What Does Homesteading Mean to You? Here's Why It Shouldn't Matter :)

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

Homesteaders are becoming a very large group, not just here on Steemit, but overall and especially on all social media. There are many reasons for it and yes, nostalgia and the value we place on living a self sustaining lifestyle are a big part of it. Or yes, because it's SEXY. I think we all agree that no matter how far you have taken your choice to be more eco-friendly and self sustaining it is for the betterment of everyone.


This is why I get really frustrated when people are chastised for tagging themselves as a homesteader by those who think they are just "playing" or using the title for self glorification. First off, who are you to judge? Secondly, isn't any level of homesteading better for all involved than none at all? Shouldn't we be happy that people are trying at least? Look, we all have to start somewhere, so lets encourage everyone.

In this encouragement we can provide the needed lift that beginners need to keep pushing forward. We know it's not always easy, much harder than a lot of social media would lead you to believe actually. So for the benefit of the earth as a whole, I'm happy to call anyone a homesteader who has the desire to be looked upon as a homesteader.
If you wonder where this pseudo-rant is coming from, well it's a few places actually. First, I saw all the hubub from the Pure living for life couple received when they had a mention about people "playing" at homesteading. But, that wasn't what got me, because I've followed them for a long time. They actually moved to their property and lived in a shed while starting their home at the exact same time we did the same. So, I've followed them a long time and feel like I know them a bit. I don't believe there was any intent to give ill-will toward any homesteader. It was a comment in passing and frustration over those that wanted to constantly tell them that they weren't real homesteaders. This is the group, that drives me crazy.


I've even seen it here on Steemit. It's ridiculous to be judgemental and all high and mighty towards someone because you don't think that they are the same level of "homesteading" you are. Please, disagree with me so we can discuss it civilly below! Unless you received your land from the government and are the first Americans to utilize it and tame it from the wild, then I'm sorry, you don't fit the definition of a true homesteader either.

But, homesteading isn't a term to be defined precisely is it? In our case it's more of a movement. A following of people who want to get closer to nature and be more like our ancestors used to live when they provided for themselves. Should it matter to anyone that you may be on level 99 and they are level 1? It shouldn't if you are smart, because you both have the same goals and heart to make your health and the environment better. Any attention to these goals should be considered better for everyone.


Don't think this is a rant toward specific folks here on Steemit, I've seen it everywhere. In my own little town we have gotten quite famous for having an eclectic mix of old time farmers and "hippies". Let me tell you, it's fun trying to fit right into the middle of these two groups. My family has been here for hundreds of years, but we just moved here a year ago and feel a connection with both groups. But it can be weird because we can at times get looked down on from both groups. We are either just playing at farming or just playing at being lovers of the earth. Not really a full fledged member of either group. It's no problem, we know how to respond and how to deal with it, I just can't understand where they are coming from. I mean, I worked in computers for over 25 years, but I'd never look at a guy who just started and say "holy crap why are you buying that software, your a computer guy, just make your own!" We all have to start somewhere.


I believe one of the main keys to life is to constantly work on self improvement. This takes many forms as we can improve our finances, our health, our relationships, etc, etc. In fact, straight from Wikipedia, here are all the things that we could be working on as part of our personal development:

So, that's a lot of stuff to be working on right? I doubt any of us has all of that completely handled. So, let's just work to meet people where they are and encourage them in their efforts to be better. Better for themselves, better for the earth and better for all of us!

Thanks for allowing me to rant a bit. I feel better :)



This is an awesome post, and this in particular is very encouraging because I'm that person at level 1:

Should it matter to anyone that you may be on level 99 and they are level 1? It shouldn't if you are smart, because you both have the same goals and heart to make your health and the environment better. Any attention to these goals should be considered better for everyone.

It's so easy to read articles by the pros here, and feel like one of those people just playing at homesteading in comparison. But it's the attitude that matters more than the expertise and you're right, we all have to start somewhere :) Plus I should mention that I love the homesteaders group here because I haven't felt any judgment from anyone! Thank you for reminding me not to judge myself!

