Carrots, Swede’s Seeds Going In & Pepper and Broadbean Update - The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats

in #homesteadingonline6 years ago (edited)

We’ve had a good few days of decent sunshine in North Wales, so like many of us I got out in the Garden.

My weekend started with checking on the Broadbeans, they had got bit battered,bit had grew an extra stem each, so I chopped back each broken one so I am now left with 2 shorter plants.


Next I moved onto checking my Peppers, the Alberto Rotoco Pepper is doing really well and so is the Orange Bell. There is also one other popping up too!


The hard part starts here, riddling 150 litres of compost for my Carrots! This was hard going but essential for growing straight carrots.


There under there soon to come through hopefully.


As usual I have done a mix of Purple and Orange Carrots using the Heirloom seeds. These carrots have always done well for me = D


The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats

#1 2018 Garden Plan and Overview
#2 Broadbeans and Peppers - My Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkinsandcats
#3 All Hail The First Germinated Seed of 2018 - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats
#4 Broadbeans are go! - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats
#5 Alberto Locoto Rocoto Pepper Germination & Garden Update
#6 Planting Broadbeans Outside and Planter Preperation - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats
#7 Peppers Attempt 2 - The Container Garden With Pumpkins and Cats
#8 Pepper Seed Sprouting! The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats
#9 Carrots, Swede’s Seeds Going In & Pepper and Broadbean Update - The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats
2017 Garden Review

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I was able to be outside all day yesterday Got both greenhouses up, cleaned and ready to go. This week I will be moving things outside.

I'm anxious to see your Dragon Purple carrots!!! Have you grown those before?

Yeah i've grown these before. They do really well and a tasty carrot.

On my 2017 post in my footer you'll see them.

I like how you are posting your progress with your entire garden, awesome!

Thank You! I am trying to include as much as I can!

I am starting to really "dig" your gardening posts. Get it... I was finally able to get out yesterday and replant a tulip for my wife. I did some tooling around my own garden as well. My parents have a raised garden where they use frosting buckets to grow their stuff at waist level. I am going to steal one and cut the bottom out so I can give my plants more room for the roots to grow. I discovered the other day that about a foot below the surface of my garden is a solid layer of large rocks!

Haha like the joke!

Awww how lovely, my Mum loves tulips too.

Good for drainage those extra big rocks for sure! I also heard of this by cutting out the bottom for extra depth.

Theres another type called no dig gardening where you pile up lines of soil/compost.

Yes, I have seen that before too. I don't have the square footage for that though!

I am glad to hear someone else is also growing their won plants. I also grow peppers, I have planted six different varieties this year.

Oh brilliant! How have they come on? My first batch were a disaster more luck second time around.

They are still very young, but they are growing really well. I transplanted them yesterday in their individual pots :)

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