through my blog and for suggesting @jeanwandimi, I have joined a small Kenyan discord which she is a part of. So I am looking forward to connecting with more Kenyans :)

Lastly, I am glad I could be of help and so much grateful to @energyaddict22 for always looking out for me. I hope I can continue to produce content that will make you keep coming back up for more.

I'll be sure to check what you have going on. Honored to be acquainted.

Awesome @elsiekjay... Yeah looks like we have similar story about steemit lol. I signed up my steemit account in September 2017 and I was inactive because I didn't understand how it works, I was actually defeated by the hashtag then. And I was using capital letters and all that.
I then tried again in February this year and I got it and ever since I need a doctor to cure me of my addiction to steemit... Oh I don't really need a doctor, steemit is where I hangout now.
Otherwise, the past three months have been awesome!
Nice to know you have connected with @jeanwandimi I get the same feeling when I meet fellow South Africans.
Have a good one...

Catch me on discord @elsiekjay#4996 for more conversation :)
Looking forward to knowing you some more.

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