Plastic Free/Zero Waste Challenge - Day Two

This morning I woke with a heavy layer of coconut oil still weighing down my hair… I had to use my plastic bottled shampoo to try to strip it out during my shower! At least I used bar soap (cardboard packaging) for my body!

We’re off to a rough start once again!

After my shower, I used the same products from yesterday’s ritual to get ready for the day. Did I forget to mention that toothpaste is in plastic? This week I’m brushing with baking soda (cardboard box)!

Breakfast time! I had a tasty banana, some juicy watermelon, and a fresh clementine (no, it did not look as pretty as the picture above)! If you’re looking for healthy, tasty, and most likely to not be packaged in plastic, fruit should automatically be your go-to food!

Time to work! I reviewed yesterday’s article to see potential areas of improvement before writing some articles for Steemit, including my “Homesteading Bucket List” and “BarryTheBee - The Adventures of the Traveling Steemit Bumblebee - Promoting Pollinators!” I also contemplated my answer to the EcoTrain QOTW which I will be posting tomorrow (stay tuned)!

Lunch time! I had a quick salad and then decided to make myself a hearty meal after such a light breakfast. So here is my steak&cheese sandwich! The meat is venison from a deer my father hunted last year at Wild Rose Acres (packaged in paper and frozen). Unfortunately, it’s hard to find cheese and bread without plastic… so the spicy pepperjack and wheat toast made me slip up! Next time I’ll find bread from our local bakery that packs their loaves in paper! Anyone know of cheese not packed in plastic? Let me know!

It’s mimosa time! Pop! Champagne from a glass bottle is A-Okay but the orange juice from a plastic bottle was not. Fresh oranges hand squeezed on a glass juicer would do the trick!

Dinner consisted of yellow zucchini, fresh tomatoes, onion, minced garlic, lemon, and salmon! The only thing that came in plastic was the salmon but I recognize I am lucky enough to live on a pond so I can fish from now on! It may not be salmon, but it’ll be as fresh as possible!

The bonus of using a fresh lemon was that I collected the seeds for my scrap garden!

What’s going on tonight? I’m thinking a movie with popcorn… and I have popcorn seeds from @papa-pepper so next season I’ll be able to grow my own!

Not too bad today but hopefully tomorrow will be even better!

Unexpected difficulties: condiments

Unexpected bonuses: learning resourcefulness

First photo from Pexels and used under the CC0 license. Photography by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation.

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If you are up for it you could bake your bread. If you get the cheese from an actual cheese store they can plump it right down into a container you bring. At least we can do that here.
How awesome is it to be able to catch your own fish!
How much time do you think you would have to invest to keep up this lifestyle? at least initially?

If you have any cheesemakers nearby you could maybe buy a whole wheel or a truckle. They would likely not be wrapped in plastic.

I've found one with a cheese store and museum in WI - but I can't tell from the picture how their cheese is wrapped :

Would make a good post if you pay them a visit. (Sorry I have no idea of distances in WI - might be way too far away).

That is such a great idea, albeit a lot of money to pay up front.

The smaller truckles shouldn't be so bad. And they should last well for hard cheese. Depends how much cheese you eat...

A good cheese is hard to say no to 😊

Hmm... definitely more time than it takes to maintain my current lifestyle but I think that as I get more used to it and surround myself with alternatives that are easy to reach for, it'll take less time and effort! We will see since I plan on continuing to strive towards this lifestyle!

Interesting to follow, every new way needs getting used to...

This is wonderful and inspiring and am so bothered at my plastic use. I am now going to do something about it thanks for the reminder and great example.

Some cheeses are packed in wax. I don't know if there are any available in your area, but it's a thought.

I have actually bought wax wrapped cheese before but as I peeled back the wax, there was a thin layer of plastic between the cheese and the wax! I have yet to find a wax covered cheese that doesn't include plastic as well! I'll keep a sharper eye out though! I'm in Wisconsin so cheese is life here haha!

I feel like I also need to see a @kiaraantonoviche cooking / recipes series now just based on those pictures ;)

I actually have that series haha! It's my “What’s for Lunch?” Healthy Recipe Series! Most recipes are vegetarian or vegan but there is a variety :)

Bahaha oops. I blame my new-ness to Steemit ;)

great stuff! it sounds to me like once you have gotten rid of most of your existing plastics and waste and you start buying new things without that, things will get a lot easier! Right now maybe you are still dealing with the old ways that are now being cleared out!

keep it up! great self challenge!

That's how I feel! Once the existing plastic is out of my house, it should be (key word SHOULD) a bit easier to avoid it in general! Thank you!

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