Survival Food Series #8 : Eat the Weed(s), Flowers and Roots! What You Can Eat From Your Own Backyard!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Malanga # 8 genus - xanthosoma This beauty is such a magnificent green color, dies back a bit in winter but the foliage comes boldly back in spring. My grouping of malanga grows in my small garden in the back yard which was placed away from the chickens.

This picture is showing the new roots that are coming up for the expansion of the plant from the original Corm (root ball).

Just like the yuca and taro, it makes a great substitute for potatoes but remember to boil all three of these root vegetables or cook thoroughly to release any toxic cyanide as they might be harmful if eaten raw.

Credit: Westchester Magazine, as I did not want to dig mine up!
Saving for a rainy day, so to speak!

Nutrition like all tubers, rhizomes, and corms is very good, especially if you are in the need of that stick to ribs feeling that carbohydrates give.

Malanga outperforms the potato in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Magnesium is very important and often overlooked, especially in the female diet. Magnesium is what is needed for strong bones and the prevention of Anemia. Other great sources of magnesium include: kefir, hemp seeds and figs.

So now we have another great filling carbohydrate that you can forage and not worry about where your next meal is coming from!
Images all original from @organicprepper unless otherwise stated exclusively for Steemit.

Love and Peace,

Other articles in this series if you would like to catch up! #1

Disclaimer: As with all edibles, you want to collect away from roadsides that might be covered in heavy metals or other contaminates. This is not intended to be medical or expert advice. Readers of this article and harvesters of all plants takes full responsibility for use of any plant and should use appropriate precautions in identification of any plant before ingesting.


Hello - thanks for the interesting post -where are you actually based?? (quite useful information to include in any post about plants btw), various species of Xanthosoma occurs here in Rio de Janeiro State Brazil in abundance, is known commonly as taioba and is eaten traditionally, the tuber and the leaves (although not in all species). But I presume you're in the US? Which is pretty interesting to know that you have it there. Are you guys growing it on purpose as an ornamental? Or is it a variety that is native/naturalised to the States?

By the way, I am tagging you in the foragingscavengerhunt1 steemitgame being run by @haphazard-hstead of the @foraging-trail (#FSH1-11).

Thank you so much, I am new and need all of the help with steeemit I can get. We live in Florida, U.S and am soon to be an expat to Ecuador. Ours we actually planted from corm from grocery store so not sure of answer to some of your questions. We planted it as a specimen and it did great. We do have many varieties of what most people here would consider "elephant ears". Our idea was to plant things that in a crisis others would overlook. we have 2 acres at our home and 20 a few miles away with cattle. You made my day by giving me another way to post and by reading this one! I have so much information in my brain to write about, just not enough time yet to get it out there. My husband and I have an organic cooperative as well I will be posting about. We have been homesteading for probably 14 years. Many stories to draw from....Thank you so much!
Love and Peace,

Now that is very interesting! You planted it because you thought in a crisis other people would overlook it?? Ha! And also you got it from the grocery store? Is it common to find it for sale or was it a sort of specialty ethnic shop with lots of weird stuff that no-one knows what it is? (errrr, sorry to people who run ethnic food stores but that's kinda how it is!)

Pretty cool that you are heading to Ecuador! I'm sure it'll be amazing. I look forward to hearing more about all of your experience with homesteading and alternative food networks.

Steem on - peace out

PS: re steemit, just post about things you enjoy - or read posts that are interesting and leaves comments and start chats (I mostly do this last cos I don't have much time at the moment for writing blogs). Well that's what I think anyway.

Very interesting!)

Glad you liked it!

Excelente artículo. En Venezuela es fácil cultivar este tipo de plantas :)

This is very interesting ...can not wait for the rest!

coming up soon!
Thank you very much for following!
Love and Peace,

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English version below

Je ne connaissais pas cette plante. Dans quel zone vit-elle? J'habite dans la zone de rusticité 4 et je me demande si c'est une plante que je pourrais cultiver ici comme vivace? Merci pour ce partage!

I did not know this plant. In which zone does it live? I live in the hardiness zone 4 and I wonder if this is a plant that I could grow here as a perennial? Thank you for sharing!

Hello Nature.sauvage,
Just did a search and this site mentions the zones and states it has been reported in. I have a long response on where I found this corm etc. below.
Wish I could be more helpful ...on many of my series i state where it grows....sorry I forgot on this one. You could grow this one indoors as a house plant possibly or a porch with sun. Thank you so much for reading and the inquiry!
Love and Peace

Thank you very much for your time! Very helpful!! Don't need to be sorry!
This plant could not survive Québec's winter but it is true that I will be able to cultivate it inside in winter and outside in summer !!! :-)

This post has received a 1.53 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @joearnold.

Thank you! I think I will start my holistic corner next, starting with cancer cures. You have been so supportive thank you!

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