You get my sentiments perfectly.
The people in homesteading here are the best for sure. It is more of a community. It gets brutal on other social media platforms. Thank you.

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Thank you very much!

Agreed with the assessment that no one gets to tell you whether you're a homesteader or not. Grow where you're planted and ignore the static!

Pssst.... you've been tagged

Agreed. Oh, and thanks for the reminder. I got busy and mean to come back to it and almost forgot.

Cool beans! Life does have a habit of getting us off on tangents.

ROFL! Well, that's a good chunk of it....

This was lovely said, and I completely agree! People love to judge others, but they forget they, too, were noobs once! It's better to uplift everyone who wants to join the movement. (:

I agree completely. Thanks for dropping by!

Could not agree more. Homesteaders come in all shapes and sizes. Great post and great reminder of what we all should be striving for.

Thanks Brother!

right on. this is an important topic. we're all reaching towards sustaining ourselves on the land and in relation with the land. gotta share that knowledge no matter what you call it. #homesteading seems to be the tag. i know a lot of people who wouldn't call themselves homesteaders who produce so much of their own needs... a rose by any other name... ;)

Definitely. I just hate seeing people get hung up on the name and then discouraging people who want to do better. As I said, I feel better now :) Thanks

I understand your frustration and share it. But don't mind me for giggling in the corner. I just can't help myself :)

That's because I see it not just here, but most everywhere. The long rider motorcycle community is legendary for minimizing new comers. And that is what it amounts to, some folks just don't want their 'hard earned' position of respect shared. It's funny, and that's why I'm giggling. :)

You know what I discovered? You end up with way more respect points if you respect others, no matter their 'level'. The helpers and the facilitators will rise to the top of the heap every time.

Thanks for the rant. It's a sure sign your movement is growing.

Thanks for that and you are right, you see it everywhere in all sorts of groups. To me it was just especially weird for the homesteading movement who are supposed to be all about health and protecting the environment, etc. I think Steemit is good and driving those negatives away though as you don't see it much here.
Funny you mentioned the motorcylcle riding groups. I can' remember having a Yamaha Road Stary 1600 when apparently it should have been a Harley. I heard it all day long on that ride for charity, comments about me needing a Harley.

I hear it some, too. Not too much. Turns out Harley Davidsons are really good at turning gasoline into noise without all the pesky horsepower :) There is a whole world of riders out there, and only a small number are on HDs.

I saw all the goings on with PLFL, quite a few videos on YouTube about it and some posts here too. Like you said "homesteader" is what you want it to be in your life. No one can really define if you are a homesteader or not, it is what you define it as. So what if you are playing homesteader, that is great, you might learn something from the experience.

Exactly, and we all just want to improve and have to start somewhere. Thank you for that.

This is true of so many different "communities"! Like you said, most lifestyle changes take time so everyone has to start somewhere. Not everyone can afford to just jump all in--and in the homesteading world especially you can't just pull a fully mature garden out of thin air. ;)

I'm glad the community on Steemit is so welcoming for the homestead arena. I've found much the same in my niches, though they can be quite elitist in other arenas, as well. Thank you for the reminder for all of us to be welcoming and supportive no matter where we are in our own journey!

Yes, I agree. The homesteaders here on Steemit are very welcoming, I've found some other groups I'm interested in that I wont mention that are not so friendly and open.

What I do in NZ isn't called homesteading at all, it's called a lifestyle block, and I'm really only just discovering what Americans mean by it. I live on my piece of land, I live solely from this piece of land. My income is derived from this piece of land. My animals are my source of income so they come first. I grow as much as possible to be as self sufficient as I can. I grow my own meat. But I don't do all of what "homesteaders" do. I find it extremely interesting learning all of the things that can be done and I hope to be accepted and learn more :)

There is definitely no limit to what you can learn and do. Some folks are able to make virtually every thing they use.
I'm certain you will be accepted. If not there's no hope for me 🙂.

I know right - I had never thought of making my own detergents etc but wow if you can then why not lol. I think you've already been accepted lol

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